Showing posts with label Pulp City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pulp City. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 March 2015

The (Several) Sunday(s) Round-up

Not a bad week this week. I'm finally beginning to get some movement back in my wrists so basic hobbying is now an option but unfortunately painting isn't really viable yet due to the real world blurring out of focus periodically when I concentrate on anything for too long. I can however get away with doing some assembly work so used that as an opportunity to get some Warzone Resurrection bits and pieces assembled as well as finally getting around to organising several of the Kickstarters that have landed on my doorstep over the last few months that I've done nothing with.

This also means that I've managed to put together unboxing articles on a number of projects such as my Myth Kickstarter, my Pulp City Kickstarter and Cthulhu Wars...which was (not surprisingly) also a Kickstarter...

Even more surprisingly these can be found in the 'Other Unboxing' Tab at the top of the blog. The fact that this is where they go isn't the surprising part...the surprising part is that the tab is actually up to fact that's not the only thing that's up to date...

All the Malifaux Unboxings are now in the appropriate tab, the 'Malifaux Resources' section now contains links to all my own useful features as well as now possessing a handy podcast section, all the guest articles that I've posted now have links in the 'Guest Article' section and the 'Other Galleries' tab is fully up to date with all those inspiring Wednesday Gothic, Steampunk and Cosplay galleries that we admire for their artistic merit.

One of my own recently created useful features is a list of the locations of all the background stories and character profiles of all the usable characters in the world of Malifaux that can be found in the above mentioned tab or that can be headed to directly by clicking here.

I've had some messages about the Hobby Newsletter section ('s one of those links under the blog header) as several people use it so they can peruse all the various companies whose products new releases and news interest them. Therefore rather than update it once a week (if you're lucky) I'm instead going to update whenever a newsletter is posted and from next week will also be including Warlord Games and Privateer Press releases as well as all the usual ones. The most recent newsletter from each company will be listed separately in their section so the newest entry is obvious though the archive bit will remain just in case you've been chained in a basement for a while and want to catch up...

Next week I'll be having a bit of a change and looking a my long neglected Dreadball Xtreme and Dreadball Season four models with possibly an article or two along those lines...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Pulp City Kickstarter - Unboxing and Review - Kickstarter Extras

I covered the Rulebook and the 'Hero' and 'Villain' starter sets in Part lets have a look at the Kickstarter extras...

Kickstarter Bonus's.
I'm used to the inevitable 'Kickstarter Exclusive' miniature and (with the more successful Kickstarters at least) an expansion to the initial line-up but this is the first Kickstarter where I've got more models for free than were in the original pledge...

You get cards for them all as well of course...

...the models are an interesting if somewhat eclectic selection amongst which there are a faction worth of Grimms, a Gorilla with a gatling gun, a couple of walking fish and a pair of hovering cats...

Not sure if these are enough for a viable A.R.C. force...I'll put them together anyway...

 Guerilla - Assembled.
I had some minor issues with the assembling of this one as you need to align both arms and the ammo feed...nothing major...I could have done with a third arm is all, lol.

 Robo-Chimp - Assembled.

John Grimmsham - Assembled.
The hand holding the sewer cover is separate as is the nice scenic base insert. All parts went together without issue.

Lots of Grimm's - Assembled.
A few of the models had separate arms here and there but I had no problems with the assembly and mould lines were at a minimum.

Gravito Grimm, Grimm Lee Chan, Grimmbiote, Grimmrock, Spartagrimm, Supreme Grimm and Toxic Grimmvenger - Assembled.

 Ankle Biters - Assembled.

Mutant Mobsters - Assembled.

Hovercats - Assembled.

I'll try and get some games in over the next few weeks and hopefully I can give a game-play review from my absolute beginners perspective...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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