Showing posts with label Tagged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tagged. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2009

So Lonely - The Police.... Shuffled......... all the way

Hehhe... how a tag boleh kenakan diri sendiri...


  1. Put your iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc. on Shuffle.
  2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
  4. Tag 25 friends. (Don't want.)
  5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
  6. DO NOT CHEAT & Have Fun!

---> Now and Forever (Richard Marx)
A positive aura I presumed

---> My One and Only Love (Sting)
Oh...... I'm gonna faint. Self Praise Best Praise

---> With of Without You (U2)
Wow... a strong indication for me...

---> Keep Holding On (Avril Lavigne)

---> Only One road (Celine Dion)
Wooo... aku nak nangis !!!!

---> All By Myself (Celine Dion)
Haaaaaaaaaaa ????!!!!!!

---> La Aurora (Eros Ramazzotti)
Aku ada aura..... aura....

---> Love Will Conquer All - Lionel Ritchie
If that so.. i look like a pathetic daughter.. gezz

---> In The Ayer (Flo Rida)
Mampus aku !!!!!!

10. WHAT IS 2 + 2?
---> Dream on Hayley (James Morrison)
I dream........

---> Satisfied (Richard Marx)
Ella Medusa mudah dipuaskan.... larikkkk !!!!!!!

---> Take A Bow (Leona Lewis)
Macam nak suruh aku blah awal-awal plak.

Ára bátur (Sigur Ros)
Nasib bukan jadi Arang batu.. Aku sangat suka lagu nie.
Ára bátur means Row Boat in English. Oh mungkin aku perlu mengemudi cara hidup aku sendiri

---> Ball and Biscuits (The White Stripes)
Ye.. aku suka "Bola" dan "Biskut".....

---> Separate Lives (Phil Collins)
The song is beautiful.. but it's for the ex-partner. Not my wedding song dude..

---> Love To See You Cry (Enrique Iglesias)
No comment

---> The Last To Know (Celine Dion)
Oh yeah.. I don't give a damn to know everything early.

---> I Don't want To Get Hurt (Roxette)
Tapi.. aku dah biasa di lukai..<-- ayat tak boleh blah

---> Until - Sting.....
Terus dirahsiakan la nampaknye

---> You're Loved (Don't Give Up) - Josh Groban
Teruk sgt ke kalau aku single ???.. huuuuuuu

---> My Love, Sweet Love (Patti LaBelle)
Tapi tak ramai...

---> So Lonely - The police
Lagi sekali aku dikenakan... cilake !!!!

Aku tag siapa-siapa saja yang sudi di-tag! <-- Pinjam ayat Azzu

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Top 40 Career !!!!

I've got a full curiosity to take a color test to determine my career in this website.. I don't know how accurate the result will be, but for me the results are little shocking. So I'd copy the results to display in here. I will highlight the top 10 results in this blog (like Anna Joe does) and you'll read on how I'll react will the results hehe...

*click the picture to enlarge*

1. Medicine
My career is 80% related to this... it's a good thing they put it on the top spot ;p

2. Photography
well......umm yeah, Since I own new digital camera. I take pictures and having fun with it... not gonna involve with it seriously. :)

3. Italian language
Non parlo Italiano. ... ma amo Spaghetti ed il loro maschio.... lalala

4. TESL - Teaching English as Second Language
Why I must confront this sentence again? .. It's a voodoo. Good thing they reject my TESL applications before... bah !!

5. Jounalism
I better writes something bitchy secretly... oppsss !!!

6. Spanish Language
Another latin language ??? another gorgeous man??? so.. here we go.
Hola Hombre, usted quiere a la serenata mí con su guitarra? !!

7. Advertising - the activity of attracting public attention to product
Speechless.... God damn it !!

8. Writers and Editor
*sigh* I'm not sure I'm gonna like this job.

9. English Language
Are you kidding me?... I'm still bad at past, present and future tense and pronunciations.... damn it !!!!

10. Education
I might accidentally influence the kids to become bad ass hitch...

Not forget I'd took the personality test and the result is very-very shocking indeed ;p

1. Being Loved - Someone had stressed "Being loved" about himself.... OMG, I'd just remember this. I wonder .... ;p

2. Intimacy - Let's get to business... I've been bad, ouch!

3. Nurture - I culture the bacteria.. not the children !!!

4. Intuitive - That's why I'm good with imagination ... LOL

5. Caretaker - *sigh* Well... That just great, I'm taking care of goods currently ;p

6. Extroverted - I'd just found the right words about me *sigh*... and doing it too much.

7. Desirability - Oh boy !... I can't help to get more what I'd desired...

8. Passionate - Holy sh!t.... I better soak myself more with passion fruit

9. Playful - I guess I'm a playful bitch.... I'm full of jolly :|

10. Unrestrained - La liberté et naturels... that's what I'm seeking for.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

16 sense of dillusions... nah!

Aku kene tag dengan my ol' cowboy mate Cik Rerame. Dah over due dah... Beliau tahu aku sungguh malas nak buat meme/tag nie. After reading the rules and regulations, I decided to "answer" the meme but I will not tagging other people as they pretty lazy to do it so ..too ;p

16 random facts about me !!!!

still in the mood of new year (not really..) I think this post "agak" kena with NY mood.. so, round up your eyes and read !!!! Muhahahaha

1. Lazy bum

I'm famously known with this. Aku bukanlah anak dare yang rajin, bukan orang cemerlang, terbilang dan gemilang. Tak perlu cerita tahap kemalasan aku. Because some people dah pun cerita in the world wide web pasal aku. Glamour siot !!! Aku pun terfikir jugak bila aku nak jadi perempuan Melayu terakhir nie. Alamaks.. sorry, aku bukan pure Melayu pun (yang penting aku Islam). IC jer tulis aku bangsa Melayu (Melayu Minimalis). Aku orang India + Cocos beb !!!!

