Showing posts with label Cruisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cruisine. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Breaking News: Aziya cooks vegetarian food

Hallowwww everyone.... today Aziya wants to teach you how to cook a healthy food (chewah)... seriously... Aziya cooks something healthy today (just for meee !!!)... oh not forget to mention, everything is Vegetarian stuff.

My parents is away to Senai, Johor today and mom ain't cook something for me... so I take this opportunity to striven my cooking technique (because I can't cook extravagant dishes... simple2 can lah)

Stop laughing lah wei.... Aziya very2 serious you know.... how to feed my future hubby if I can't cook curry for him ?

Err wait the minute.. I dinch eat curry or everything that has coconut milk inside... I only eats that very seldom. I can cook fried foods, sambal, sweet sour and masak kicap. More horror, I'm vegetarian now heheheh... rasalah makan tofu, vege and artificial meat ye... I'm sorry to my future hubby, NO coconut milk dishes for yew... very bad for your health okeh *alasan jer tuh* !!!

Some of friends ask me how's my vegetarian diet progressing. Well.. I can tell you that I haven't got problems with it.......... yet. My sis in-law thinks my vegetarian diet had change my sense of humor. I think she needs to dig deeper of myself hehehehehe.

But frankly, I'm okay without eating meats, potatoes, sea food and cold water. My Chinese friend show her support by buying me a vegetarian lunch. I do think that being vegetarian had eased down my migraine, stress and I fell a bit lighter now. I may consider to do this permanently as long as I know how to cook vegetarian foods hehehehe.

Okay, back to the topics, today Aziya wants to teach you how to cook Euphoria Aziya's Fried wet MeeHoon vegetarian style *smile*

So here what I use to cook for my MeeHoon basah (you can alter the ingredients to suits your taste buds)

1) 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped or grin em)
2) 3 vegetarian Fish fingers (you can use vegetarian chicken too)
3) 2 fried tofu
4) ORGANIC MeeHoon... (it's taste good you know)... rebus dulu yer !!!!
5) Dark soy sauce (depends on your taste)
6) Vegetarian Oyster sauce ( depends on your taste)
7) 1 tsp. of homemade "Cili Boh" or chili paste (if you want more spicier.. you can add more)
8) Chili sauce (depends on your taste)
9) One Omega Egg (healthier choice beb..) -optional.. strict vege doesn't eat eggs
10) Pinch of salt
11) 1/2 glass of water (depends on how much MeeHoon you'll fried)

Okeh... let's start.

1) Take the egg and make an omelet eggs (don't add anything, even salt) leave aside
2) Half fried the tofu and vegetarian fish fingers ... leave aside
3) Take 2 tbs. new cooking oil and "tumis" the garlic sampai naik bau.
4) Add the chili paste and stir for a while
5) Add the fish fingers, tofu and any vegetables you want.... (but I don't add vegetables)
6) Add 1/2 glass of water, some vegetarian oyster sauce, dark soy and chili sauce (depends on the meal size)
7) Leave it cook for 30 seconds or more (don't forget to stir)
8) Add the organic meehoon and stir until it's fully covered with the sauces.
9) Add some dark soy, vegetarian oyster sauce and chili sauce
10) Make sure the meehoon is not too dry... (It's MeeHoon basah remember?)
11) Add pinch of salt and the omelet eggs.
12) stir until it is completely covered with eggs and salts

You're done :)

As for garnishing and making my dishes more healthier... I'd chopped a fresh Chinese's Cabbage and cleanse it properly. Then I sprinkled it over my MeeHoon. Why ? because I love fresh cabbages (the nutrient in the fresh uncooked vege is more than cooked vegetables) and I need the "crunch" side of the meal. The more cabbage you put... the better. My mom only had left me small amount the cabbages today *sigh*.

Also.. you can sprinkle a fried onion *yummy* on top of the Meehoon. Add one "limau nipis" and small amount chili sauce and vegetarian oyster sauce.

This is how my Euphoria Aziya's Fried wet MeeHoon vegetarian style looks like....


Say it loud with me guys...

