Showing posts with label Flashback Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flashback Friday. Show all posts

Friday, March 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

Linda, at Mocha with Linda, hosts Flashback Friday. This week the theme is Easter.

What was Easter like when you were little? For example, did you receive a basket with toys and candy? Was the Easter Bunny part of your family's celebration? Did your family integrate both secular and spiritual aspects of the day? Did you dye Easter eggs. . . .and did your family eat them afterwards? Did you usually get a new outfit? (Post a picture if you have one!) Does any Easter stand out particularly? You might also share how your Easter today is similar or different to your childhood.

Easter was a big deal when we were little.  My 'fancy' grandmother always sent matching outfits for my older sister and me. 

We received baskets with candy and toys.

We always dyed eggs and were always dismayed that they looked nothing like the packaging!

We went to church where my mom usually sang in the choir.

We often went to my grandparents' house in Arkansas.  I don't remember this but my mom tells the story that when I was about 3 or 4 they pulled up to my grandparents' house and as they rolled into the driveway a rabbit took off across the driveway and yard. I screamed, bouncing up and down, yelling, "there goes the Easter bunny! There goes the Easter bunny!"

So yeah, I guess we did the Easter bunny thing too.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Kid on the Block

Linda at Mocha with Linda is starting a brand new meme today!  Flashback Friday will ask a specific question about "back then" and you can answer on your own blog and then link to hers. Be sure to visit the other players! Here we go!  Thanks, Linda!

How and when did you learn to drive? Do you have any particular memories associated with getting your driver license? How old were you when you got your first car and what was it? Who paid for it?

I lived in Virginia when I became eligible to drive, but did not have a permit. My mom had a brand new yellow Camaro that we all loved. It was her first EVER new car. Every so often, she would let me drive, with her in the passenger seat, down a very slow street. Then my dad retired from the military and decided we were moving to Texas. That interrupted the progression of driver's ed for me since I was between 10th and 11th grade. I don't remember how I ended up getting my license in Texas, but I did, and I've been driving ever since.

My first car was when I was a junior in college. My mom got it for me. It was a Dodge Maverick. I was grateful, but I still had my eye on that (now no longer brand new) yellow Camaro! The Maverick lasted long enough until I was able to purchase my first vehicle that was my own, a Toyota Pick-up Truck.  It was bright red and we named it "Flash." I held onto it until I graduated from law school and left for Germany for to be an Air Force JAG.