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July 8, 1925 – Plans are announced for the extension of Roosevelt Road by way of a viaduct across the Illinois Central Railroad tracks on the south end of Grant Park. South Parks Commission president Edward J. Kelly says that the viaduct will require the razing of a portion of the Illinois Central Railroad station that sits on the east side of the planned viaduct. It is expected contracts for the $1,500,000 project will be ready for bids by the beginning of 1926. Part of the cost will be borne by bus and trolley companies if their tracks use the viaduct. The viaduct provided entry to the museum campus which had previously not existed. Clearly, the tracks ended up a part of the project. A far different place these days as can be seen by the contrast between the 1930's photo and the view looking east today.

July 8, 1965 –Mayor Richard J. Daley leads the opening ceremonies for the new 10.5-acre park at the filtration plant north of Navy Pier. The mayor has just activated the five fountains in the park by pushing a button when seven kids, ranging in age from seven to ten years, barge into the ceremony and engage Daley in conversation. “Mr. Mayor,” one little girl begins, “Why did you turn on that fountain?” [Chicago Tribune, July 9, 1965] “Well,” Daley answers, “it’s just like I was telling these fine people in the crowd here. We want to show everybody in the country that Chicago is going to be the best city there is. That’s why we want to keep doing things that we think are important to the growth of our city.” Today the park is called Milton Lee Olive Park in honor of Milton L. Olive, III, a Chicago native who became the first African-American to receive the Medal of Honor during his service in Vietnam. On October 22, 1965 Olive sacrificed himself by smothering a grenade with his body, saving the lives of three other soldiers. The park was designed by Dan Kiley, who among other commissions, was the principal designer of the Chicago Botanic Garden, the South Garden of the Art Institute of Chicago, the Gateway Arch National Park in St. Louis, Lincoln Center in New York City, and the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The park consists of five circular fountains of various circumferences, representing the five great lakes. The fountains no longer work … the pipes that supply them have failed, and replacing them has a low priority. To walk down the park’s central tree-lined pathway, though, is to find one of the great vantage points from which to view the city north of Grand Avenue. The above photo shows the Fifth Army band performing at the dedication ceremony.

July 8, 1950 – The Chicago Daily Tribune reports on four apartment building projects taking place on the lakefront, buildings projected to house 1,126 families. The largest of the buildings is being constructed on the site of the former Potter Palmer mansion at 1350 Lake Shore Drive. The $8,663,000 building will hold 740 apartments with only 192 of that number being built as efficiency apartments. Rents are expected to begin at just over $40.00 a month. Two floors of concrete a week are being poured, and completion of the towers is expected by April 1, 1951. In the 860 Lake Shore Drive building the steel has been erected up to the twelfth floor. Herbert S. Greenwald, the developer of the building, says that unit prices will range from $13,500 to $27,000. At 1350 Astor a 51-unit building is rising toward its ultimate 15-story height with unit prices between $14,900 and $27,000. Within the month a 16-story cooperative building on the same street where it meets Banks Street is expected to be completed with apartments projected to start at $18,200. The nine-room penthouse in the building has already sold for $65,000. 860 and 880 North Lake Shore Drive rise in the photo above.

July 8, 1858 – The police report in the Chicago Press and Tribune begins, “The docket at the Police Court was unusually light yesterday, whisky drinking having measurably subsided after the Glorious Fourth.” Still, there was enough to keep the typesetters busy. The following incidents are noted:
Timothy Conley, a drayman, got drunk and managed to run into every vehicle he met. He also succeeded in inducing somebody to knock a hole in his head. As he attributed all his misfortunes to the whisky he drank in honor of Independence Day, he was let off with a fine of $3.
George Dow was fined $3 for getting drunk and using insulting language to a woman.
James Jenkins, alias J. W. Hanneman, was brought up for getting beastly drunk. The prisoner gave the following account of himself and his conduct: He states that for a year past he has been lecturing about the country as a reformed drunkard, and that on the Fourth he met a friend and drank a glass of lemonade, which he now suspects had a chip in it; that some how or other he continued to imbibe lemonade with larger chips in them, until he got on a regular bender, and was found dead drunk in the streets . . . He started on his spree with $40, and had $15 left when arrested. He was released on condition that he behaves better in the future.
Michael Connor, a drunken vagrant, was found sleeping on the sidewalk on the corner of Clark and Monroe streets. He says he came from New York two days ago, and has no money or work. He was fined $2 and sent to Bridewell to work it out.
E. Patrick Cagan was arrested upon complaint of one Ryan, who charged that Cagan had knocked him down. As Ryan had hid to avoid giving testimony, Cagan was released.
Thomas Ready, brought up for being drunk, was not ready for trial, and his case was continued.
Jeremiah Nolan was fined $3 for a simple drunk.
Cornelius Casey went to visit his friend, James Dooley, when the latter got very drunk and made so much disturbance in the house that the police arrested them both. Dooley was fined $5, and Casey was released.
Pa Swanzie was drunk and driving a buggy recklessly through the streets, and running against other vehicles. He managed to capsize a buggy in which a lady and gentleman were riding, and was fined $5 for his misconduct.
The above photo shows Clark Street as it looked at the time Michael Connor was found sleeping on the sidewalk at Monroe Street.