The painting she posted, September Morn, by Paul Chabas is exquisite. I had never heard of this artist, so I did a little Googling -- not much on him! I'll be on the hunt for more of his work now. Thank you!
And the video, ahhhh Neil Diamond. What a voice. In keeping with your theme of September, you highlighted that song. But it made me start thinking about his version of The Jazz Singer and the fabulous music it had in it. That made me start thinking about the scene where he sings the blessing for Yom Kippur. Of course, I had to find it on Youtube. I am not Jewish, but hearing these voices raised in praise to God strikes a chord deep in my soul.
Then I looked for "Coming to America" from the same movie and found that some people parodied it after September 11, 2001 and it became very unpopular because of that. All I can say is that if we let terrorists and small-minded people dictate our choice of music, they win. I refuse to let them have the date September 11, 2001 and I refuse to let them dictate my listening choices.
Let's Roll.