2. Perahsia / pendiam

Ramai tak tahu aku nie perahsia dan gemar mendiamkan diri. Kalau ada orang sakitkan hati aku pun aku tidak akan menceritakan pasalnya. Aku tak suka cerita tentang kehidupan aku sangat. Kalau ada cerita pun kat blog.. ia cuma 30% sahaja. Kalu cerita pasal ex-boss aku tue.. memang patut aku cerita pasal itu satu pengajaran. Mungkin pasal itu ramai orang suka pijak kepala aku. Tapi selalunya sapa2 buat camtu memang kena bala beb. Bukan aku yang mintak sangat (padahal aku pun ratu sumpah-sumpah nie). Astagfirullah, Bahaya betuii !!!

3. Pemurah

Bukan angkat bakul sendiri (takkan terhangkat punya). Aku terlalu permurah sampai orang tegur aku terlalu baik sampai mudah ditipu. Sampaikan pengemis-pengemis macam sami Buddha pun aku hulur duit jugak. Sekarang nie.. kita sendiri tak tahu siapa pengemis yang sebenar-benarnya. Hulur jelah duit kalau Ikhlas. Ada yang ambil kesempatan .... takyah cerita lebih... pegi makan kat ss 20 / ss 11 Shah Alam ke atau stesen minyak.. mesti jumpa orang macam nie. Aku cuma hulur seringgit tanpa membeli barang yg mereka jual.

4. Penyanyi

Ramai yang tak tahu yang aku nie boleh menyanyi. Aku ratu menyanyi masa kat Sabah tau !!!! Tapi itu dulu..sebelum aku dapat penyakit misteri (keturunan). Seluruh muka aku membengkak sehingga melibatkan pembengkakan peti suara. Masih tak tahu apa rawatan sesuai. Tapikan aku pernah mengemparkan IKANO tahun lepas bila my friend Ella paksa aku pi pentas menyanyi dengan Jaclyn Victor & Vince AF. Hasilnya... aku sendiri tak tahu, tapi Jaclyn sgt. terkejut. Aku ada gambar tue.. tapi di PC. Aku guna notebook sekang... Hehehehhe. Tahun ini aku akan terus cuba mencari cure utk penyakit aku nie.

5. Gila mp3

Ada sahabat aku gelarkan aku having an eclectic taste. Aku ada dekat 3000 mp3 sekarang nie... kebanyakkan track adalah lagu international yang tak dijual di Malaysia. My current addiction is a band called Sigur Ros !!! Music bagi aku tidak limited. Aku juga berminat mendengar track dari bahasa2 lain.

6. Masih single

Jenuh juga nak menjawab pertanyaan sedare-mare. Lagi menyampah kalau dibanding-bandingkan ngan sepupu yang dah kahwin. Career telah menyelamatkan aku. Mungkin juga aku hilang nafsu nak kahwin.. oh tidak.. ruginya... muahahhaha !!!

7. Lelaki Pilihan

Aku tak minat lelaki jambu, misai tebal, terlalu kurus, terlalu muda, terlalu sensitif, garang.... sukar aku nak jelaskan dengan lebih lanjut. Kamu lihat contoh lelaki idaman aku di sebelah kanan posting ini.. Terima kasih

8. Pemilih kawan

Ye.. aku pemilih kawan. Aku juga tidak marah kalau orang kata aku kera sumbang. Aku mungkin peramah... tapi that's it. Aku tidak rasa sunyi kalau keluar makan tengahari bersendirian. Kawan rapat aku pun tidak sampai 4 orang.

9. Berusaha terlampau keras untuk dapatkan sesuatu

Tak perlu explain macamana aku beli handphone, notebook, digital camera dan lain2... Aku tak minta dari parents. Ingat boleh diet sekali tapi berat badan aku akan naik 5 Kg lepas dapat barang-barang tue.. any guess how I do it? padahal orang pandang aku nie agak boros... muahaha !!!

10. Cepat marah.

Tak perlu cerita lanjut

11. Membosankan

Aku memang membosankan... stay away hiks..

12. Pemujuk

Ella cakap aku pandai pujuk dia ... tunang dia tak boleh pujuk. Siap mintak aku pujuk ella. padahal aku bg. nasihat pun cam sial je ayat... aku rasa tak berkesan, tapi dia cakap sgt. berkesan.... heran... heran

13. Kuat makan...

Need I elaborate more ?

14. Sleeping Queen

Aku ada masalah tidur start dari tingkatan 4. Sampai sekarang aku sudah terbiasa tidur lambat.. paling lewat jam 4 pg. Walaupun aku pernah paksa pejam mata pukul 11 malam. Masih tidak berjaya... It has affected my daily mood okay. Tak perlu cerita lanjut. Walaupun aku selalu tertidur waktu pagi. Tapi aku berjanji kerja aku memang akan siap.. muahah !!!

15. Pemandu yg tak berhemah.

Aku harus akui.... tapi ramai lagi lebih tak berhemah dari aku.

16. Suka bertudung putih.

Macamana orang nak kenal aku senang je.. hampir setiap hari pakai tudung warna putih..
sampai Vince AF pernah cakap...

"Ni lah Marcee yg selalu pakai tudung putih tue"

Selamat tahun baru readers !!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Alphabet and Friends

Sorry can't upload the pic of my office for a while.. I think i need to cropped the pic first *sigh*... meanwhile I got Tag from Yiang.. So enjoy. I promise I wouldn't tag anybody *lazy*

A. Arvind <--- matiler dia mencarut.. ahhaha )

Do you love this person?
We were office mate laa !!

