Today is Wednesday. That means after getting the kids to school I go to my Community Bible Study class. Except that we had snow last night, and a 2 hour delay today, which means our class is canceled.
Which leaves me confused. Should I do laundry, go to the gym, sit around and read? What should I do with this time? I guess I could get really motivated and do something radical like get out the sewing machine. I have an idea for my dining room I want to pursue. But then I need to go purchase some fabric, and by the time I get back, it will be almost time for them to come home.
So...I guess I'll spend some time on the first lesson for next week, prayer, and then to the gym. Not the most exciting agenda, but it beats cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry hands down.
Oh -- this morning I saw a fox trot across our driveway. It was about 7:30 am, in bright sunshine. He looked very healthy, rich red with a bushy tail. No, of course I didn't have my camera. I read an article saying you shouldn't leave your camera and cell phone and purse and laptop in your kitchen at night because that's where burglars look first. Of course, that's where the big picture window is.
But, I did get a photo of his pawprints in the snow. They're so pretty! I love how God reveals Himself to us in so many ways through nature.