Showing posts with label Biking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biking. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Long Ride Made Slightly Longer

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, I resolved to ride my bike to the "Y" for a workout. The total distance is about 4.3 miles from my home and there are trails the entire way. It is a gentle but steady incline all the way, so I knew I'd get my cardio warm-up on the way there, and that coming home would be easy!

I sprayed myself with bugspray (part of the trail runs near the creek), filled my water bottle, checked the tires for air, strapped on my helmet and launched into the big adventure.

At about mile 4, my chain broke.  Arrghh!  I walked the bike up to the Town Center to see if the bike shop there was open yet. Of course not. So I coasted the bike down to the "Y" and locked it up.

The wonderful and amazingly competent Wellness Director, Nick Dorazio, very kindly fixed my chain 'good enough' to allow me to get back to the Bike Shop after my workout.  Since I was doing so much riding and walking, I decided upper body was the way to go for the gym!

I made it to the Bike Shop where a new chain set me back $30.  However, the bike is 21 years old (I bought it in Europe and LOVE it) and the chain was original, so I think I got my money's worth on the first chain.  It was smooth sailing all the way home.

About 8 pm I was D.O.N.E. There was no strength or energy left in this poor old body! But today, I feel great and motivated to do it again tomorrow!  Except without the broken chain part.

I have to give a little credit here to Susan from Stony River. Her talking about walking everywhere got me off my rear end and out from in front of the computer.  I could have driven to the gym, but I figured if Susan can walk all over West Virginia AND keep up with 2 autistic kids, I should be able to bike 4.3 miles and back!  Thanks Susan!