Showing posts with label Marriages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriages. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2009

Isn't this lovely or.... pathetic

Hello I'm back.....

As my schedule is getting packed.... I'm trying to save some ideas or (at least a memory) of what I'm gonna write in my personal blog. Honestly, I could shared so many things to you but I'm bad with composition, narrating, grammar etc.. My English sucks and my Bahasa Melayu is something to worried too.

Last two weeks I'd learned something in order to control myself and be focus to all the things I'll do. I'd given my best and my faith to God as I'm trying to change my life and become a better woman. I'd juggled few task and responsibilities in my hands. Business is something challenging. Stress is my friend and my close friends is my angels. Of course having a big sister is a bless. We had fought a lot and befriend again, fought and befriend... it's never ending. We respect each other, shared lot's of secret and we could be a great hang out buddies. My big brother ? He's having his own world and responsibilities to taken care of. I've nothing much to say about my best friends, it's just that they're the best friends I'd meet in my life. I thank them for being a supportive and willingness to be my partner in crime.

I feel sorry to my parents as they keep worrying about me, going out and come back home late ,lack of sleep and emotionally stressed... I could get mad easily. But at this moment I'm in a process of acting more rational, calm and learn to happy.... yeah, happy. I must be happy of this new process. I should be proud of myself because I don't ask people to help me or showing sympathy... I can do it and yes I could ... Only 1 or 2 things that I need my big sister to help me and monitoring our strategy, as we both had vowed to always work together to make our plans works. Thank you Nina...

Oh yes, I'm still single.... thank you very much. Being a physically disadvantage makes me keep holding on the fate... I'd vowed to myself for not to chase over the fate of life as a woman.. Yes, I want to feel what love is all about. I must be honest that I do want to have a right man in my life.... seeing the man that I'd my crush on went out together with his girlfriend is a not a good moment, not good at all for me :( ... and it pooped out very frequently now. I'm not sure why God wants me to witness these two "loving birds" moment but it hurts... really-really hurts !!! I must say his girlfriend must be lucky to have him. He's the one that you could parade in front of your girlfriends and someone that you can quickly introducing him to your parents ... Although it's impossible to forget him, I'd accept the fact that he's NOT for me. I pray that both of them will be live happily ever after.

As I'm trying to dig these love "mysteries" I'd to witness another moment in people life. Some of my friends is having the bad moment in their marriage life.... couple that could have ended up fighting over some minuscule things. As they try to seek my advice, I say that I couldn't helped much as I'm NOT in any love relationship before and NOT married. I'm very sad when they are crying about it... but what can I do??? I pray that they can work things out.. Marriage is about bonding 2 lives together (of course not to forget .... respecting your family-in law *sigh*), a bond that indicates a vow of sharing life together thick and thin.

I've my own thoughts about marriage... If people getting married is just for sake of having children, following people "urges" and at the end couples no longer building the passion of love like what they did before married, so what exactly marriage is for ??? Marriage is not measured by how grand your ceremony is, how pretty your invitation card is or how big your sexual drive is... marriage is like a surprise moment... endless love moment. Children is a precious gift... not something that turns your wife like a child factory or makes her bears your egos and priority... You can't own woman... you'd been "asked" to love her and in returns she'll thank your love and devoted her life to be with you.

So, I'd ended up stuck in the middle of needs or fact of life. I could stay single by now but how long I've to be like this and If I did meet a man one day, will he accept my disadvantages and shared his love with no less??? ... I let God decides what best for me and I know He wouldn't turn me down. But this time, I'm learning to become Ms Independent and I need to have something to "back me up" in the future, Insyallah !!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Sister's Conversation

I'd visit my sister (today's afternoon) and bring the baby's milk powder that she'd asked to buy.

Me: How's Adani ?
Sis: She's fine

*my phone rang*

Sis: Eh see your phone (motorola V3i)
Me: Nah... why lar??
Sis: Whose the guy with you ?
Me: My Boyfriend lar
Sis: Really? i don't believe it
Me: Chinese ma....
Sis: La... budak *&^$# ko carik?
Me: Why? cannot ar???
Sis: Malay tak de ke?
Me: Sorry Nina.. Malay is not my taste..
Sis: Why?
Me: I'd lost my faith in Malay guy.. i don't have chemistry with them
Sis: But i still cannot believe you'd couple with non-Malay
Me: Come on.. our family also interracial marriage...
Sis: Owh you have and ex-bf then?
Me: Not really.... but the experience of communicating with them really make me sick
Sis: How can?
Me: That's my secret... Nina

Nina (my sis) still looking the wallpaper with disbelief

Me: Come on.. you still think i'm in relationship with him?
Sis: You're pulling my leg.. and besides he's cute too
Me: LOL Nina.. he's only my friend.. i forgot to change the wallpaper ;p
Sis: Hah.. Iyolah tue
Me: Better than put another Vince's wallpaper .. i'm thinking to put David Caruso's pic hahha..
Sis: Oh.. that guy act as Horatio Caine??... banyak angau lah ko nie

We're looking at Adani (sleeping) for a while.. then my sis continue

Sis: You better look for steady job and start saving some money.
Me: I know
Sis: and you still have a lots of time to enjoy this world
Me: Yeah i know.
Sis: How's you interview?
Me: I'd turn down 3 interview... you know.. the job that i'd tell you before..
Sis: Hem.. fine then.. keep looking
Me: I decide NOT to get married
Sis: Rugi lah wei if you don't get married... but i want you to take your time
Me: Yes i do.. in fact i'm not sure if i'm able to live in marriage world
Sis: Is tough i tell you.
Me: How tough?
Sis: Just look at me.. now i've to learn taking care of Adani and i have to spent money wisely.
Me: But your life is beautiful
Sis: Is beautiful when you're ready and have your own financial Aziya.

Silence in the air again...

Me: Maybe i'll get married when i'm 30
Sis: Okay then..
Me: Hem..
Sis: When you have a lots of saving.. start pampering yourself.... hilangkan parut2 yg ada...
Me: Err...
Sis: When you married you have to look beautiful in the man's eye...
Me: I know i've a lot of lack thing in me.. but seriously do man judge by looking "beautiful" ?
Sis: Have you heard the song "tiru macam saya"?.. that's the reality .... girl
Me: If it's does.. i don't want to married then... that's bunch of sicken hypocrite
Sis: Aziya.. try not to say that you'll not get married.. sigh
Me: I don't mind jadi Andartu rather that live to pleased the man.. i'll take care of me and my relationship with God i swear, but live with a husband who expecting me to be "beautiful and sexy" like a models?... That's just a pig shit


Me: I've to go... nanti mummy bising barang dapur tak beli lagi..
Sis: Okay take care.. and drive safe.. don't speeding