2) Is this person your enemy?
Not my enemy... he is a nice friend, but we might ended up arguing over nonsenses doubt... hahah
3) Would you kiss this person?
No !

B. Brenda

1) What do you really think of this person?
She's beautiful petite lady !!
2) What’s her favourite colour?
Well I guess she's into softy colour
3) Ever danced with them?
Yes.... we danced Sumazau few years ago for our college play

C. Chen

1) Do you have a crush on this person?
No way... haha
2) Have you ever had a crush on them?
No.. again
3) How old is he?
Age doesn't matter.. right Chen?

D. Dayah

1) How long have you known him/her?
since 1993 !
2) Biggest regret?
We didn't meet each other for a few years now
3) Do you hate this person?

E. Ella Medusa

1) Have you met his/her parents?
3 years on the row.. her parents is very sweet and highly determined
2) Worst thing about this person?
She wants to be more reckless driver than me... and she cursed better.. hahah !!!
3) Best thing about this person?
Oh my! what can I say... the list will longer than this post !

F. Fahmie Wahid (Advertisement Model especially original ENO guy)

1) Have you ever dated this person?
We don't dated.. we used to be in a close-group together
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
Maybe next year...
3) Do you go to school with them?
We going to the college together

G. Not applicable

1) Is he/she a good listener?
2) Have you ever lied to make this person feel better?
3) Is this person good looking?

H. Hajar Yazid

1) What grade are they in?
She's a teacher in Sarawak
2) Is he/she your friend?
3) Ever done something illegal with this person?

I. Izreen

1) What is this person’s favourite food?
Not sure...but she's good cooker
2) How did you meet this person?
officemates.. she's a lecturer
3) Do you trust him/her?
She's good.. why I shouldn't trust her ?

J. Jerry Sarina

1) Do they have any siblings?
Yes.. a sister and her late brother
2) Do you know their favourite song?
She has eclectic taste...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?
She do like me... *hehe

K. Kristina / Katherina (twins)

1) How old were you when you first met?
In 2004 - 20 Y.O
2) How did you meet?
First "real" meet at Sungai Buloh Mall 2004.. we shared her car to watch Vince's show
3) Ever danced with this person?
We don't dance.. we sang together

L. Layna

1) What would you do if you had a crush on this person?
I don't go crazy "crushing" a female
2) Do you like him/her as a friend?
Oh.. she is one of the loudest friend of mine.. hehe
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
Of course.. hahaha

M. Miming

1) Is this person older than you?
Same age..
2) Is this person single?
She's engaged now..
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?
Only via Friendster, cuz she had returned to Sabah after finishing the degree

N. Nina

1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
She's my sister !!!
2) Have you seen this person cry?
3) Do you know this person’s middle name?
Doesn't have one.

O. Ophelia / Olifia (Twins)

1) Are you related?
The cousins
2) Could you live with this person?
3) What school do they go to?
Not sure.

P. Perky @ Lydia

1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
2) How about a sleepover with them?
Would love too.. hahah
3) Does this person have a job?
Oh yes !

Q. Qiesty

1) Does this person drink alcohol?
2) Have you seen this person dance?
No.. haha
3) Who does he/she " like''?
She pretty up-to-date person... and she love flowers I guess

R. Rainidzam

1) Have you heard this person sing?
Not sure
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
Not a blogger person...
3) When does this person look best?
He's pretty natural.. he carries himself very well

S. Suhaila

1) Is this person taller than you?
I'm extra inch higher
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?
3) Do they live close to you?
She live closer to my place

T. Tanty

1) Would you do anything for him/her?
2) Have you been to his/her house?
Her house is at Sabah... ermm... too far
3) Where does he/she live?
She's studying in UKM.. lives in the hostel i guess

U. Ummu

1) Is this person in a relationship?
She is still single .. i guess
2) When is the last time you saw him/her?
Last year
3) What colour hair does this person have?
She dyed her hair... mahogany + black and dark brown

V. Vince <--- cannot lari... one

1) Does he have a crush on you?
Me ? No... Professionalism katanyee...

2) Would you hug this person?
No terms for hugging... I 'd punched & pinched him few times
3) Is this person your friend?

W. Not Applicable

1) Is this person loud or quiet?
2) Describe this person:
3) What colour eyes does this person have?

X. Not Applicable

1) Why are you friends with him/her?
2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them?
3) What is one thing you would change about them?

Y. Yusoff Mahyeddin

1) Does this person wear make-up?
He wears make-up if he's dancing
2) Does this person play any instruments?
Not sure
3) What is their favourite sport?
Does dancing counts?

Z. Zairi

1) Does this person have MSN?
No.. maybe
2) Have you ever made out with this person?
He's my BIG Bruddah la
3) When will you see this person next?
Not sure... he's staying in his own house :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tag: Seven Reasons Why You Would Not Want Me As Your Girlfriend!

*Achtung !... Post ini dijangka akan menjadi post terpanjang dalam sejarah penulisan laman blog Euphoria Aziya. Gaya bahasa yang akan digunakan mungkin mengakibatkan sesetengah individu akan pengsan ribuan kali kerana gaya bad language aku akan terserlah yang amat. Jika Anda tidak mampu meneruskan bacaan yang berunsurkan Euphoric and zionism... sila tinggalkan laman ini segera....

First of all, aku dah lama tak buat Tag. Sebab banyak Tag yang aku dapat tidak mencabar minda aku langsung.. nada.. zippa ! I should thank Azzu for her "deadly tag" kerana aku telah menyelinap didalam blog beliau pada waktu yang salah. Tapi disebabkan tajuk Tag yang cukup interesting, aku menyahut cabaran beliau... muhahahahhaha.. Aku tidak suka memaksa individu2 untuk menjadi mangsa Tag aku... tapi what the heck.. if you want to know who will be my Tag's victim... sila baca perenggan terakhir.

