Showing posts with label Wyrd Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wyrd Games. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Wyrd Games - Easter Sale Newsletter

Easter sales news from Wyrd Games...
Hey Wyrdos,

After having a blast the last few weeks while away at Adepticon and GAMA, we are finally back in the office. And just in time for our annual Easter Sale!

This year's Easter Sale will start Sunday, April 14th and end on April 22nd. This newsletter covers what will be available when the store opens, so keep scrolling down to find out more!
Before we get into the details of the Easter Sale, what better time is there to remind everyone about two new Fate Decks that were released via DriveThruRPG than right now?

Just last week, we made available a Pixel Fate Deck and a Saloon Deck that are both exclusive to DriveThruRPG. For just $12.00 each (plus shipping), you can get your hands on these amazing fan-created decks!
We like to have fun when creating alt models for our annual sales. During last year's Easter Sale, we had Ross Jebson, a Gremlin with a knack for painting happy little pig bellies (don't fret: he's available this year, too). 

This year's no different (okay, it's a little different). The Neverborn's favorite burlap sack, the Stitched Together, are mixing things up a bit. Instead of being filled with meat and bones, the Bear-ly Together alt models are made of cotton, candy, and mayhem.

These alt models are available as one package with three unique sculpts for just $35.00, made out of the same plastic as the vast majority of our Malifaux models. Make sure to get your hands on these adorable stuffed animals, exclusively during this year's Easter Sale*!

*Disclaimer: Bear-ly Togethers are feverishly hungry and their favorite food is glue-dipped fingers. Assemble and paint at your own risk. 
Even beyond our brand new alt models, we're taking this year's Easter Sale one step further. We will be including Malifaux Third Edition cards with each of the associated models purchased so you can start playing with them right away.

That's right; everything you see on the list below that is a Malifaux model will also include the Malifaux Third Edition cards that are needed to play them when M3E launches early this summer.

If you've already got all of the rare and limited models that your shelves can handle, then you won't need to worry about buying a duplicate model for the new cards. All of our M3E cards will be free to download on our website once the game hits store shelves. 
In addition to the Bear-ly Together alt models, here is what you'll find available during this year's Easter Sale:
  • He-Kome
  • Alt Reva
  • Ross Jebsen (an Easter favorite!)
  • Alt Viks (an Easter favorite!)
  • Unicorn Vomit & Pixie Farts
  • Alt Rafkin
  • Vintage Misaki
  • Vintage Rasputina
  • Vintage Som'er
  • Vintage Pandora
  • Vintage Hamelin
  • Vintage Sonnia
  • Alt Bishop
  • Miss Ery - Bad Teddy
  • Cat Princess set
  • Cat Herders set
  • Curiosity Killed the Cat
  • War Wabbit (an Easter classic!)
  • Dark Carnival Coryphee
  • Dark Carnival
  • Crossroads 7
Other special and limited edition products will be available during the Easter Sale, but won't have updated Third Edition cards (just yet).

Orders will not be fulfilled until starting April 17th, so we appreciate everyone's patience! Additionally, when making an order, make sure that everything is correct before hitting the last "Check Out" button; alterations to orders after they have been submitted will not be possible. 
If the art for the Bear-ly Togethers wasn't cute enough, here's what these magnificent little miscreants look like when they're fully painted (and full from feasting).

Painted by Curtis Shoemake
That's it from us. See you during the sale!

Copyright © 2019 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC., All rights reserved.
The official Wyrd newsletter, delivered monthly by our army of goat riding imps.

Our mailing address is:
Wyrd Miniatures, LLC.
2197 CANTON RD STE 108

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Sunday Round-up

My tour of Malifaux is going remarkably well...
...and I've managed to meet with a few old friends who have decided to change outfits and a couple of new ones too including Alternate Lenny, Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen, Alternate Vanessa and Domadores De Cadaveres...

...I also checked in on that coterie of vampires I mentioned a few weeks ago and apparently they've been quite busy...

...hopefully the tour of Malifaux can continue for another week.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Unboxing Malifaux - Domadores De Cadaveres

'A matter of life and death'
The Domadores De Cadaveres box contains enough parts for two miniatures...namely the Domadores De Cadaveres. It also contains stat cards for them though there are no upgrade cards.

