Showing posts with label tie template. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tie template. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here's Humphrey

Lauren sent me a request last week, to see whether I could put a little tie applique on a t-shirt for her bubba who has just turned one!

He's having a birthday party this coming weekend with a The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme.

In the absence of any humans (or mannequins of the correct size) to model the finished product, Humphrey B Bear volunteered to step in.

After all, he gets a bit chilly sometimes..... considering that he has no pants.

Humphrey B Bear has been with me since the 1970's (as you can probably tell from the state that he's in). That rock hard plastic yellow hat caused many injuries over the years. His little pocket hankie is hanging on for dear life.

I suppose it's inevitable considering that he's moved house with me at least twenty times over the years.

I made a little cardboard template for the tie, so I thought I'd share it just in case anyone else wanted to whip up a quick appliqued tee.

If you right click and save the image above - it's an A4 landscape scan. So basically, the tie is the height of an A4 sheet of paper.

Or you can use this one that has measurements.

My template suited a Size 1 tee. If you'd like a smaller applique, just reduce the size, or for larger increase the size.

Have fun!