Coincidentally, the tag really implies my status... I'm farking single and loves it ;p

To the guys who wants to share his life with me... I hope you will take time to read all of this.

Seven (7) Reasons Why You Would Not Want Me As Your Girlfriend / Boyfriend!

1. I'm fat and not attractive !!!!!

The strongest reasons why you would not want me as your girlfriend. It will be the first reason why most guy will left their woman (I'm not skeptical thank you) or looking for second wife. I don't need to explain more. I'd been too shy of myself because of that.. but finally I think I'd wasted my time because of feeling down about myself. I don't care about being less attractiveness anymore hahaha !!!! So... are you really don't mind to own me ? I bet you don't.

2. I can't make up your mind

A guy who are too sensitive and too emotional SHOULD stay away from me, compulsory !!!!! . You'll make me drown because kau seolah2 memaksa aku "memujuk" kau. I can make you fell happy but I can't make-up your mind when you are being over sensitive/emotional. Kalau kau sanggup bawak diri jauh2 sebab terlalu sensitif apabila ditegur. I advice you to don't ever come back to me. Ever !

Aku dibesarkan dengan selalu berhadapan dengan individu2 yang suka menegur, mencaci dan menengking. Jadi, kalau aku bersifat seperti kau wahai emotional guy. Aku rasa aku sudah lama mati bunuh diri. Lebih baik kau beritahu baik2 (dan bersikap berdiplomasi) sebab kau rasa kurang senang dengan apa yg aku lakukan. Kau tak boleh self-centered !

3. I'm the most boring person on earth

If you feel that your life is not boring ... Please don't put your bet on me "claiming that I'm entertaining". Akulah insan yang sungguh membosankan.. bukan aje hidup aku bosan.. aku juga cepat bosan dengan perkara2 yang membosankan. Kadang-kadang dengan hanya first impression, aku "segera" tahu bahawa benda itu sungguh membosankan. Memang menjengkelkan sifat aku yang satu ini.... Contoh, Aku adalah Simon Cowell yang terlebih setan. Kalau kau menyanyi sehebat Steven Tyler, belum tentu aku suka nyanyian kau. Aku cepat bosan dengan menyaksikan benda yang "sama" (contoh kebosanan aku tau !).

Muzik yang aku suka selalunya muzik yang agak old school atau retro beat. Jangan paksa aku untuk menyukai muzik yang kamu suka. Aku tidak akan "menghalang" influence muzik kau. Cuma kau jangan paksa aku untuk ikut "influence" hanjing kau... sial !!!!!. Automatis kau dengan lulus cemerlang, telah berjaya membuatkan aku bosan sampai aku nak "trigger" bagi flying kick!

4. I'm too independent and quiet

Aku selalu ditegur bapak ku tentang sikap aku yang suka mendiamkan masalah / kesihatan aku dan aku terlalu independent untuk mengatasi masalah aku sehingga aku hampir "mati" . Apabila aku sudah "kritikal" baru mereka tahu. Aku masih sukar untuk berkongsi masalah dengan kawan dan keluarga. Even my Best Friend Forever (BFF). Jadi aku tak dapat bayangkan jika kamu yang sanggup berkongsi hidup dengan aku terpaksa melalui "saat" begini. Sukar mencari pasangan yang mempunyai "passion" untuk menjaga dan melindungi diri aku sehingga akhir hayat.

5. I can't fulfill other's sense of fashion / style

Sedarlah baju2 di Malaysia nie sgt. banyak untuk mereka yang kurus sahaja. Kau ingat body macam aku nie bolehke nak berfashion ikut selera kau ? I can't wear skinned jeans, g-string, body shirt, dress or saree (larikkkk !!!!!!!). Tapi aku taklah bangang sehingga kena pakai baju pregnancy (lari lagikk !!!!). Aku masih ada curve and I have my own signature of dressing. I'm voluptuous, baby !!!! Tengok Jennifer Hudson, the way she dressed lebih hebat dari Mariah Carey mahupun Sarah Jessica Parker. Di mana keadilan untuk menjual pakaian2 cantik untuk kami2 yang full figured nie?. I love to admit that Victoria Beckham's style and product is a misery !!!!!!

6. I'm not a Human Trafficking "Update Devices"

If you're the one who love to have a girl to let you know where she's going, with whom, when she will back et cetera seolah2 mereka adalah gundik kau, dengan segala hormatnya aku menyembamkan muka kau ke taik longkang. I feel weired because woman needs to "burden" themself, calling her boyfriend and let him know where she is and what she'd done every few minutes and hours. Ada yang siap pasang GPS tracker and "friend finder" dalam handpon. Aku rasa diri aku nie jenis dishonest sebab mana aku pegi mesti kena beri tahu. Kalau aku dah masuk kubur kau kau nak tracking aku tak ???? Lemasnya akuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen up my girls.. lelaki (kecuali suami kau) yang belum tentu akan kahwin dengan kau tapi dah terlalu control hidup kau supaya ikut apa yang dia mahukan. Obviously you'll feel down and cry bila dia marah sebab kau terlupa telefon dia, sampai boleh tak bertegur sapa hampir 3 hari atau lebih. Come on woman.... wake up !!!!!!

Lelaki.... jangan cabar aku jika kau mahu aku ikut segala telunjuk kau. Aku sanggup berkasar dengan kau kerana kau tak tahu sejarah hidup aku. Aku mahukan lelaki yang bersifat penyabar, penasihat yang baik dan memberi aku kebebasan... sebab aku pun tidak suka mengongkong hidup orang. Jadi, jangan kongkong hidup aku.