Domadores De Cadaveres
Spain has a long and complicated relationship with necromancy. The art has been recently achieved something approaching acceptance within the nation, but the government keeps close tabs on all its necromancers. More than anyone, they know the danger that such spellcasters can pose. 
The Domadores De Cadáveres are the inheritors of Spain's necromantic traditions. They are generally wealthy noblemen and noblewomen who focus on finesse and control rather than raw power. The animation of the dead is seen less as a route to power (which they already have) and more as a means of accomplishing dangerous or unpleasant tasks without risking living people.
When combined with their respect for authority it is easy to see why the Governor-General turned to the Domadores De Cadáveres to help him stamp out the Resurrectionists once and for all. 
With the Guild granting special dispensations to these necromancers to practice their art, more and more Domadores De Cadáveres have started travelling to Malifaux in search of increased freedom... and power.

Domadores De Cadaveres - Sprue
The box has one sprue in it as well as the aforementioned cards. Here's pictures of both sides of it.

Domadores De Cadaveres - Stat Cards
Stat cards in the official format can now be downloaded from Wargame Vault for a nominal fee from HERE though the upcoming third edition may change that.

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Domadores De Cadaveres - Instructions

Some General Notes on Assembly
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters. own assembly notes are written as I go along so I'd suggest reading them all the way through before starting the assembly process.

Domadores De Cadaveres

Female Domadores De Cadaveres - Assembled
The female version has a three part head of which the face is quite small and fiddly and the hair wraps around the raised of the arms when the model is assembled. The skirt is also in three parts, two main pieces and a smaller top piece which forms part of the indentation for the body to lean into and which her left hand will hold onto once it's attached. Alignment isn't bad but I'll still dry-fit before adding glue as there's a bit of possible movement in the joints as evidenced by the slight gap at the waist which I'll need to fill but that could have been avoided if I'd noticed it before the glue went off...

Male Domadores De Cadaveres - Assembled
The cloak at the rear will quite easily go on at a wrong angle so make sure the model stands upright and isn't forced out of place by it before gluing. There's tiny spikes on the hat and to avoid breaking any small bits I'd recommend assembling the whole head and hat first before adding it to the model. One finger on the skull holding hand sticks out and is both small and easy to break off.

Domadores De Cadaveres - Rotational Views
Here's a couple of rotational views...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
I purchase my miniatures from Leodis Games (Link Below) and can highly recommend them.
Should you ever choose to purchase something based on one of my features or reviews then it would be nice if you could let the company know where the inspiration came from...who knows...they might be grateful to the poor unappreciated blogger who sent you their way...if however I've put you off a can keep that info to yourself...

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Unboxing Malifaux - Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen

"Pick a're leaving..."
Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen box contains enough parts for two miniatures...namely Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen. It also contains stat cards for them though there are no upgrade cards.

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen
Mr Graves is an imposing man who rarely wanders the streets without some form of blunt object with which to strike anyone who comes a little too close. Not the sharpest tool in the draw, he is suspicious of anyone who strikes him as the least bit different, and tends to strike first and ask questions later.

Never under estimate Mr Tannen. He walks the floors of the honey pot inviting himself to chat with the patrons, when suddenly their winning streaks turn sour and piles of chips disappear as bet by bet Mr Tannen brings with him a cloud of bad luck.

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen - Sprues
The box has two sprues in it as well as the aforementioned cards. Here's pictures of both sides of them.

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen - Stat Cards
Stat cards in the official format can now be downloaded from Wargame Vault for a nominal fee from HERE though that might change when third edition arrives.

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen - Instructions

Some General Notes on Assembly
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters. own assembly notes are written as I go along so I'd suggest reading them all the way through before starting the assembly process.

Alternate Mr Graves - Assembled
The main model is mostly straightforward but the chair is a bit tricky as it's a bit fiddly. With the chair (imo at least) it's best to fix the two middle parts together, add the tabletop and then attach the piece that's on Mr Graves arm.

Alternate Mr Tannen - Assembled
The only real problem with this model is that the joint between spirit and Mr Tannen isn't brilliant as it doesn't really lock into place so needs to be held there until the glue goes off.

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen - Rotational Views
Here's a couple of rotational views...

Alternate Mr Graves and Mr Tannen - Comparison Pictures
Here's some pictures comparing the alternate sculpts with the originals.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
I purchase my miniatures from Leodis Games (Link Below) and can highly recommend them.
Should you ever choose to purchase something based on one of my features or reviews then it would be nice if you could let the company know where the inspiration came from...who knows...they might be grateful to the poor unappreciated blogger who sent you their way...if however I've put you off a can keep that info to yourself...
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