Showing posts with label Goblin King Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goblin King Games. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Moonstone Kickstarter - The Final Stretch

The Moonstone Kickstarter from Goblin King Games is moving into it's last few days and if you've yet to have a look at the wonderfully characterful models, read the amusing background bits or perused their interesting take on the miniatures skirmish game then you really need to have a look here.

There are links to a number of game-play examples, rules downloads and other informative bits and pieces on the Kickstarter page that are well worth a look. Here's some artwork that nicely embodies the whimsical style of the game and it's miniatures...

...and here's a look at some of the miniatures from their previous Kickstarter that will be usable in their current project so you can get some idea of the overall quality and level of detail...

It's also worth considering that it's exactly this sort of project that Kickstarter was designed for and it's these people that need your money far more than the many established companies that seem to treat it like a pre-order system. So take a chance and give that money to some-one who needs it...right here in fact.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Sunday Round-up

Avoiding my dogged pursuers has become increasingly difficult over the last week and despite a number of side-trips and dodging in and out of various breaches to Malifaux I haven't managed to produce quite as many articles as I have the previous few weeks... trip to Malifaux was still fairly productive though with both Big Jake and the Lucky Emissary joining the cause after an enjoyable bonding session over a Classic Fate Deck...

...side trips to both Moonstone and Prospero failed to gain me much time and both places seemed too wrapped up in their own affairs with the populace of moonstone being involved in something called a Kickstarter and the denizens of Prospero seemingly quite concerned about an unwanted visit from some angry relatives so neither was able to give me any assistance at this time...

...I have therefore decided to stay in Malifaux for another week and see if some of these 'people' are up to helping me out...

As time is going to be fairly tight this week I've no idea what I'll be featuring the week after next as due to one of those months when all the bills landing at once occurring I'll be cramming in any over-time I can. Feel free to make me feel better by sending me piles of free stuff...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Moonstone the Game - Background, Artwork and Kickstarter Launch

Those of you whose interest in this upcoming game were piqued by my recent article on their previous Kickstarter may be interested in the following backround for the game in which the world is set, some information on the game mechanics and a picture or two courtesy of the game designers themselves...

The Kickstarter is now live and can be found here.

...over to them then...


In the distant land of Tauber, the kingdoms of men and goblin have had a long standing, but uneasy alliance. For generations their people traded in rare stones, minerals, produce, and livestock. But then the moonstones came. Sprouting from the ground in the light of a bright moon, these rocks appeared almost at random, and would last only as long as it took for the first rays of the dawn light to touch them before disintegrating like so much dust in the wind. 

No one knew why the moonstones began to grow and sprout as they did, all they knew was that the Wizard Tower opened it’s heavy doors for the first time in decades, and offered a hearty bounty for anyone who could bring them these stones still intact.
Across Tauber, all manner of creatures began to stir from their hovels and homes to try and cash in on this offer of wondrous reward. Soon the ties between man and goblin would be stretched thin as the promise of untold wealth drove even greater wedges into already strained political differences.

It is here that I would like to welcome you to the world of Tauber, its fairy-tale inhabitants, and the whimsical game of Moonstone.

Hi, I'm Richi from Goblin King Games, and I’d love to talk to you about our upcoming game on Kickstarter, Moonstone.

Some of you may already be familiar with the name following our previous Kickstarter earlier this year for the truly characterful Firespitter and Baron Von Fancyhat. Well thanks to the feedback received, we are back, only this time for the full game!

If you hadn't already guessed, Moonstone isn't your typical wargame. 

No, Moonstone is a fantasy skirmish game that has more in common with the tales from European Folklore, than Tolkien.
As players you lead a troupe of 3-6 models in search of a precious commodity known as the titular moonstone. Your troupe belongs to one of two factions, the Commonwealth and the Dominion.

The Commonwealth
This faction is made up of a number of races including Humans, Gnomes, and Giants

The Dominion
Made up of Goblins, Faeries, and Trolls, the Dominion are the rivals to the Commonwealth. While not necessarily at war, their differences in lifestyle is more often than not a cause of conflict, especially when Moonstone's are involved.

The game of Moonstone is played out on a 3 foot by 3 foot table utilising a combination of unique dice and card mechanics.

You might find yourself wondering exactly why the game’s mechanics are unique? For starters the dice are used as an in-game resource.

At the start of the game, a handful of seven four-sided-dice are dropped onto the centre of the table. Where these dice land is where the moonstones have sprouted, and the number on the dice represents how difficult they are to dig up from the grounds deep, entangling roots.

Outside of these mechanics, all other in-game interaction is done using one of two sets of shared card decks. The first is the Arcane Deck which is used to cast spells and make ranged attacks, and utilises a combination of poker and bluffing based mechanics to encourage players to try and trick the opposition into submission. Melee combat however is resolved using the Combat Deck, unlike the Arcane Deck, the Combat Deck uses zero-sum techniques similar to the schoolyard game of rock-paper-scissors, where as players you are required to anticipate the opponents move in order to damage, parry, block, and repost with dangerous and lethal consequences.