Aziya is a great cooker !!!!!!

larikkk !!!!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Deepavali, Estate's old memories and Mutton Curry

Ahh... i hope i'm not that late to wish all my Hindu's friends a Happy Diwali. Tempat I sekarang memang meriah dengan Mercun and Meriam Buluh.. oooppssss (Dun noe how they get buluh in Kapar).

For more 20 years, I'd live in palm estate's environment. Making friends with lots of Indian's friends. Some of them went to school together with me and play together. Honestly my relationship with non-Malay friends are stronger than my Malay friends. Dekat Sabah, lot's of my friends are Indians, Chinese, Cocos, Caucasians (because their fathers are the Estate General) and Kadazans. Hard to find a Malays friend that time.

When my family and I moved to Selangor... baru I dapat kenalan Melayu. I have to learn speak proper Bahasa Malaysia because my primary school friends/teachers says my accent are too funny to hear. (Of courselah i'd feel embarassed... I'm the only one in the class speaks funny and bizzare Sabahan accent). I also had found out that all my Indian and Chinese classmate speak proper Malay. Itu yang menguatkan semangat belajar Bahasa Malaysia. Very excited that my Indians friend sendiri ajar I Bahasa Melayu when I was in Primary School. Sekarang susah nak tengok Indians and Chinese people speaks fluent Malay. Rojak already... (Including Me !!!!)

The best thing when you live in Estate. You'll celebrate a lot of festivals. Chinese New Year, Aidilfitri and Deepavali. Dekat Pamol Estate, Sabah lagi best.... add with Kaamatan Festival and Christmas. Semua orang dekat estate akan jemput all of you datang rumah setiap kali ada perayaan. Kalau tak dapat jemput pun, they will give you BIG Hamper. Full with Maruku, Sparkling drinks, and some junk food. Christmas time, you'll get a present (al-maklumlah Estate General kaya..).

The thing that makes me "horrified" when it comes to visit "rumah terbuka" at Sabah, they will ask me to sing. I repeat, SING !!!! Tak kira Kenduri Kahwin, Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Chinese New Year or Christmas. Nampak aje anak Hj. Zahar sorang nie, mesti kena tarik suruh menyanyi Hehehe...

I start singing when i was 4 (according to my Dad). I'd sang in front of thousands audients when i was 6 years old (more than 4 times). I'd sang for Christmas Pageant, Kindergarden's Convo day, Karaoke's guest artist, school choir. Got some pictures of it... but malas nak scan. That time i'd meet lots of new friends, especially Indians and Kadazans.

But when I'd moved to Selangor. I'd retired from singing. Kalau celebrate raya pun, setakat Aidilfitri and Deepavali. Kalau dah ada keturunan India dalam diri individu... Kari memang sesuatu yang sedap dimakan !!!. I remember that I used to be a "Kari Kambing" freaks. When I attend a Deepavali's open house, mesti nak sambar Kari Kambing dulu. Makan dengan Capati atau roti canai.... Hoh, punyalah sedap. Pernah "overdose" makan Kari Kambing hehehe.... Hinggalah satu hari yang malang. Adalah insan nie tak pandai masak Kari Kambing. Tengah makan kari kambing tue... boleh terasa bau hamis Kambing. Yuck, busuk gila !!!!!! I Migrain 5 hari berturut-turut, my tounge bau hamis kambing. Tak mau jamah langsung "apa-apa" masakan Kari (Mom suka masak Kari Ayam).

From that moment.... I phobia makan Kari Kambing. Mak I masak pun I tak mau makan (Although my late Indian Grandpa said my mom cooks the best Mutton Curry he'd ever tasted). One day mom only cook Mutton Curry for lunch.. she forgot that i can't eat Mutton Curry. My dad had cheats me by telling me that mom cooks Kari Daging..... padahal itu kari kambing. Jadi.. tanpa was-was , I pun makan lah kari tue. Baru gigit small chunk Mutton, I nearly fainted and start vomiting. Of courselah i got pissed with my dad.... Want to "play-play" cheating me to eat that mutton curry. If suddenly I got heart stroke while eating Mutton Curry how???

