Showing posts with label Daffodils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daffodils. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Daffodils cheer me.  When I was growing up, no matter where we lived, those cheerful bright yellow faces and bonnets were a sure sign spring was on its way.

Last fall I ordered some bulbs through my son's school.  They were "mixed daffodils."  My dear friend who is really good at gardening (she spends 15 minutes twice a day spraying all her garden with stinky anti-deer spray) helped me plant them. She told me they were a good choice because deer don't eat them.

HOWEVER, she warned that squirrels would dig up the bulbs if I didn't keep the area covered with dried chili peppers.  I was so faithful last fall and it has paid off!  Here are some of the happy flowers in my yard.