Showing posts with label Computer Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Games. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Warmachine - Tactics

I was dubious about this at first...

No stretch goals and only two factions (neither of which I'm particularly bothered about) were not factors that inspired me particularly. I'm also somewhat of a veteran of these sort of games and it takes something a bit different to spark my interest so I didn't foresee this particular Kickstarter getting hold of any of my money...

...I said "at first..."....

Having looked at the video and reading the description on their Kickstarter page I may have changed my mind. There's also some limited edition models available as part of the higher pledges which may pique the interest of those of you who need one of everything...

Limited Edition Sculpts include:

Cygnar — Journeyman Warcaster, Lt. Allison Jakes
Khador — Kovnik Andrei Malakov
Protectorate of Menoth — Initiate Tristan Durant
Cryx — Aiakos, Scourge of Meredius
Mercenaries — Gastone Crosse
Retribution of Scyrah — Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber
Cygnar/Cryx — Commander Dalin Sturgis/Sturgis the Corrupted

I'll most likely just get the game itself and if I have any spare cash I might invest in Sturgis the Corrupted. Hopefully the Kickstarter will raise enough money for the extra factions to be made playable as I'm a Cryx fan myself.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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