Before I'm going to sleep... I would like to share 2 vids of Deepavali advertisement that I really like... I'm born with half of Indian's gene. Dad had taugt me some of Tamil's words eventhough he himself not fluent speaking in Tamil like his late father's do. When I watch this advertisement... I understand what they talk.. (without looking at the subtitles). Ahh.. i wish my grandpa still live.... i can learn Hindi, Urdu and Tamil languages from him.

When the boys saw "Patti" @ Granma, i start to laugh. From that I know she will "forces" them to speak Tamil to her. Indian Grandma will always like that one. They always remind their "cucu" to keep honoring Tamil's language.

My family and I like this advertisement... I start laughing hard when the guy with straight face said "This Raj".

Friday, August 31, 2007

Merdeka's small Gathering *updated*

Thia is actually first time aku dengar org. buat open house sempena Malaysian Independent's Day... Yang aku tau, religious celebration ajer buat open house. Tapi mungkin tahun nie tahun ke 50 Malaysia merdeka... terasa bahang kemeriahannya...

Last night i'd prayed to Allah, telling Him i'm very grateful to be a Malaysian. Tak dapat bayangkan macamana kehidupan aku kalau aku di lahirkan di Cocos "Keelings" Island, Australia (mungkin mati akibat Battle of Cocos) atau Uttar Pradesh, India (mungkin jadi hamba, akibat penguasaan syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris) Both my great grandparents had fought for their land and survival in World War 1 and 2. Semua hidup susah, namun aku dapat rasakan mereka semua gembira menyambut merdeka di sini, sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

Today, my boyfriend Sharm call [theBACHELOR] crews, to join private and small "Merdeka thanksgiving" gathering. Cambest jer idea because many of us dah lama tak jumpa dan bertanya khabar. Guest on the list will be Me & my cousins, Ella & Mazlan, Chan, Yana, Ummu, Papa Adzim . Some of the crew can't make it.

Unfortunately (ye lah.. mesti ada punya), Sharm terbangun lewat jadi dia terlewat nak memasak... Bertuah badan dia dapat the bachelorettes tolong masak heheheheh. Maka dengan itu tuan-tuan dan puan-puan dapur rumah sharm dah bergegar dengan budak2 bachelorettes memasak sambil bergosip. Aku tak tolong sgt. pasal tgh. selsema... silap haribulan satu rumah terjangkit..... aku cuma tolong cucikan beras, masak nasi, ketuk ais, hidangkan minuman...

(Aku terfikir berapa million bacteria "terrrr" contact kat perkakas itewww... larikkkkk !!!!!)

It takes several minutes to think what to cook for our lunch. Ella decide to cook sayur campur, tempe goreng sambal and telur dadar. Sharm will cook ayam masak merah. Bahan2 pun dah cukup... cuma tinggal nak ketuk kuali jer...

While Ella cook the tempe, Sarah helps her goreng ikan bilis and whatever things need to be friend. You can see Ella's non stop-modified-Lanchester submachine gun mouth as she gossiping around with everyone in the kitchen... oh... aku harapkan tidak ada orang yg tersedak kena gosip ngan sie Ella nie hahahahah.....

Later on, the corner is filled by Sharm and Yana.... emm.... the lauk get "tastier" or what..... Nasiblah tmpt masak tue sempit... nak jugak dua tiga org yg lain tumpang sekaki... hahah

While the girls busy with the cooking, this two gents decide to lepak2 and watching the circus after long time driving. Aiii... time Merdeka pun ada circus??? .. I like Sharm's house... u can see for your selflah, very clean.. siap ade air-cord kat living room.. hehehehe... (tolong Sharm angkat bakul "dia") hahahhaha....

So... ladies and gents... here's our "Merdeka thanksgiving" lunch..... very delicious okey.... alahai buat spoil pulak sudip kat atas periuk nasi... huhuhuhu

Before grab the foods.. Sharm teringin nak suapkan seseorang utk merasa "his sacred chicken" first !!!!! (Don't think other "chicken" lar... tsk..tsk..tsk..)... Konon perasmian jamuan ler.... But as you can see, four mouths terbuka nak meyambar ayam bertuah itu... macam anak2 burung plak.... chipp....chip...chippp

Eh eh.... Mazlan pun nak merasa disuapkan ke??? Lariiikkkkkk

Here's another pic. just to show you how merrier the lunch @ Sharm's house

gath around to pick the lauk.. yummy

Let's eat everyone..... yg tak tahan pedas pegi jauh-jauh....

