Showing posts with label Rmans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rmans. Show all posts

Monday, April 5, 2010

Amazing Easter Gift!

I forgot to mention that the friends who I'm trying to help (which has taken up a lot of my blog time), came to church yesterday to celebrate Easter!

The gentleman has been losing his sight due to extreme photosensitivity. He believes it was caused by a drug reaction.  Rather than moving as if he is blind and adjusting to that, any light is excruciating so he can only really function well in complete darkness -- which after a lifetime of sight is a real challenge. As you can imagine, the need for darkness is very isolating. But yesterday, they wrapped his eyes well, put on a dark hat, and they came to church.  I was happy to see that many, many people in the congregation spent time talking with him, holding his hand, and expressing how much they've missed seeing him at church. This, of course, blessed his wife as well.

Our current project over there is that a friend and I have cobbled together a computer with printer for her.  She is an artist with paint and words. The computer is so she can get her poetry into an easily  reproduced format. She's not interested in on-line access at this point, needing to learn the most basic ways to move around the computer.  Soon though, I can see her using the public library wi-fi to sell her paintings on Etsy!

I'll ask her when I'm over there this evening if I can take some photos of her work to show you!  Blessings upon all of you and thank you so much for your prayers for my family yesterday. God is faithful ALL THE TIME!