All the while, Moonstone plays out using alternating activations, meaning it is never long until your next go.


It is with great hope that you have enjoyed this introduction to the world of Moonstone, and will be checking out our Kickstarter for the full game when it goes live, but in the meantime, we are pleased to reveal to you exclusive concept art for one of our Goblin characters by the name of Grub:

Grub is a Goblin Gardener, who after stumbling across an ancient tome of magic long lost within the gardens he tended with both love and devotion, he picked up the time and began to practice the incantations therein in the vein hope of finding a spell to hide his aged and sun-beaten skin and become the most beautiful Goblin in all of Tauber.

As you can see, Grub’s attempts to use magic had a variety of results, some with more success than others, and now he joins the ranks of the Dominion as a fast attack character able to strike from the shadows before tunnelling away as quickly as his mutated hands will allow him. 

To this day Grub longs to find the one spell that will grant him his wishes of beauty and youth, but who knows what magic will bring in the whimsical, mystical world of Moonstone.


The Kickstarter is now live and can be found here.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Sunday Round-up

My army of pursuers were getting wise to my scheme to build an army of post-apocalyptic vehicles so I instead doubled-back through the breach to Malifaux and recruited a few followers there before making a side trip to 'Moonstone' to have a chat with a couple of the locals...

...before leaving Route 666 I quickly recruited the Night Driver and Psycho Medic, then in Malifaux I signed up the Changelings and the Arcane Emissary before detouring to Moonstone where the Firespitter and Baron Von Fancyhat were hanging about in anticipation of some event occurring tomorrow...

 ...this event in fact...more information on which can be found by clicking on the picture below...

...I'll be spending most of next week in Malifaux seeing if I can make some of these people join my army...don't tell the steampunk vixens though...I'm still one step ahead of them...

 ...time permitting I'll also be preparing some features on the starter set for the Panzerfaust game, the latest Aetherium faction and possibly a look at my increasing collection of unopened board games acquired through Kickstarters. That's of course if I can avoid capture for another week...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Unboxing Moonstone - Firespitter and Baron Von Fancyhat

Goblin King Games some time ago ran a Kickstarter for a single model, that ended up as two models which would potentially be the beginnings of a range for a fantasy miniatures game called 'Moonstone'. Fortunately the initial Kickstarter was well enough received for them to launch a second one which will hopefully expand the range of models considerably.

A fortunate piece of timing has meant that my pledge arrived just in time for me to give you a look at the original models before their new Kickstarter launches on the 17th of October. Details of this upcoming Kickstarter event will appear at the bottom of this feature...but first...

The two models created for the original Kickstarter were 'Firespitter' and 'Baron Von Fancyhat'...lets look at Firespitter first...

The model comes in a nice presentation box and the resin model within is well packed between two substantial pieces of foam to prevent damage during transportation. It also comes with a handy little guide to working with resin models and a basic set of assembly instructions. In anticipation of the upcoming skirmish game 'Moonstone' this model also comes with a double sided stat card.

Firespitter - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the parts in their unassembled form.

Firespitter - Assembled
The model consists of relatively few parts with the main body of the model being two parts with the arms being separate. The small goblin working the bellows is in two pieces and the larger and smaller figures are joined by a thin piece of tubing. The joining 'pipe' is the only fiddly part of the model as it has relatively small attachment points but as long as you're careful and don't mind holding the part in place for a bit it goes together just fine. The 'Mushroom' on the base doesn't come with the kit but was purchased separately via the aforementioned Kickstarter. The model comes with a 40mm base.

Baron Von Fancyhat
This model also comes in a nice presentation box and the resin model within was equally well packed between two pieces of foam. It also came with a handy little guide to working with resin but as this is identical to the one with 'Firespitter' I haven't bothered to picture it again. In anticipation of the upcoming skirmish game 'Moonstone' this model also comes with a double sided stat card.

Baron Von Fancyhat - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the parts in their unassembled form.

Baron Von Fancyhat - Assembled
The majority of this model is the body with both arms being separate as well as the head and the scabbard at his belt. All attachment points are more than adequate and I had no assembly issues with the model at all. It also comes with a slotted 30mm base though I've removed the piece from the model that slots into it so I could put the model on something a bit more scenic.

The mushrooms I've used on the bases of the above models were also a Kickstarter purchase so in the interests of completeness here's a pic of them...

Upcoming Moonstone Kickstarter
The next Kickstarter is to be launched on the 17th of October and some artwork and a new model have already been shown. Their Facebook page can be found here and the Kickstarter 'Launch' event page can be located here. It's definitely going to be worth a look...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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