Some background for these features on Infamy Miniatures 'Welcome to the Big Smoke' can be found in this post
here and also contains some useful links. This feature however will be looking at a particular faction and some specific miniatures from it. This time we'll be looking at the Little Parliament...
The Little Parliament
Never work with children or animals...Children being the worst...
Mr Dodgson
Mr Dodgson is a Kingpin and leads the Little Parliament. A master storyteller, he commands an army of urchins who stab, steal and scam their way through the city. Dodgson's hordes of urchins swarm around him, keeping him protected, totally devoted to their leader through an odd mixture of respect, love, fear and the various hallucinogens and other mind altering gasses that they are fed through Dodgson's hidden distributor.
This is a man with many terrible things hidden up his sleeve, as he can mix potent cocktails of these gasses and blast them at any oncoming foe, bringing forth a range of effects, from gibbering terror to an intense desire to turn their weapons on themselves!
Mr Dodgson - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled parts...
Mr Dodgson - Assembled
Dodge - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled parts...
Dodge - Assembled
Flower Girl
Flower Girl - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled parts...
Flower Girl - Assembled
Other models in this faction include Alice and Big Brother but as I don't own these you'll have to make do with some pictures from their website instead...
If any of that caught your eye you might also be interested in one of the other factions that I've done features on...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome...almost as welcome as some review copies of things would be...