Currently, I'm sobered for various reasons. Feeling unappreciated, unloved, unmotivated, unworthiness and fret over my future. I don’t know why I’m scared of things I haven’t done yet. I use to be stronger and I am very much “ready” to deal with any unforeseen issues that will be raised. A friend of mine uttered the words “postgraduate blues” relating on what I felt right to know. He felt the same way too after he'd received his Postgrad scroll. I don’t know if I could agree on his “term”. What I’d felt is pretty much worst. I could feel it.
Frankly speaking, I decide not to share my current “location” of my job training to anyone except to my families because I’m no longer ready to face the people that I use to love… as he lives quite nearby to my working area. I just can’t believe why I was tested this bad. My heart is shattered as the memories of him and I linger on my mind. I can’t believe I’m this weak and unable to move on. I’d pledged to stay away from him. I’d pledged it….. but………
A few days ago I get a phone call from a friend of mine, invite me for a short reunion dinner (including him too). I guess it’s too rude for me to decline the invitation because the venue is just a few kilometers away from my training hostel and I’m doing nothing after the training hours. My friends including him are verrry yy much surprised when I “come clean” them that I “did” live nearby the venue just for several weeks. They question my decision to keep it quiet from them. Maybe they are worried about me.
The moment that I see the owner of the hazel eyes gazing into my eyes, I know he understands why I did that. He understands it completely. Every time I see his face, it hurts me. I wanted to cry but the ego strikes me. I did “lied” that I’m currently into a relationship. I don’t want to be label as a package of bad luck. Neither by telling truth or lied makes me happy. I’m completely fumbled.
I’ve to take a serious consideration that I’m a dyslexia person. I should take a time to visit a psychiatric to observe my dyslexia levels. I’d live for 28 years and until today I just realized that I’m not a normal people after all. My current kindergarten CEO is very much reluctant to hire me as a kindergarten campus manager because he thinks I’m not smiling most of the time while dealing with parents. I think too much and I put so much effort to understand on any input I’d received and I’m not proactive about it. How can I smile while I'm having a hard time to understand everything they want me to do. I stay passive and only observe the situation just to feed any valuable info I could understand. I’m lack of verbal communications. I had lost so much ability of auditory response, disintegrate to construct a good English phrase / pronounce/ grammar and unable to learned/produce the output that the management wants from me. I’m thinking of quitting the job but……
All these years, I thought my ugly face that makes me unable to smile....
Until today… I don’t know what I capable of. I don’t know what my talents are. I have a fairy world that I’d created just to make me calm. I was a lack of everything. I keep thinking to only to spend every evening to watch the sunset by the sea shore. Because it was the beautiful things that I adore much and I think the sunset makes me happy. However, I’m in an “exaggerated humanity” solidity confinement. I’m in pressure to be marked off what I should do for the hungry society and keep losing myself. The only thing I could do now is writing rant in blog but then I’ll be mock by the grammar perfectionist
Nobody “wants” to be a dyslexic but then I’m in the 5% group of over a million people that suffered dyslexia. What I can do now is crying for nothing, be alone most of the time because I’m afraid people will come to hit and hurt me. I’m very much out from the normal society. Think about it, who wants to live and marry a poor and ugly dyslexic girl. I’ll be unable to understand completely what my future husband demands from me. I might unable to interpret correctly in any info I’ll receive. The in-laws will hate me. I’m sorry I’m having such a low self-esteem. I never ashamed to shared about it because I’m not normal. I deserve a professional help.
I wish to embed this in my head. I’M DYSLEXIC BUT I HAVE A HEART TOO.