Seronok when everyone duduk bersila/berdekatan menikmati makanan sambil2 bertukar-tukar cerita. We all are like close friend already.

Papa Adzim dtg. lambat sikit. Lauk dah habis "dikerjakan" budak2 lain hehehehe..... Dia datang dgn. cenderahati utk. [theBachelor]'s event next week. Di tangan Ella tue is one of the prizes... mahal tau buku2 dari DBP (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka)

After lunch... we all buat meeting utk next week event. After that... baru le jamuan habis...

I know our company [theBachelor] ada masalah sikit... but we never give up and we decide to start it over again... bawa imej baru.. jamuan nie telah mengeratkan kami semua.... tak kira Malay, Chinese and Indian (me larr...). The past saddest thing that happend, make us to be wiser and stronger..... Ia telah Memerdekakan minda kami.

I would like to wish.... Happy 50th Independent's Day to all my readers

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Duh... I'm back

Hello readers.... welcome back... Sorry for late posting... I'd been blogspot "out-dated" for previous 5 days.... Not sure what i want to write... sorry.

Actually, my Sabahan couzins (Raha) from Sabah baru-baru aje datang. So I bawa dia jalan2 (Jusco Bukit Raja, Summit USJ, etc.) . Of course lah everybody must entertained their guest. Dalam ajaran agama pun ada beri tahu agar menghargai tetamu.... Of course i don't mind take her window shopping, belanja makan or "cuci-cuci" mata opppsss....

Tapi yg specialnya tentang Raha nie... Vince kenal dia. I pernah bawa Raha ke parti hari jadi Vince tahun 2004. She's one lucky Sabahan dapat bermesra dgn. Vince sepanjang 6 jam!!!!. Now she's start angau nak jumpa Vince balik ;p.

Okay supposely i nak bawa dia jumpa Vince kat Ikano this Sunday.... because Vince ada show kat sana dengan Jaclyn Victor. Tapi yang sakit kepala sekarang nie... Ikano dengan rumah I sangatlah jauh... Show waktu malam pulak tue.... Tak ke mak bapak ku boleh naik hangin pasal anak dara bawak anak dara org lain keluar malam.. huhuhuh

One more thing... aku pun tak sure dapat pegi tgk. Frogway this Friday... (Yes i'd brought the ticket already) ... sebab show waktu malam... Ala bosan betul tinggal jauh2 nie

Hem.......... try to see what happend next lar...

Last Saturday, my dad belanja the whole family makan kat Jeram (Jeram pantai). Of course the restaurant is located near the sea.. (Pantai Remis to be exact).. Neither me or Raha dare to go the Pantai Remis again (eventhough Pantai Remis is better than Pantai Morib).. because both of us will get severe "edema- rashes" which Raha called it Wrath of Kencing Setan (gulp..). Luckily we didn't get any rashes in Port Dickson ... or......

While waiting for the food, everybody is having a good time... Jokes, laughter, chattering, chasing each other (the kids laa.. we adults look stupid chasing each other at the restaurant except chasing your child to prevent them somersaulting like Ultraman Tiga ;p) and walking near the beach...

I do wish none of you will send this pic below to "Maximum Exposure" or "Edisi Siasat" at least.. heheheh... This dad and his jr. were extremely hungry... and they start doing nuts..... everybody in the restaurant laughed over their practical jokes... LOL

"Climb Tyke... climb.... go shout to makcik to bring the food quickly... "

The first 2 menu that we eat are Ikan Kembung bakar and Ikan Pari Panggang which is very delicious. Cicah pulak dengan lombok kicap... sedap giler... There's my hand (below), Raha's hand (right) and my sister's hand (Above)... tgh syiok kopek ikan kembung.

Different angle: There's my brother. You also can see my dad and my mom.

