Showing posts with label Thanks Not Cranks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanks Not Cranks. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2010

Four Day Weekend

The kids are out today and and Monday.  When they were in private school and they only got one day at the end of the quarter I thought how wimpy the public school teachers were needing two.  Now I get it -- LOTS more kids, LOTS more hoops to jump through.  And now I love it because the kids get one day off to recover and the other to clean out the backpacks and notebooks and stuff in order to prepare for the next quarter.  Well, theoretically that's what they can/should do.  I'll let you know on Monday evening how that worked out.

So how am I doing on Thanks, Not Cranks?  Well, for a week I couldn't find the bracelet.  Not complainin', just sayin'.  And honestly, I completely forgot about looking for it.  I found it yesterday and didn't put it back on, but should have.  Today at the gym it was a zoo!  All these people who aren't normally home are home because of the school holiday and they were all at the gym!  So I could have used a reminder to be kind and gentle and p.a.t.i.e.n.t.  Whew!

I think this afternoon we'll make snow cookies since we're supposed to get some more tomorrow.  They're actually just cream cheese cut-out cookies like we make at Christmas, but we do snowflake shapes and cover them in white icing and sprinkles.  Will post photos!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Complaint or Statement of Fact?

I went to the car dealer today for an appointment for new brakes. (S of F)
The appointment was at 8:30. (S of F)
I was there at 8:30 (S of F)
They told me it would take until 11. (S of F)
At 11:00 I went down the hall to check. (S of F)
They said an hour more. (S of F)
At 12:00 I went down the hall to check. (S of F)
They said 1:00 and offered me a rental car but I declined. (S of F)
At 1:00 I went down the hall to check. (S of F)
They said they were out of the pads and had been waiting for them to be delivered from another dealership. (S of F)
I took the car. (S of F)

I got a lot done, including my Bible Study for the day and some necessary phone calls. (S of F)
Their customer internet was 'off' more than it was 'on'. (S of F)

I didn't rant, I didn't rave, I didn't COMPLAIN . . . but I did insist that they honor the 10% off coupon I'd left on my kitchen table. (S of F)

They did and they're paying for the rental car which is so cool because it has a GPS. I wonder where I can go that I've never been before to try it out and be back in time to pick up my car tomorrow by noon.

So honestly, for all the times in my HEAD that I complained today, I moved the bracelet a couple of times.

But the fact that I didn't drip venom on anyone else feels pretty good this evening. So I think it's working. (S of F)

Anyone want a bracelet?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sad But True

I'm on Day 2 of the "thank not crank" bracelet. I went to get my haircut this afternoon and told my stylist that I wanted something new. Then I told her about the bracelet and that I can't complain about it for 20 days, so she could do something radical!

She didn't go TOO radical, but it is definitely a different style and so far, I like it!

The Sad but True part is that as I sat in the chair I had NOTHING to talk to her about because I was trying to NOT complain about life. That reveals alot to me about what I usually talk about when I'm there. Yikes!
