Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Howling Distress

Not me, the dog that lives behind me. There are two dogs who, over the years they've lived there, have spent most of their lives outside. It is a big yard, but it is a yard. And they're out there all.the.time. Normally, they bark at anything that moves. In the summer when we have the windows open it gets really annoying. But people have talked to the owner and he just blows them off. (He's a really big scary-biker looking kind of guy).

Now one of the dogs has started howling. It is so pitiful. I am sitting in my office on the far side of the house. The windows are all closed (it's cold outside) and I can still hear it. Last night we had our home group meeting here and they could all hear it.

Now, because the owner is a big scary-biker looking kind of guy and police reports are public information and because I'm here alone at the house a lot, I feel somewhat intimidated about reporting this.

It makes me sad for the dogs that their human cares so little about their welfare. I mean really, why have the dogs if you're just going to leave them out back all day and into the night?

Anyone with ideas? LEGAL ideas? I need some help on this one!