Showing posts with label Adam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adam. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Three Word Thursday

Quilly is at it again! Handing out old words and challenging us to use them creatively! Well, everyone wanted Adam to be part of the problem, so here it is!

Adam sat at the lunch table and stared at the sandwich Mrs. Carmody had packed for him. As usual, the peanut butter was so spiscious that he knew it would dwarf the taste of the jelly. He decided to pitch it and go get something from the vending machine. Pulling money out of his pocket that he had liberated from the teacher’s purse, he realized that he could suffarcinate on carbs and sugar. He eagerly searched the choices behind the glass only to find that nothing looked the least bit appealing. Some do-gooders had gotten to this machine and required them to offer healthy stuff. Adam’s tristifical response to this final insult caused heads to turn as he flung himself down on the floor howling. When Adam felt adult hands pulling him to his feet, he snapped. He wrenched himself free, took off running down the hall, went out the front door, and disappeared through the back yards across from the school.