Showing posts with label X-FACTOR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X-FACTOR. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2019

Top 5: Questions you've always wanted to ask the Multiple Man but were afraid to

It's been awhile I know, I just haven't been feeling the whole blogging thing lately and figured I'd take a break.
For me these days it's all about posting when I feel I actually have something to say or am inspired to create and showcase something rather than just posting just to fill some imaginary quota I feel I should be filling.
Don't worry I'm good, just not feeling under the gun to post as much is all.

That being said, here's a list of the Top 5 questions I think we've all wanted to ask Jamie Maddrox, a.k.a. The Multiple Man, but maybe were just afraid to. Well, now you can, or at least I have for you.

I asked and found some random Twitter users to send in their questions for Jamie, and I picked the top 5 ones I liked the best.

Let's see how it went shall we?



Well damn, that sure got nasty quick didn't it?
I guess it's safe to say he's not coming back to answer any more questions anytime soon.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Dream Waves: Peter David's X-Factor Part 2

So.....Last week I offered up, free of charge to Hasbro, my idea for a Peter David X-Factor-themed wave of Marvel Legends figures.

That was the classic 1992 version.
This time I'm covering the his 2nd run with the team back in 2005, when Jamie Maddrox officially took over as team leader.

Now I'm totally ignoring the Marvel Now version of the team (Which was totally different) and you guys probably should to.


-PAD X-Factor Wave 2(Modern): 

1). Jamie Maddrox (modern)

We almost got this exact figure back 2008/2009, but he got shelved for some reason( probably $ as usual) and fans have been clamoring for him for a long while now. Time to pull the trigger Hasbro.

2). Arcade 

I don't Arcade's had his won figure yet; certainly not a Marvel Legends figure. Let's change that Hasbro.

3). Shatterstar (modern)

We're rumored to get a classic Shatterstar figure from the next upcoming X-Men wave, so why not get the modern look too?

4). Longshot (modern)

5). M (modern)

You've got two choices of attire for M, either the first one, or the last one.

6). Rictor (modern)

Yeah I know, not much of a costume, and would it translate to an actual figure? Yes, but the sculptors and painters may need to fudge with the colors a little bit to make him pop. Or not....

7). Darwin

Why not Darwin? He was a member....

BAF: Mephisto

Sure, I guess Re-using the Strong Guy BAF to make the more modern one is an option as well,
but I also figured the marvel Legends line, has yet to have a Mephisto figure, even though there's a Marvel Select version out there (and very hard to get mind you). So, this would solve that dilemma,
And yes people, this iteration did indeed fight Mephisto.

Although they're certainly not the first.......

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Dream Waves: Peter David's X-FACTOR

And Happy Birthday to me.......yay.....

Ha ha, in honor of my birthday, I figured I'd write another edition of one of my favorite columns, Dream Waves.

Today I'm focusing on Peter David's X-FACTOR, with not just one wave, but two.

That's right kids, you're getting both his popular 90's X-FACTOR team, but the modern ones as well....The one run by Jamie Maddrox, not his last corporate-run incarnation .

So, here they are Hasbro, free of charge, two waves' worth of figures........

- PAD X-FACTOR Wave 1 (90's):

1).  Havok

His '90's Toy Biz was one of my favorite figures. I'd love to see a Marvel Legends version to go along with his other figures.

2). Polaris

We're finally getting a Polaris figure in the next ML X-MEN wave, but it's not this look.
We need a Polaris figure in this look.

3). The Multiple Man

Can definitely have different versions of this guy, and I will show off his modern look next time, but this round it's his classic X-FACTOR look that deserves to be made first.

4). Wolfsbane

Definitely needs to include an alternative wolf head and hands.

5). Classic Quicksilver

Yes folks, believe it or not Quicksilver was once a member.... twice!

6). Random

You kinda' have to include him don't you? Plus there's a presidency there, since he had a Toy Biz figure in the '90's.

7). Forge

Why not Forge? He was due a re-do anyways.

BAF: Strong Guy

You knew, you just KNEW, a big guy like Strong Guy needed to be a BAF.
I'd love to a killer modern take on that Strong Guy Toy Biz figure from the '90's.

And here's some proof that it can be done Hasbro....

But wait!!!! There's time, I'll lay out my second wave of X-FACTOR figures, with the popular modern roster.

That's me for this week.
Have a damn good weekend people....I know I will.

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...