Showing posts with label Venom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venom. Show all posts

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Whacking It Black

Silly Eddie, that's not how you jerk off. 

You'd have thought he'd have that whole thing down pat by now right?
Reminds me about the time his symbiote spoke up about the way Eddie.....relives his pent-up, sexual:

Now this chick right here seems to know what she's doing:

*Cue Cyndi Lauper's She Bop*

Monday, November 20, 2017

"Back In Black"

What's up people?

Goddamn, can't believe it's already Thanksgiving week already. And you know what that means? Christmas isn't that far away, leading us out to the end of the year.

Where does the time go?

Speaking of going, Charles Manson's dead.

Yup, Mr. Helter Skelter himself has finally kicked the bucket. I love it!
The bets part is he never got to see the light of day, having to spend to his last birthday inside, where he turned 83 since as he was consistently and continually denied parole.

*igga got L-WHOPPED, as the Joker and Scarecrow called it during a discussion they had back during Knightfall. L-Whopped, means Life Without The Possibility Of Parole.

Good on ya' US Justice System. You finally did something right.

And from this joyus news, we transition into more joyous news with a brand new skit.....

The End


I bet. 

So as you you can clearly see, I finally got the newly-released Gamestop exclusive "Back in Black" Marvel Legends Deadpool figure, and he's just.....too....SWEEEETTTTT!!!!

Seriously, he's a pretty sweet-looking figure for a repaint. 

He comes with an extra set of repainted Carnage claw hands, and the back symbiote tentacle plug in and alternate head comes courtesy of the Superior Venom figure.

Mine does NOT want to pop on, otherwise I'd have used it in the first two panels. Oh well.
Still a pretty damn good figure.

Oh, did I mention he also comes with two neon 80's pink katana blades? I don't get why that particular color scheme was used here, but they'll look great with that upcoming Jim Lee Psylocke figure though.

And just like last year, this year's packaging is a real treat, with a funny description on the back:

In case you can't read it, it says "Increased aggression? Boosted strength? Nah, he's just in it for the slimming black suit."

Ha, nice. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

"I Be Stroking!"

I imagine the suit comes with its own lubrication though, so there's that.....

My God the flood of sexual harassment accusations are just flooding out of Hollyweird at the moment. Louis C.K., George Takei (Big surprise there right?), Brett Ratner, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, the list is seemingly endless at this point.

I'm not complaining mind you, as it's way past time those crimes finally came to light, exposing the perpetrators for what they are. But why now? Something's up.

Oh and if today's title sound familiar, that's 'cause it should:

Ahhh yes, good ol' Clarence Carter.

Monday, June 13, 2016

"Gene Simmons Ain't Got Shit On Me!"

And trust me folks, there's plenty of fan-made porn on the internet to prove Venom's right about slipping it to MJ;)

Monday, May 09, 2016

Random Questions That Keep Us Up At Night#808

What's up people?

Did you get a chance to enjoy last weekend's FCBD? Get any cool stuff?
I did.

First photo's of two FCBD comics I got, the Civil War 2 one and a Doctor Who one.
Bought Original Sin Annual#1, and two issues of Gail Simone's Surviving Megalopolis. It's really good so far guys.

This one's of the third and final issue of the DC mini-series Twilight, to finally complete my collection. #1 of Dark Reign: Lethal Legion, and #3 of Dark Reign: Zodiac. That Zodiac one's fucking nuts, but in the best possible way. Love it!

Finally founded two vital issues of Morrison's Multiversity epic, with Multiversity: Ultra Comics#1 and Multiversity#2. And for pure nostalgic reasons, I picked up Bloodstrike#5. Its the one where Supreme straight butchers the entire team( minus Deadlock). Not as shocking to me now as it was back then when I first read it, but still fun to see people getting fucked up in a very graphic and violent way.

This one shows off the final three issues I needed of of the Extremist Vector story line from JLE#'s 17-19.

Probably could've gotten this a little cheaper, but still, not a bad price for this first collection of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol run.

Only paid 5$ for this used TPB of the criminally underrated Secret Six series by Gail Simone, Secret Six: Danse Macabre.

#1 of Sandman Mystery Theatre (I think I have this one already) and from Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, Swamp Thing#52.

Speaking of Swampy, did you know Mark Millar(yes that Mark Millar) had a run writing Swamp Thing back in the day? This is the trade of the last portion of his run, and it's pretty damn good.
It's called Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis.

This one features #'s 4, 7, 10-12 of The Shade maxi-series by James Robinson. Cully Hammer's work surprisingly fits the tone of this one, even though I guess I a more darker-looking art style might've been more expected.

This one shows off me finally finding the third issue to the truly, TRULY criminally-underrated Doctor Mid-Nite mini-series by Matt Wagner and John K. Snyder III, thus completing that collection, as well as Starman#34, and Ballistic#5. (Finally found at least one issue of Ballistic Goo!)

In this one, #'s 8 and 9 of Secret Wars. I figured, why not. And the first two issues of the just relaunched( again) Moon Knight series written by Jeff Lemire. Loving the art by Greg Smallwood, especially those covers. Jesus, what a prefect fucking fit!

Here's some more FCBD comics, The Devil' Due Mix tape 2016 featuring Mike Baron's Badger, One-Punch Man, Valiant 2016, 2000AD 2016(always enjoy those every year), and the new ROM series. Don't know if you've already checked it out Shlomo, but it's not a bad start that does honor Mantlo's run.

Finally, here's #'s 3-5 (of 7) of Deathlok The Demolisher, a nice 7-issue mini-series by Charlie Huston, you know, the guy who restored Moon Knight back to glory in 2006? Yeah, he's pretty much doing the same here too, but with Deathlok.

Still looking for those new Civil War ML figures, but I did buy this ML Black Widow figure. I guess $17.99's not bad, especially considering how much this figures goes for online, especially Amazon.
And that's my swag from FCBD.

It really does sound like he's saying "I wanna' ride the pony." and with gusto no less. No judgement of course;)

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...