Showing posts with label Mutant X. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mutant X. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dream Waves: Mutant X

Huh. Well, looks like I'm writing another edition of
this week, so hell, might as well turn it into a week-long thing then, right?


So today I'll focus on a nice spin-off in the 90's called Mutant X.

No not, the lame tv show, but the 1998 comic series that starred Havok and replaced the then newly-cancelled X-Factor comic.

In it, a dimension-displaced Havok finds his soul trapped into the body of an alternate world's Havok, a Havok who's just been killed by a sentinel attack, thus allowing the 616 Havok to inhabit his body.

From there, our Havok explores the many differences that exist in his new home compared to world he remembers, and there are plenty.

Now there is a precedent here as Toy Biz in the late 90's rolled out a few Mutant X figures.

I mean back then, what character in the X-Men's world DIDN'T get made into their own figure back then, and the Mutant X series was no exception.

Oddly enough only 4 members of the Six were ever made, with the glaring exception of The Brute and Ice-Man. Weird.

So, with that in mind, I offer up to Hasbro and who's ever reading out there, my ideas on how to put out a Mutant X-centric sub-wave of X-men figures for the Marvel Legends line.

of course you have to start with the main cast first....

Mutant X Wave 1:

1. Havok

2). Goblin Queen

3). Bloodstorm

4). Ice-Man

5). The Brute 

6). The Fallen

BAF: Sentinel

And then you go with the secondary characters, and trust me, there's lots of them to choose from. Here's who I picked.....

Mutant X Wave 2: 

1). Cyclops

2). Captain America 

3). Spider-Man

Basically you re-use the 6-armed Spider-man figure, but this time all the arms match and are costumed.

4). Daredevil 

5). Bullseye

6). Rogue

BAF:  Iron Man 

And of course there's always an Mutant X Fantastic Four 4-pack box-set they could do:

Of course there's always more choices, but those are mine.

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...