7. I'm definitely a "tremendous" picky

Before you bastard making a "boo" sound or outrageously saying I'm a Bitch, allow me to summarize you why I'm a picky... Many people said I'll married a Caucasian man or other races *laugh*. So... below this paragraph, I'd listed a few anonymous picture. I'll explain it to you so you'll know what kind of guy am I looking for....


If you own a face that cute like Chinese's mantou, become heartrobes and liquid dreams to lot's of women. You're definitely not in my list. You want me to date this type of guy ? I'll look like his old hagged "mama". Tak kuase nyah !!!!! This type of guy obviously suitable to be anak ikan to "sugar daddy"............. larikkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There is nothing wrong for you guys who owns this type of body and looks. It just that I'll still look like an older "sister" to you. You should see my real face first before hook me up with you.


This looks is okay. This guy has a sense of style. But having a bald, thick and weired gootie / mustache "in one look" is not in my taste. Addition, he's look too old for me.. oh my !


This looks is definitely a hottie-on-a go. You might feel weired why I didn't make him "pass" as he owns the face and gestures that millions of women will fascinate him like heaven. He is most likely to be the best person you want to lay, hugged and hooked on the bed (admit it !) I just wondering, if you owns this face... do you want to marry me? You'll probably pasang lot's of "girlfriends". I don't like to have a high-stakes relationship with you. I don't mind keep an eye of you. But seriously... do you really wants me badly ? *rolls eyes*


Not just you look like a old hag. But you got a BIG desire to marry a younger women? Face it... women will marry you if you got lot's of cash and property. You're also trying to look like a geek. Like "duh"? You're not !!! I can tell who is geek and whose not. If you're these type of guy.. sorry


You might look "old" but if you own this gestures and characteristic, you'll definitely trembled me ! You're not a "cute" type.. you're mostly a rugged guy. You're down-to-earth, romantic and have a sense of good communication. You hates cheap talking and you don't "parade" yourself in front of hungry eyes. You love your partner and practice tantric sex with your loved ones (I don't care what position you wanna do. I have a high libido... you won't regret having me *laughing hard*)


The first important things that will makes me like you is.. You have a strong, mature characteristic in your faces and gestures. I like this guy-type who will walk in confidence and smile when greeting. You are definitely have a great eye contact, a geek and always pay a good attention of each situation you're in to. I can sense this type of guy has lot's of hidden talent and it will makes you surprised when you finally "discover" it. This guy can be the safest person you can be with as he will protect you.


Once again this looks... old. But you aren't a "hag" type of old. This is a strong "old". This guy will be one of a kind, he didn't talk much but he'll definitely careful on what he will do. He will always be firm of his thought, gestures and he will honor his lady, old people and will definitely loves kid. He will be a soft spoken and he is good comforting friends and other people. If you are this type of man.. you are also the person I'm looking for.

Conclusion, you're mostly wouldn't want me as your girlfriend. I'm picky, peachy, selective, hot-rod, troublesome and self-centered. At least I'd explained to you what kind of person am I and what kind of guy that I'm looking for *smile*

I want to tag these beloved people of mine, please fell free to do this meme :-

1) Badzli
2) Perky
3) Dr. Chen (my newbie Euphorian)
4) Lyana
5) Atiqah
6) HCFoo

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kisah Aku dan Guru

Jangan pulak korang bila baca tajuk nie menganggap aku nak cerita pasal "kisah seks aku ngan Cikgu aku". Aku sebenarnya baru aja tahu ada kisah lucah seorang anak murid ngan cikgunya. Nama cikgu tue Cikgu Suraya (Azzu, now you know already what that "teacher's" name). Jangan terkejut 50% pembaca yang membaca entry nie akan google nama Cikgu Suraya selepas ini. hehehehhe.....

Dua tiga hari nie aku selalu membaca blog Euphori-niacs yang lain. Mungkin dengan cara itu dapat ilham nak menulis entry yang baru. Aku tertarik dengan entry blog Azzu baru-baru nie. Luahan hatinya terhadap insan-insan yang telah mencurahkan ilmu sepanjang kehidupannya di sekolah. Ada juga insan itu yang telah membantutkan perasaan dia.

Aku pun terfikir... aku juga ada kisah tersendiri tentang pengalaman aku dengan guru aku (Once again.. it's NOT a sex stories). Kadang-kadang hubungan aku dengan guru yang bakal aku ceritakan selepas ini menjadi ke"cemburuan" pelajar-pelajar dan guru-guru.

Aku berharap siapa-siapa yang membaca kisah aku nie adalah orang yang bersikap terbuka. Ada guru-guru yang disenangi ramai.. ada juga guru-guru menjadi kebencian. Bukan niat aku utk. mencela mereka. Anggaplah kisah ini menjadi teladan semua.

You want to know who, how and why? ... keep reading.

Sekolah Menengah (Girl's School)

Puan Nam:

Aku tak boleh lupa langsung dengan Cikgu berbangsa Cina ini. Dia mengajar Geografi ketika aku Tingkatan Dua. Secara jujurnya dia juga tidak disukai hampir semua pelajar dalam kelas ku. Ketika first time dia mengajar kami. Dia baru mengandung 3 bulan. Jadi korang faham-faham lah ye.... hampir setahun semua pelajar terpaksa dibelenggu amarah orang yang garang macam orang gila meroyan nie. Setiap minggu.. ada aja pelajar yang kena berdiri atas kerusi dan kena jemur di luar kelas. Walaupun kelas aku nie kelas pertama.. tapi perangai student memang nakal. Asal Pn. Nam keluar kelas aje.. ada yang mengajuk cara dia berjalan. Oh ya, Pn. Nam nie jalan terkengkang.. bila dia sarat mengandung lagi kelakar dia berjalan.

