Showing posts with label Apache Chief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apache Chief. Show all posts

Monday, August 08, 2016

The Private Sex Lives Of The Doom Patrol Part 4: Elasti-Girl

What's up people?

Ready for another exciting chapter of "The Private Sex Lives of the Doom Patrol"?

Good, me too......

Ain't it always just that way? ;)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"You might be a Native American if...."

Happy Hump-Day people!

Today's another quickie, but a goodie featuring Apache Chief and Jonah Hex.
And yes, I'm well aware they live in completely different eras, but I didn't let a silly thing like realism stop me. No sir, in imagination land anything can happen. Just ask the Republicans:)

On with the show......

Huh. Maybe Apache Chief got up on the wrong side of the Tee-pee this morning? LOL:)

Anybody watching, or still watching Sons of Anarchy?

Last night's episode was damn good as usual, with the all the plots and sub-plots leading up to one hellacious showdown for next week's season finale(already?)

Spoiler Alert

Clay's out of the club, with his patches gone, and even his club tats were inked over(now that's a helluva way to totally kick someone out)

Also that nurse that was killed has a brother who's a former US Marshall and has a mad-on for the club, so he's gunning for them now.

Tig's lined-up to be set-up to be killed, by Jax no less.

Oh, and it looks like Jax's wife just might take the kids and leave. Hmm. drama, drama, drama. And I love it!

Like I said, everything's coming to a head with the season finale coming up, and damn is it gonna' be fun watching all of the fireworks.

Monday, November 12, 2012

"I'm just waiting on a friend"

Hey people, have a good weekend?

I sure as hell did, hanging out with old friends in Charleston. Damn good fun and much drinking was had by all:)
The weather was so perfect since it was in the 70's, and usually it's waaaay colder than that, especially that close to the ocean.

                                                           First getting into Charleston.......


                                                           Love that ocean view.....

But of course there's a drink there;)

Aww, sitting back and enjoying a nice drink @ Wet Willies. New FB pic:)

If you want to see the the rest of my "vacation" pics, go to my Facebook page and look for the folder that says "Best weekend evah!" And it was:)

Who's hungry for a new skit? Yeah? Well then you're in for a treat as we find Animal Man just waiting on a friend.....


 Yep. I bought the DCUC B'wana Beast figure and a Marvel select modern Thor figure online, and hopefully they'll both arrive in one piece by mid-week.

The B'wana Beast figure came in the Jungle/Animal Instinct 2-pack w/DCUC Animal Man(who'd I also love to have) and he just looks so damn cool, even though he is missing his nipples. Yeah, you heard me right; he's missing his sculpted nipples. What were the manufacturers sleeping on the job, and forget to use the Hawkman body or what?

But other than that, he's pretty cool to have around on the shelf, so be on the lookout for future skits w/ that crazy motherfucker.

The Marvel Select Thor's pretty good as well, with some pretty damn decent articulation, so that's good.

Usually the Marvel Legends have way more articulation than their Marvel Select counterparts, but this Thor figure seems to do alright on that account, so can't wait to see how that all goes.

Have a good one folks!

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...