Showing posts with label Art.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art.. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Creative Space

Please excuse the poorly taken iPhone photos

I'm showing you yesterdays creative space, as it's much more exciting than todays!

Cathy and I headed to Jackson Cafe and Gallery yesterday and took on the art challenge. It was so nice to just be able to get together and do something creative and fun.

The idea is that bring along your own art supplies (I took my artist pens and textas) and after your brunch/lunch/coffee/cake etc, you're given a piece of artists paper and a time limit of 30 minutes to make a piece of art.

In around four weeks time, there'll be an exhibition, and visitors will be able to vote for a winner. The pieces will be sold with the money collected donated to a charity of the winners choice.

Such a brilliant idea!

Have you ever tried to create a piece of art in such a short time frame?

The home of my creative space

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Framing Part One

I seem to have had piles upon piles of pretty things stacking up around the house that just need framing and hanging.

I kept using the excuse that I was waiting for someone to take a trip to Ikea to buy me some frames.... then luckily one day a few weeks ago, B-Fab tweeted from that very place.... and so I bombarded her with my very own personal shopping order!

First on the list was these very beautiful vintage playing cards that Madeleine from Little Circus Design sent to me, along with some fantastic postcards featuring her original artworks.

Funnily enough, this frame has been collecting dust in the garage for years....

It seems it was just waiting for that right moment.

Now... where is that perfect spot?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Artistic Collaboration

A few weeks ago, I came home with a lovely pile of drawings and handmade christmas decorations that Nikki's wee girl had been furiously working on all day just for me.

Her drawings are just so irresistably cute!

I was racking my brain trying to think of a little christmas pressie for her, when I realised that I should use her beautiful drawings and make an artwork for her new bedroom wall. I looooove the lion, but I think the little chook is my absolute favourite.

Yesterday, I received a gorgeous christmas pressie too - homemade lemon butter, and the sweetest little zip purse with my favourite little chook!

So cute!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Tinniegirl made me a promise before she jetted off for her recent holiday.....

She promised that she'd send me back a little sunshine with a bit of magic thrown in for good measure.
I think she delivered perfectly!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Loot Glorious & Amazing Loot - Day 2

After an wonderful day out on Saturday, I headed back to Tinniegirls house for a lovely cup of tea...

...only to find, that apparently, my birthday celebrations were yet to end.

I needed some artworks for my new house...

....and I received these amazing Tinniegirl collages for my birthday

...with beautiful details
This one is my 'determined angel'

Thankyou so much Cathy - I'm flabbergasted at how much more special it is to receive a gift that has been handmade by a wonderful friend who has put so much time and effort into making something just for me, and that completely matches my style and taste.

I can't wait to find a special place for my new artworks in my new home (it's no longer just a house)....

More Loot Glorious Loot!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Art on the hop

Now that we're selling the house, we have to tackle all of those horrible pesky boring trivial items that haven't been fixed up over the last 6 years. One of which was fixing the wall in the loungeroom where we put a new wall up during the kitchen renovation of October 2006.

To disguise the join even more, I whipped up a canvas in 15 minutes flat. A bit of leftover Dulux Chalk USA low sheen wall paint, some raw umber, yellow ochre, and red ochre and this is what I ended up with. The pattern underneath is plastic beads on some fishing line that I glued on with some PVA.

More of the same droll tomorrow (de-cluttering and cleaning)....I'm not looking forward to it.