Showing posts with label I saw you dancing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I saw you dancing. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Kat from I Saw You Dancing emailed me a couple of weeks ago to ask if I would be interested in making a blog button for #Reverb12

Of course, I jumped at the chance to test out the design skills that I've been working hard on developing and improving over the past year.

I didn't actually know anything about the background of #Reverb or what it was all about, so I asked if she could give me a quick explanation.

Kat told me.....  

  • Reverb is all about spending a moment each day in December, thinking about the year that has past and looking forward to the year ahead. The prompts range from the deep & meaningful to the everyday i.e. everything from "What did you let go of this year?" to "What was the best movie you saw?"
 I sat and stared at a blank computer screen listening to the cogs spinning in my brain when it hit me....       a series of translucent stacked circles and cogs woud illustrate the overlapping of thoughts and ideas reflecting back, and looking forward.

I've signed up to play along. I may not respond to all of the prompts (December is always an extremely busy month), but it'll be good to read the daily prompt and reflect with my own thoughts anyway.

Thankyou Kat!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Blogtoberfest 2012

Hello lovely peeps!

Can you believe that Blogtoberfest is nearly upon us again?

This year it's going to be slightly different as Tinniegirl is taking a break, and Kat from I Saw You Dancing will be leading the festival.

Everything you need to know is on the official Blogtoberfest Page - the sign up list, button codes etc. The buttons are also available on Flickr if you trouble with the html codes.

Go forth and sign up - it's going to be another bumper year!

PS - don't forget to use the hashtag on Twitter / Instagram etc. so everyone can find you #blogtoberfest2012