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Showing posts with the label resolutions

Happy New Year and one word

  image source   Happy New Year to you! Thanks for all the support and comments during the past year. Looking back at the last three years worth of resolutions posts, I must say some of those things are still on the list and undone. Some have been done ( I lost 15 pounds and two sizes last year and started a new healthy eating lifestyle!) but some things stay on the list and are a constant do over. Not failures, just constant do overs. So for that reason I have chosen "Forward" as my one word for the year. While I have goals and projects (some of them have existed for over three years) I don't consider it failure to not have completed them as long as I continue to grow and improve somewhere in my life. So that is my word .. forward.. just.keep.moving.forward.   13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the g...

Reflections and resolutions

So how did I do in 2012? Some of the things on last year's list are on the list again. And that's okay. I continue to grow spiritually and to learn other things. As long as I continue to make progress, that's all that matters. I came across an article on A Biblical Marriage "Should Christians Make New Years Resolutions?" It's worth a read, and it certainly got me to thinking.  I do have goals for 2013, but my main goal is to not let them take the place of God.

Looking back, looking around, looking ahead

Image: digitalart /   So how did I do on my non-resolutions for 2011? I dug into spiritual gifts, but not deep enough. That's going back on the list. Lots of things got organized and some of it is still in pretty good shape. A couple of areas never got fully completed- the craft room and the master closet. The pantry could use another going through now too, but overall I'm in pretty good shape. Some of those projects got completed, some didn't. That's okay. I did make lots of things this past year. You can check out my top ten here . Where am I now? Blessed beyond belief! Thanks to all of my visitors, followers, Facebook followers, and those of you who leave comments! You make this blogging thing so much more fun! I wish you all the best in the new year. Thanks also to my etsy customers. My blog and shop have grown a lot in the past year. Thanks to those of you who have featured my shop and my blog projects. You are all awe...

No resolutions

I'm not making resolutions- who keeps them? I do however have some changes and some additions to the "to do" list. First, I'd like to learn/identify/ and develop my spiritual gift . Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:4-6a) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. (1 Pet. 4:10) My hubby says that we are going to "systematically" organize and declutter our house. He started on Christmas eve when he cleaned out the fridge, LOL. I'm not sure what the system is but I'm all for it. I've got to do a scrapbook/craft room/office redo. I organized it once, but then my interests grew, supplies grew, and the space did not. I have things now...