Aku memang ada dendam sikit dengan dia. Aku ketika itu MC 3 hari. Demam panas. Nak telefon kawan tanya kerja sekolah pun aku tak larat.. bila aku dah okey sikit.. aku terlupa nak telefon balik kawan aku. Maka hari ke-4 aku datang sekolah, kawan aku tiba-tiba beritahu aku, Pn. Nam akan buat spot check latihan yang dia berikan pada hari ke-3 aku tak datang sekolah.. Of course i feel terrified. Aku pun cepat-cepat buat latihan yang dia berikan.... tak terfikir pun nak copy jawapan dari kawan. Aku lupa... macam aku boleh jawab je semua soalan yang dia beri. The problem is... i don't have enough time to finish the questions. Subject Geografi pada hari tue jam 2.30 petang. Second subject of a day. Pn. Nam pulak macam tahu je aku tak siap latihan yang dia kasi tiba-tiba "serang" aku dulu. Aku pun cakaplah aku tak datang 3 hari dan baru hari nie kawan kasi soalan. Dia marah aku sebab aku tak call kawan aku semalam tanya ada homework ke tidak. Dalam hati aku cakap...

"Oii gila, mana aku tau kau nak buat spot-check. Ko memang buang tebiat nak spot-check hari nie. Padahal ko tak pernah buat sebelum nie. Aku tetap hantar latihan aku on-time"

Dia tak mau terima alasan aku... Maka dia suruh aku bawak kerusi kat luar kelas. Letak kerusi kat tempat yang paling banyak cahaya matahari. Aku ingat aku seorang aje yang kena. Rupanya kawan aku Intan pun kena sekali. Maka duduklah kami berdua bagai kain di jemuran. Kawan2 dari kelas lain melihat aksi kami duduk di luar kelas. Bagai memahami apa yang berlaku. Intan yang kebetulan bawa pensel 2B nya menconteng dinding kelas dengan ayat.

"Puan Nam gigi jongang jalan terkengkang"

Aku rasa Puan Nam tak perasan kut apa yang Intan tulis. Puan Nam jalan pun bukan pandang tepi.. huhuhuh. Lepas kejadian tue.... ramai budak tak puas hati dengan Pn. Nam. Siap buat pakatan nak "letupkan" perut dia.

SM Teknik

Cikgu KZ:

kalau ada teman-teman aku terbaca kisah ini harap korang bersikap terbuka. Aku pun ada sejarah kisah aku dan Cikgu KZ. Sejak aku masuk sekolah teknik... tahap sosial aku meningkat. Aku semakin rajin bertemu guru. Tapi aku tetap gemar menyendiri. Aku rapat dengan Cikgu KZ ketika di tingkatan 4. Mungkin sebab aku banyak bertutur dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Aku selalu lepak dalam bilik Cikgu KZ semasa rehat. Bukan aku berdua dengan dia.. tapi dengan kawan2 aku yang lain. Kami semua memang malas nak ke kantin bila rehat. Semua bawa bekal sendiri (walaupun duduk asrama). Cikgu KZ pulak bersikap terbuka dengan student jagaan dia.

Aku juga pernah jadi "Posmen" Cikgu KZ. I know it's sound like scandal. But I'd sensed that Cikgu KZ likes one of the female teacher in school. Both of them married already. Budak dorm aku selalu cakap tentang mereka berdua. Tapi itu sudah jadi sejarah. No more !

Tapi aku sedih bila aku masuk Tingkatan 5, hubungan aku dan Cikgu KZ renggang. Mentang-mentang aku masuk kelas paling hujung. Dia pinggirkan aku. Satu kisah yang buatkan aku marah dan sedih bila aku terserempak dengan dia di kelas yg dia jaga (masa tue dah waktu balik). Kebetulan seorang kawan aku dalam kelas dia membuka 1 soalan Lukisan Kejuruteraan yang aku tak faham. Maka aku pun turut bertanya dengan dia macamana nak selesaikan lukisan begitu. Korang tau apa dia jawab ??

"Alah soalan nie senang ajer.... budak kelas saya semua boleh buat. Diorang pandai. Kenapa kamu tak pandai pulak?"

Aku menyirap darah bila dia cakap macam tue. Hey! aku punya aggregat lagi tinggi dari budak2 kelas dia. Tapi sistem terbaru "macam anjing" sekarang utamakan A dari aggregat. Macam sial... itu pasal aku masuk kelas last.. pasal aku tak dapat A langsung tapi B banyak. You're supposed to be a teacher.... to teach pupils not to express your thought's about disadvantage pupils.

Aku pergi dari situ. Menangis mengenangkan nasib aku. Amarah aku terus menguasai. Aku janji untuk belajar sendiri LK tanpa bantuan sesiapa. Aku sumpah budak2 bawah jagaan dia fail LK (I don't mean that actually... jahatnya aku). You can guess what happend. Hampir separuh budak Form 5 fail LK masa SPM. Termasuk student-student jagaan dia. Sebenarnya aku tak ada apa2 niat pun. Tapi, siapa lebih berusaha. Dia akan berjaya.

