Showing posts with label Blue Team X-Men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Team X-Men. Show all posts

Thursday, December 08, 2016

So, Who Would Win?: The X-Men (Blue Team) VS. Cyberforce


Welcome to another edition of So, Who Would Win?, where each week, I pit a team or individual against another, be it from the same comic company that spawned them or a different one altogether to see who would be the ultimate survivor of the two.

This week I'm pitting two teams against each other; one is the ever-popular (despite Marvel/Disney's recent efforts) Uncanny X-Men, and the other is an homage/pastiche of them, Marc Silvestri's Cyberforce.

Now since there's an over abundance of X-Men to choose from, this time around I'm going with the 90's classic Blue Team of X-Men that formed back in 1991.

Here's that classic roster:

-Cyclops (Leader)
-The Beast

Annnnd, here's the classic roster for Cyberforce:

-Heatwave (Leader)

Now at first glance it's really easy to mistakenly lump them all together and ask what's the difference between the two teams visually?
 That's because this was definitely Silvestri's intentional design to mimic the look and roster of the X-Men right down to having an angry, but honorable guy with claws.

And Silvestri wasn't the only one, as Jim Lee did the exact same thing with his WildC.A.T.S. also being copies of the X-Men.

Both have failed to match the popularity of the team they both copied in the long run.

So, back to the stats.
Both teams match up pretty well in terms of member number and powers.
I'm sure you know what the X-Men's individual powers are, but here's a brief reminder:

-Cyclops: Solar-powered optic blasts
-Wolverine: Healing factor with unbreakable skeleton and claws.
-Rogue: Absorption of a person's powers, personality, life-force
-Gambit: Can charge objects with explosive energy
-Psylocke: Telepath and telekinetic
-Jubilee: Projects pyrotechnic blasts like fireworks
-The Beast: Enhanced speed, strength, durability, agility, and is super-intelligent.

And here's Cyberforce's:

-Heatwave: Absorbs and projects Solar-powered heat blasts, flight
-Ripclaw:  Metal claws, enhanced speed and agility
-Impact:   Metal body with enhanced strength
-Ballistic: Enhanced speed and targeting ability
-Cyblade: Controls and manipulates electromagnetic energy
-Velocity: Enhanced Speed and metabolism
-Stryker:  Enhanced strength, durability, possesses three arms with enhanced targeting abilities.

So now you know all  the players and their respective powers.
What happens next?

Well I imagine, as with most team battles, they meet up, and then split off, with individuals fighting individuals in a one-on-one fight.

Here's how I see them matching up:

-Cyclops VS. Heatwave
-Wolverine VS. Ripclaw
-Rogue VS. Impact
-Gambit VS. Ballistic
-Jubilee VS. Velocity
-Psylocke VS. Cyblade
-The Beast VS. Stryker


The X-Men (Blue Team)



Who Wins and Why?
Let me know who you think's the last team standing after this in the comments' section below.

Have a good week folks....

Thursday, March 19, 2015

So, Who Would Win?: The X-Men(90's Blue Team) VS. The WildC.A.T.S.

What's up people?

So for this week's edition of So, Who Would Win?, I decided to pit two iconic teams against each other in full-on combat.

Today, I'll be pitting the 90's Blue Team-era X-Men against the team they inspired, the WildC.A.T.S.

For those not in the know, back in the early 90's, the Editors and creative staff were faced with a dilemea since there were so many X-Men around after the whole Muir Isle Saga. So, it was decided to fold all of them into the X-Men proper, but split them up into two main teams: Blue and Gold.

The Gold Team was comprised of Storm(as leader), Jean Grey, Iceman, Colossus, and Archangel, with Sunfire coming in briefly, leaving, then Bishop joined up later on to complete that team.
Yeah, not really a super-exciting line-up is it?

that's because all the good cool picks were already used on the Blue Team.

Their roster was:
Cyclops(as leader) Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit, Psylocke, Rogue, and Beast.
If you'd had thrown in Jean and Storm, you'd have had the X-Men Animated show line-up right there.

                             (Which just so happens to be coming back, as the 92' Animated line-up is                                                      showing back up in Battleworld during Secret Wars.)

And really, Jean Grey aside, the Blue Team was by and far the best and most powerful X-Men lineup at the time. No wonder they were more popular. I know I preferred them over the Gold Team everytime.

For the WildCATS, I'm using the original line-up: Spartan, Grifter, Zealot, Warblade, Maul, and Voodoo, with Void and Lord Emp rounding things out.

Just at first glance, I'd still say the Blue Team is the odds-on favorites to win.
What you guys think?

The X-Men(Blue Team) 


The WildC.A.T.S.

(I am not ashamed to admit I had this game back in the day. Not bad for what it was.)

Who Wins and Why?
Tell me your picks in the comments' section.

Hope you guys have a good weekend, wherever you are.

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...