Showing posts with label serving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serving. Show all posts

Friday, March 19, 2010

Opening and Closing

God has such a great sense of humor.

On Tuesday the senior leadership in our Bible Study treated the rest of us to a day of being spoiled. No manicures or pedicures, but breakfast before our leadership session and a lovely luncheon afterwards. After the luncheon we divided into small groups and discussed having a Mary heart in a Martha world. (If you're unfamiliar with this, these were two sisters who were friends of Jesus. Mary's desire was to sit at His feet and learn from Him. Martha's was to make sure she had the hospitality elements under control. Unfortunately, she made the error of mentioning her annoyance with her sister to Jesus. He was not sympathetic to her need to have matching towels and home-made smell good soaps that color coordinated with the towels)

I was still musing over what God was calling me to do to help these people in our church. In our small group time I was frustrated and I expressed it as, "how do you know whether God is calling you to do something or whether it's your own great idea or whether you're just getting sucked in?"  The ladies had helpful comments but I still was not satisfied.

When I got home that afternoon I talked to the lady I'm trying to help and asked how the day was going. She said she was feeling 'accomplished'. This was NOT what I had expected to hear!  I was very encouraged. We confirmed that I would go with her to the doctor's office on Thursday to see what was up. On Wednesday morning she left me a  message saying she'd heard from the doctor that the appointment would be that day, that she knew my Wednesdays were very busy, and that she'd go by herself and be fine.

Okay. So...perhaps God just wanted me to say, "yes, Lord, here I am.  Send me."

I feel like I need one of those signs that says "under construction. God isn't done with me yet." I still need to call her tomorrow to see what's next, but isn't it amazing how God is showing me I am NOT indispensible after all?  It reminds me of the scene in Camelot when Guinevere says to Lancelot, "OOO-MI-LI-TY, or isn't that fashionable in France this year?"