Allahyarham Cikgu Ramli:

Arwah Cikgu Ramli adalah bekas Penolong Kanan Satu di Juntech. Seorang yang menggangap semua pelajar adalah anaknya sendiri. Ramai yang sayangkan Arwah. Kisah aku dan arwah bermula ketika aku mengalami kecederaan di belakang dan kaki akibat latihan Taekwondo. Seorang guru yang telah memberitahu arwah mengenai keadaan aku. Maka arwah menyuruh aku datang ke biliknya and meminta aku datang ke rumah Pengakap setiap petang. Aku dan seorang senior aku yang jatuh tangga menjalani rawatan ala-ala "Hidro electro-magnet" dimana kami rendamkan kaki di dalam air dan disambung Elektromagnet. Aku dan senior aku sembuh dalam dua minggu. Tapi hubungan aku dan arwah tak habis di situ. Suatu hari waktu rehat sekolah, aku makan di kantin seorang diri. Arwah yang kebetulan membeli makanan datang ke arah aku dan duduk bertentangan dengan aku. Aku terkejut dengan kehadiran dia. Di saat itu aku tengok budak2 lain dah pandang semacam dengan aku. Arwah sebenarnya mahu berbual-bual dengan aku tentang kecederaan aku. Sikap kebapaan sangat jelas dalam dirinya. Dia sangat mengambil berat. Bila aku pulang ke kelas. Ramai budak2 mula cakap2 belakang mengenai aku dan arwah. Aku dengar diorang cakap aku nie "anak ayam" arwah. Arwah bela aku dan sebagainya. Aku bengang dengan diorang. Tapi aku cuma diamkan sahaja.

Mr. Hairool Azmi:

Mr. Hairool, guru Bahasa Inggeris di sekolah. Dia tue bapa angkat aku (tapi usia dia baru 30-an) sebab dah kahwin hehe... Seorang yang happy-go-lucky tapi bila dia marah, satu sekolah gentar. Ramai yang tak tahu, aku dan Mr. Hairool "lepak" dalam library waktu rehat. Selalu bertukar cerita dia juga seorang pendengar setia kalau aku ada masalah. Satu hari time aku belajar aku terdengar dia marah sambil "baling kerusi" dalam kelas lain. Aku pulak ternampak satu kerusi melayang jatuh kat tingkat bawah akibat balingan dia. Budak2 dalam kelas tue beritahu aku, dia marah sebab student tak siapkan English composition termasuklah student yang terer dalam English. Memang carik pasal betul budak-budak nie.. huhu...

Bila time rehat, Mr. Hairool ada dilibrary. Aku dengan beraninya bersemuka dengan dia. Aku beritahu dia, aku tak suka dia baling-baling kerusi. Aku tak kisah dia nak marah bagai nak rak kat budak-budak tue. Tapi jangan baling kerusi. Aku juga cakap, aku sayangkan dia.. aku tak mau pasal kes baling kerusi aku dah tak dapat berbual dengan dia. Manalah tau Pengetua fired dia.

Budak-budak semua impress dengan aku. Diorang tak percaya aku bersemuka dengan Mr. Hairool. Aku cuma cakap dengan diorang. Jangan buat hal lagi dengan dia. At least after that day, Mr. Hairool takde baling-baling kerusi lagi. Setakat marah ajer.

Hubungan aku dengan dia tak lama. Dia dah berhenti mengajar untuk sambung Master di UM. Aku terlalu sedih. Takde lagi teman berbicara. Dia ada beritahu aku, dia dan wife akan tinggal di Puncak Alam. Tapi sampai sekarang aku tak pernah jumpa dia.

Mama Khatipah:

Aku rasa aku sorang aje yang panggil dia Mama masa sekolah dulu. Seorang yang penyayang dan dia seorang aje yang boleh "tegur" aku kalau aku buat perangai di asrama. Pernah sekali aku buat "kes" di asrama. Ponteng kelas dan emergency spot-check assembly sebab aku frust giler dengan result exam aku. Budak-budak dorm aku mmg geram ya amat ... pasal aku takde, diorang kena public canning masa assembly tue. Aku tengah frust, nak buat macamana kan... wrong time pulak nak menyendiri. Mama dan female warden lain memang terkejut dengan "ketiadaan" aku masa assembly tue. Sebab memang aku tak pernah buat perangai. Maka aku terpaksa bersemuka dengan ketua warden. Tapi sebelum tue aku ke rumah Mama dulu. Aku beritahu apa masalah aku. Dia nasihatkan aku terus bersemuka dengan ketua warden. Dia juga tulis sepucuk surat untuk ketua warden mengatakan aku dah buat pengakuan kat dia tentang apa yang berlaku. Jadi time aku kena bersemuka dengan ketua warden. Aku dilepaskan sebab ketua warden pun tahu aku tak pernah buat hal di asrama. See ??? i'm still a good girl.

Hubungan aku dan Mama masih bertahan sampai sekarang. Kadang-kadang hantar sms

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My PC Desktop

I kena tagged lagi by my friend HCFoo hehehehhe.... This time he want to know how my PC desktop look like.

Ehem.... first of all, i malu nak tunjuk my desktop *blushing* ... nothing interesting lorr.. *down to earth* .... Walau apa-apa pun.. i tetap sporting nak tunjuk kat you all semua my desktop... *smile*

Jeng.. jeng... jeng.... here's my humble desktop.. humble lah konon...

Err.... i don't like to put a lot of icons on the desktop... It's hurt my eyes and it cannot show the true beauty of the wallpaper hehehe.... Actually i only put 2 icons. But now i want to kill Sony Ericsson File Manager because it is not a shortcut folder and i cannot deleted it... it's sucks !!!!

You may noticed that i used different theme from Windows XP original style. The theme i used is called Media Center style. The color scheme is Royale. I forgot where i'd downloaded this theme. Oh the recycle bin and my computer's icon.. it's from other Theme.

That funny hairy caterpillar... It's soo cute. I also forgot the website that i'd downloaded this wallpaper. Now I have more than 100 wallpaper. This one is one of my favourite... simple, clean and creative.

What? What?.. You think i will put Vince's wallpaper arr ?... siao arr. Itu dah terlebih angau !!!