In this pic. you can see Udang Masak Merah, Sotong Goreng Tepung, Sayur Campur and Steamed Fish (most right).

Honestly i mmg cepat kenyang... i only eat 2 prawns, some Squids and little fish.. dunno lar why. Lately i begin to eat in small amounts. Maybe because i amalkan minum Teh Eucommia 1 liter satu hari.

But now... i've to take a nap.... wait for my next posting...

Sweet Dreams everyone.. don't let Nenek Locker culik you.... muhahahahahahahah...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's over now

phew.. this is the end of my final bachelor exam..... no more class, no more grueling exam and no more sleepless. I should wrote this earlier... but i was too tired and decided to give one day for resting or better word hibernate hahahha.......

Last Tuesday is my final paper.... and the exam ended at 6p.m .... i decide to celebrate it with my friend Mimie. We both cruising SACC mall for windows shopping and lepak at Palma Cafe (opposite Nandos).... Since we didn't have time enter this cafe before... i think " just give it a try" .... the menus they have weren't many as others cafe... but it does help us to decide what we should try....

Mimie and I decided to try Nasi Ayam. I have ice lemon tea as for beverages and mimie pick 100 plus (she say she needs "rejuvenation" afer exam.. yeah right)

The Nasi Ayam was good, infact it's delicious ... not only "big" size, the vege. they had put were fresh and crispy. The only thing spoiled is.. the chicken were 'bit' keras....

Mimie and I were having good time in the cafe... then we decided to cruising more in the SACC.. before i decided to go home.... Mimie will going back to Sabah this Friday.

To all my BBM friends (6th Semester)... have fun with your short holiday.... Industrial Training is coming up !!!! "See you on the other side" hehehehhe.....

Thursday, February 15, 2007

College Trip to KLIA Pan Pacific Hotel

My college trip to KLIA Hotel last wednesday was purely unexpected because that time i'm having my hard time over hospital administration what so ever.... but my friend Mimie had send this sms to me (while i'm waiting to seek medical expert in HTAR)..

"Zie.. kau mau kah pegi conference di KLIA Hotel.. jam 10 besok? Ada conference college with Poland University.... pegi lah bah... suda mimie tempah excuse letter untuk zie..... best laa .. ada makan sedap2..... "

So para pembaca sekalian.... apa yg ada dalam fikiran budak2 nie cumalah makan.. bukan nak dengar conference sgt. muhahahahah

As promised.... I'm waiting for mimie in front her apartment around 9.35a.m..... after make some calls.. she msg me:-

"Zie.... mimie bangun lambat... baru lepas mandi nie"....

then i have wait for her around 15 minutes... cukup berasap kepala if you asked me... cair sudah my make-up..... Bila mimie on board... kami dah lewat 10 minit after 10a.m ..... then terpaksa lagi cari parking.... i have to park my car 700m from college gate... sgt banyak kereta lah kat KUTPM...

Everybody (20 pax. with 2 lecturers) yang pegi sudah ada di dalam bas... me and mimie yang paling lambat sekali.... hehehehe..... while cruising on NKVE section to USJ exit here's on of my pic. shoot

Two models in the front is Mitchell Constance (Midge) and Nicky Orrellius
10km near to KLIA with our college bus.... the group saw some wacky accident... adalah jammed sekejap....

Arrive at the hotel... our group been escorted to the conference room by the hotel staff and here's the early situations...

In the hotel restaurant here's the situation

1) Mimie, Me and Midge are far behind
2) I'm having sphagetti, chicken lemon/griled, some potatoes, and seafood chillies
3) A pack of hungry people... see the plates
4) Round 2: My desert plates.... whoaaaaa (75% Cheese)... u'll see chocolate dip marshmallow, chocolate cake, custard filling tit-bits, vanilla/chocolate ice cream with strawberry sorbets and lime+chocolate syrup
5)A face of "satisfaction"

6)Mimie with her desert
After the lunch we decided to take some "full stomach pic"

er.... with "toilet" shoot

And when we returned back to KUTPM.... here's some "happy Shiny People" shoot

And the journey home continues........

~~*The End*~~