Showing posts with label Udvar Hazy Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Udvar Hazy Center. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Wild Blue Yonder?

These are the photos I meant to post yesterday with this title.  They are from the Udvar-Hazy Center, the annex for the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum on the Mall in Washington, DC.  Udvar-Hazy is near Dulles airport (about 10 minutes from my house).  Admission is free, but parking is $15.  If you're stuck at Dulles with a long time frame, take the shuttle for .50 cents each way to visit this museum. It's well worth it.

First, the SR-71.  Featured in the new Transformers movie.  They filmed here.

Next, the P-47 dressed for the D-Day Invasion.
My son tells me the markings were large and bright to avoid
friendly fire incidences.

An FW-190
The Nazis' fighter, scourge of the Russians.

For some reason, I don't retain the detail my son does about all these planes.  Two hours in here and he's a happy camper for two days.  Of course, he did try to hit me up for money for a snack.  Usually he tries to get money for the simulators as well.  The answer was: NO.

Mean mom.

By the way, there was a cache nearby. ha ha