This second screenshot is to show you my favourite settings to put programs that i used the most. I don't know about you. But i like "Quick Lauch" settings. No need to go sub-folders just to search the programs. Wasting your time. As you can see some of the programs has a different icon. I'd download other icon designs from the internet. Mostly in 3D Design. Boring lah asyik tgk. icon yg sama ajer...

I don't know who i want to tagged. If you interested to do this... you may free to do so. But i agree with HCFoo, i do curious to see my other's Euphori-Niacs desktop... hehehehehe. So here goes my list:-

2. Ella
3. Azzu
7. Zafi

p/s: To do a screenshoot, please press Print Screen (Prt Scr) button on the keyboard and use Paint or Photoshop etc. by select "Paste". Save the screenshoot in Jpeg. or .bmp or .gif. I recommend you to use Photoshop for better looking screenshoot.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

10 Layers of my delicious cake of life

Layer One: On the Outside

Name: Aziya "Marcee" Hj. Zahar
Birthdate: 11th May 1984
Current status: Single.... Simple
Eye color: Black Mama
Hair Color: I've tried mahogany before and i look like a Granny.
Righty or Lefty: Ambidexterous (Right= Writing, Eating ; Left=Chopping, and some labour works

Layer Two : On the Inside

My heritage: Malay, Indian, Cocos, Sabahan, Indonesian, Aussie, Chinese (rojak tepu)
My fears: No money
My weakness: Crying babies and handicapped person
My perfect pizza: Mozzarella Cheese Pizza.. emm.. maybe add some chunky chicken, onions, mushrooms and some pineapples

Layer Three : Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

My thoughts first thing when i wake up: Not sure coz i'll sleep back until.....
My bedtime: Maybe i'm the perfect candidate as human nocturnal
My most missed memory: My birthday party with Vince as my guest

Layer Four : Your pick

Pepsi or Coke: Neither !!!
McDonald's or Burger King: Mc D lar... kenyang beb.
Single or Group dates: Single still
Adidas or Nike: Neither
Tea or Nestea: Both ... i like any kinds of Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cuppacino or Coffee: Cuppa

Layer Five : Do you.....

Smoke: I'll die early because of that
Curse: Idiotic slow driver who drive in the fastest lane (can u imagine that?)
Take a shower: One of the best time in a day
Have a crush: David Caruso... oh.. my gawd.. (Vince, jgn jeles okay..)
Think you've been in love: When? ... i love myself more
Go to school: Come on ! everybody goes to school (eventhough it's sucks)
Want to get married: I'm waiting for the Prince Charming to propose me... uhh... wait... i don't want it now
Believe in yourself: Who else will believe in you???
Think you're a Health Freak: Look at me !!!!!!!!!

Layer Six : In the past month

Drank alchohol: I'm clean yo !!
Gone to the mall: Oh dear.... I prefer hang out at Giant, Shah Alam
Been on stage: Uh.. not last month
Eaten Sushi: I don't want to get infected by tape worms.. so?.. HELL NO
Dyed your hair: Currently NO

Layer Seven : Have you ever..?

Played a stripping game:LOL... hahahha
Change who you were to fit in: I don't know... because i think i can carry myself very well

Layer Eight : Age

I'm hoping to get married : Oh please.... no one wants me (how tragic is that???)

Layer Nine : What was I doing

1 min ago : Start getting bored with this survey
1 hour ago : Maghrib prayers
4.5 hours ago : Sleeping
1 year ago : Monday... bored... maybe i'm in college

Layer Ten : Finish the sentence

I love : get what i'd wished for
I hate : Someone who makes friends with me just for their only benefit ... not both sides
I hide : My dark secret and my vibrators... LOL
I need: A great team and fun challenging job.. i'm jobless currently

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Tagged lagik... LOL

hcfoo tagged me... LOL

10 thing you don't know or u might know a little about me

1. Have more 10 nicknames M, Mar, Mai, Marg, Mer, Mim Roo, Maizy, Yaya, Marcee, Aziya, ziezie, zie, Marziah, Ziya, Kepelepeng (ask my brother/sister) etc... ;p

2. Loves reading comic book like Biohazard 3, King of Fighters series,

3. Hates Tamil/Hindi/Indonesian movies, drama etc.

4. A rock chic.. loves old Metallica, Brryan Adams, System of A Down, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Collective Soul. etc. and I adore Celine Dion

5. Thinks Giant ss 13, Shah Alam is cool rather than Subang Parade

6. Loves driving fast and furious (pernah sampai 140km/j) .. padahal bawak kancil EX850 jer.... tak sedar diri betul

7. I cursed a lot... especially to a stupid slow driver and "over-conquer road" motorcyclist

8. I'd receive 11 speed trap summons in a year.. and it will keep coming sooner...

9. Sleep Goddess.... sleeping is sooooooooo heavenly

10. Still single and picker, because i want to find a Caucasian "Honest" Man or any Western "Honest" Man as my soulmate..... not a Malay Man.... sure dreamin the "next three chicks" fall for him and they can't..

*Add* Comment from Lyana:

"i'm picky too, but after being with caucasian males --- they're the same! men are too general laa my dear. the good ones are all taken or gay. lalala~"

Saturday, March 10, 2007


one anonymous had tagged me... ;p

6 thing you don't know about Aziya

1. Aziya loves "Old Metallica" .... her Bro buy "Black Album" and it had hitched Aziya too... ;p

2. In 2001 (form 5.), Aziya dapat num. 1 dalam each class exam.... not forget to mentioned, 33 pupils in her class are boys and only 3 girls include her...

3. Her craziness over Vince were in "hardcore" level.... she will brought all magazines that have vince stories but currently she were off track due her busyness over study.

4. She was unsure either she is daddy's girl or mommy's girl

5. Aziya had buy >60 original cassette...

6. She had been involved "mouth fight" with traffic police ... opppsss