***Paint Classes***

***Paint Classes***
Showing posts with label Metallics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metallics. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Gelli Plate and DecoArt = AMAZING CARD

DecoArt Owl Stencil = FUN!

I used Americana Paint, gelli plate to create my base.
Roll on a layer of Milk Chocolate-lay the stencil in place.
blot - pic #1
immediately peel your stencil off and lay it down & clean off. pic #2
Allow to completely dry before applying the next color.
 Roll on Light Buttermilk.  Lay your cardstock on top & rub really good. When you pull your print-it's already dry!
 I "embellished" the owl by adding some details with DecoArt Paper Effects.
They come with a fine tip to add to the regular tip on the bottle. Will give you a really fine line. Went around the edges and his eyes with Black Pearl.  Used Golden Pearl around the circles in his stomach. (funny how I'm identifying the owl as a male!!)  The dots in the center of his eye is White Pearl. Allow to dry & then add your embellishments.

Turned out to be a beautiful card!  I even used DecoArt Metallics on the black circle and sentiment. Using my finger, I rubbed some Orange Flicker.

Fluid Art with DecoArt Interference Paint

I've been experimenting with fluid art.   Trying to get cells to create is hard! I've tried multiple mediums, multiple products.  Th...