Showing posts with label Magneto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magneto. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

So, Who Would Win?: Magneto VS. Stryfe


Now this is a match up I've wanted to see for awhile now, Magneto, the master of magnetism, versus the evil clone of Cable and unleasher of the dreaded Mutant Legacy Virus, Stryfe.

And yet, these two, as far as I know, have never officially met before, even though I'm sure they know who the other is.

The X-writers always could've had them face each other, but for some reason, it never happened.
Now I know Magneto was out of commission by the time the Stryfe-centric event, the X-Cutioner's Song, rolled around in '92, with the whole thing ending in Stryfe and Cable's apparent deaths. But they both came back, and still no head-to-head with Magnus.

Well I'm righting that wrong today, as they go at it in a bid to see who the true and rightful leader and Messiah of mutants truly is.

Magneto vs. Stryfe, A master manipulator of metal vs. a master of telekinesis and telepathy.





Who wins and why?
Have a good one folks.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"The Five Of Us Are Dying" Part 1

Okay folks,
I've been talking to the other guys like Goo, Dan, Ben, and Omega how I was going to make a skit based on the five of us. You can thank/blame Ben, as I believe he was the impetuous(oh big word) of this idea. He suggested how cool it'd be if there were action figures of us all, and I got to thinking, yeah that would be cool, but there isn't. So here's the next best thing; using the figures I have available, I use 5 to represent each one of us. Oh boy this is gonna' be fun!
So sit back and enjoy, "The Five of us are dying" Part 1. And yes there are 2 parts, so don't complain.

Act 1: Much a-Goo about nothing

-Awaking in a strange and unfamiliar place, Googum quickly finds out he's not in Seattle, Washington anymore......

Googum: "Wha-!? Where am I? And why do I have the sudden urge for communion waffers?"

-Looking down, Goo realizes......
"Uhh Frik! Well this can't be good. I guess I'm Nightcrawler now. Nice. This must be karma for all the crap I put him through over the years on my blog."

"I just hope I'm not made to do anything I'll be too ashamed to let my kids read. Although this a Mr.Morbid skit, soooooo."

-Suddenly a lone wolf walks by......
"Oh come on! A small plastic toy wolf? Wow, the production value of this skit is real low.
Wait a minute! That wolf looks oddly familiar. Sam? Sam is that you?"

Sam: "Woof woof!"

"Great, now he drags my own dog into this skit? Alright, alright, think Goo, think. There's always a way out of these things, I just have to find it. Okay boy, let's find our way home."

Sam: "Woof! Woof, woof!"

-End of Act 1.

Act 2: Mozel Tov Magneto!

-Ben Hungstien(giggle) also awakens to find.......
Ben: "Huh what!?  Where the hell am I? Last thing I remember was secretly sending death threats to Adam Glass and having a werid, quasi-sexual talk with Omega. He, Hey I'm Magneto! Gee such original thinking there Mr. Morbid.

"Hmm, I wonder if I have magnetic counting abilities like the real Magneto does?

-(Yes it's true. Check out A vs. X#2 true believers!)

"But what the hell, I'm Magneto! Look out world, because I'm one Jew you don't want to mess with!"

"You there. Yes you! Go out and tell all the world that our people shall suffer no more! From this day forward, I, Magneto, shall lead our people back to the promised land!"

Random guy: "Sure, whatever you say mister. Just as long we make it back in time for my wife's Knaidlach(Matzo Ball soup)."

Random Guy's Wife: "Yeah Mister Magneto, we need to be home in time for suppah. Oy what a shame to be missing suppah!"

Ben: "What? You're missing the point here. I'm telling you that I'm going to deliver our people from oppression and all you're worried about is missing dinner? Fools! Magneto cares not for soup!"

Random family: "Arghhh! Run Mr. Mensch is going all Meshuggina!"

Ben: "Now what a minute! I didn't say run. Stop!"

Random Nazi: "Seig Heil!"

Ben: "What the fuck did you just say!?"

Random guy's wife: "Ooh Mr. Jew Hater, you shouldn't have said that! Now we'll never make it to temple on time!"

-End of Act 2.

Act 3: Rumble in the jungle.

-Omega himself awakens to the sudden realization that things are not what they appeared moments eariler....
Omega: "Huh? Hey where am I? I was just going to sleep thinking about that weird, semi-sexual talk I had with Ben, but I all of a sudden I'm waking up here, wherever here is."

-Omega looks down and realizes he's not what he's supposed to look like.....

"Wha? Alright!!!! I'm a kung-fu badass baby! I'm Bronze Tiger! Hell yeah! It looks like this 'tiger's gonna' be baggin' some serious sooki tonight! Arrrrooooo!"

"But first, I need to stretch out. I can't have a sex-sprain while tworkin' that tail. Ughh yeah, I'm gonna' hit it and quit it like Bruce Lee. Howahhhhh!"

"What? There's no shame in stretching and working up for the big game. Not all of us want to end up like David Carradine you know. Damn shame 'bout that dude though. Brotha' just couldn't handle that Thai ass I guess. Not me though. I'm gonna' all tiger-style on her ass, while she snatches the p-nis out of my hand. Ya heard?"

-End of Act 3.

To be continued.

Well, that's just the first part folks. As you can see, I've been using free, photoshop-like programs like and Gimp to mess around with. Hopefully that and my adequate computer skills will start to make these skits seem a little more better.

Part 2's on it's way soon.......

Friday, July 15, 2011

"I, Magneto"

What day is it? TGIF Motherfuckers! How the hell are you?

Today's going to be a quick one, but a good one.

I opened an early birthday present yesterday, and I was extremely surprised at what was inside:
The Fantastic Four ML box set.
 This was the set I previously passed on the last time I was at my not-so LCS, in favor if the 1st App. Thing(Cycle rider), Kraven, and Jemm Son of Sautrn figures. So I'm really, really happy to have this set.
Looking at this set, I was surprised that the Invisible Woman was included, because I swore the FF box set I saw at the comic book shop didn't have Sue included. Idk, maybe I saw it wrong. Anyways I'm stoked to have this early birthday present all thanks to my loving wifey for lifey, Heather.

I used to love reading Classic X-Men and then later X-Men Classic, when they came out. You got great, original new covers to reprinted issues, as well as original back-up stories in the earlier issues. One of my favorites is I, Magento by Chris Claremont and John Bolton. This story is about when Magneto worked for an organization called Control, hunting Nazis that escaped to South America.
You quickly notice the headaches he gets that are related to his powers increasing, and how much pain they cause him. I don't know when he stopped getting them, but as his then physician Isabelle pointed out before being killed, the headaches were in direct relation to his being able to control/act as a conduit to Earth's magnetic field.
Isabelle gets killed by agents of Control RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! I don't know what the hell they were thinking, but of course they get theirs in the end. The whole situation's sad because you can see Magneto hasn't gone all the way bad yet; he's still haunted by his past actions and partly thinks he should go back to seek his old friend Charles Xavier's help in dealing with the headahces.

Being betrayed by Control just serves to prove him right in that humans and mutants will never live in peace together, and therein lies the real tragedy. If this hadn't happened, maybe Magnus' life would have ended up differently. Maybe he would have gone down the same path he did during the AOA, just without Xavier's dying to get him there.

What If? indeed........

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...