Showing posts with label dear fii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dear fii. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday

You really don't want to see what I'm wearing today. Thismorning I'm off to visit my sister-in-law to have my eyebrows waxed, and then it's off to Pulmonary Rehabilitation for some walking, bike riding, step-ups, squats, wall push-ups and weights (in other words - TORTURE).

So, I'm cheating yet again, and showing you something that I prepared earlier (Monday to be exact). I found this dress at the Lancefield Oppy during my weekend at Sewjourn. It's originally from Myer Miss Shop (and yes I realise that I'm definitely not in the appropriate target age range for Myer Miss Shop anymore). The tag had $4, but lucky me, it ended up being half price!
The brown pants are from one of the local oppies - can't remember whether it was Vinnies or the Salvos. Brooch by me!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday

I'm actually cheating just a little bit - I was actually wearing this on Monday, but I really wanted to play show and tell.

I meant to include this Tightrope shirt dress in the Katiecrackernuts Op Shop Challenge week but something about the best laid plans took over.....

I found the shirt dress at Savers on Sydney Rd during one of my little oppy sprees with Tinniegirl. From memory, I think the dress was about $6. The guy on the checkout was the slowest checkout chick in history - I contemplated walking out because it seriously took sooooo long - but I loved the shirt dress, and so I waited.

When we got back to the car - I had a parking fine for parking in a Clearway after 4 PM (I think it was 4.12PM).

So, the moral of the story is:

  • I should have trusted my instincts and left the shop
  • I need to make sure that I read parking signs properly (we don't have Clearways in outer suburbia)
  • The shirt dress actually ended up costing me $119
It came with a belt which was broken, so I whipped this one up using a bit if fuzzy brown fabric that I found at Vinnies, and I used an alloy flat tri-glide which is normally used for handbag straps.

I also teamed with one of my flower brooches.

Now I just need to change the buttons on the shirt dress - I'm not loving the originals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday & The Op Shop Challenge

Two birds with one stone today...

I've been following along with the op-shopping adventures over at Katiecrackernuts for quite a while now. She's been taking part in a workplace initiative to cut their carbon footprint, and has been wearing thrifted clothes to work (which she puts together with her own fabulous style).

So todays Watcha Wearin' Wednesday is inspired by Katie. Frances is wearing it for me because I only found it at Vinnies yesterday, and I haven't actually had time to wash it yet (oh, and the weather forecast is 16 degrees for today too).

I spotted it in the window when I parked my car, so I walked inside and asked the shop attendant if I could take it down and have a closer look. She just pointed and said "yes sure", so I had to unhook the hanging shop dummy, undress it, and then hook it back up in the window.

The top photo shows the actual colour - I had to use the flash for the other photo and it doesn't do it justice. It was above my usual op-shopping limit ($10) but I think it was worth it. I can't wait to road test it with a long sleeve top and jeans.

I also happened to stumble across eight lovely tea towels which apparently had only just been put out on the rack ...... right place right time!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday

I haven't played along with this one for a while.... mainly because I'm usually wandering around the house in a pair of mocassins on Wednesdays.

But, today I'm wearing my lovely Lauren Williams button necklace, which you can find here.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The fabulous thing about selling at a craft market is that you get to meet lots of other amazing crafters.... and you even get to swap your wares!

I was lucky enough to come home with some gorgeous Flickettysplits creations from the Made'n'Thornbury market, while Troischats went home with an IOU a Burnt Pumpkin Orange Corduroy Handbag from me.

We've been on the lookout for the perfect shade of burnt pumpkin orange corduroy ever since, but with no luck...... until she found this burnt pumpkin orange fuzzy fabric instead.

It arrived in the mail yesterday, and as today is Troischat's birthday, I went straight to work to whip up the handbag so that we could meet up at the Sisters Market thisafternoon.

The strap folds wouldn't even fit under the presser foot of my poor old Janome, so it was the trusty Vintage Singer to the rescue (after I printed out the instructions to try to work out how to change the bobbin, and then broke three needles).

Look..... no floppy bottom on this one!

I finished in the nick of time, and took a few quick snapshots in the morning light before I headed out to meet up with the ladies who lunch for a long relaxing brunch (I really didn't mean for that to rhyme)!

Then it was off to the market to check out all the gorgeous crafty wares on offer. It was crafty blog central with Bec, Fi, Justine, and Jay.

Such a perfect day....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

Today I'm wearing one of my gorgeous purchases from the market on Saturday. It's a button ring by Buttons by Lou Lou. While on the subject of markets, I'm going to play show and tell with all of the lovely goodies that came home with me.

Buttons by Lou Lou hair ties for a friends daughters birthday in May.

Luckie by Tinniegirl.
I joined my nephews up for the Pigeon Pair Kids Mail Swap and we're going to use the Luckie to make collage cards for the swap.

Scented soap in fabric pouch by Troischats. This smells absolutely divine.
Funky doorstop also by Troischats - this has been put to good use already replacing the oxygen bottle that I was using as a doorstop!

Glass pendant by Finki. I'm going to string this onto a piece of leather today (once I find my jewellery supplies) ...yippee!

Hand stitched bowl also by Finki.
For lots more of watcha wearing, head on over and say hi to Fii

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

Well I'm not actually wearing anything that could be deemed interesting enough to blog about today.... although I did do a little op-shopping on Tuesday and picked up some new shorts, corduroy pants and jeans.
They're all in the washing machine right now.

Thanks for all the cheeriness yesterday. My mojo is back so I might actually switch the sewing machine back on today.... but I'm thinking that I might bake a chocolate cake first (don't get too excited... it's a Greens Packet Mix)!

So, this is Watcha Wearing Wednesday bought to you by Frances!

Frances is wearing a lovely vintage Queensland tea towel, which has been teamed with some fabulous cotton floral, and then finished off with spotty trim and straps to create an apron.

Frances likes baking biccies and muffins, and also a bit of flower arranging on the side while wearing her apron.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

My mum found this belt for me at the oppy yesterday. It's really not great as a belt (and it wouldn't hold my pants up anyway), but..... has some beautiful wooden beads

...and even ric-rac!

I'm taking to it with a pair of scissors very soon.

Head on over to visit Fi to play along.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Back in the land of Blog

It feels like I've been gone forever..... but it's only been a couple of weeks

This is what I've been up to!

Every single room in the house is still a work in progress.

The craft space is nearly at a level where I could actually create something... imagine that!

The port-a-cot just needs to be moved to the spare bedroom, and there are a few more bits and pieces yet to find homes, but the whole place is starting to actually look liveable once more.

I am really behind on reading emails and blogs. Getting an internet connection was a real struggle because I don't need or want a home phone. I've ended up with an overpriced pre-paid Telstra wireless plan while I wait for Three wireless to be extended into my area..... but I just can't live without the internet, so there's a price that must be paid.

I might still be a little quiet over the next week or so while I continue to unpack and catch up on all my favourite bloggers.

I did manage to make it to the Stitches and Craft show on Saturday and catch up with Cathy, Nikki, Liz, Fi, Justine, and Jenny, and I finally had the chance to meet Martine and Michelle and Johanna which was lovely. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I wanted to go and say hi to Louise and Cathy from Audrey and Maude but they were surrounded by customers. I also missed Jodie and Michelle who were over in the the other building when I visited... drats.

I have some photos on my mobile phone, but do you think I can actually find the usb cable to download them???

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

It's going to be a hot one again today, so I'm wearing something light and cool that I found at the oppy a few weeks ago - as usual, I'm wearing it unironed and crinkly.

Shiny shiny handbag ring and a piece of leather cord to make a necklace.

Now I just need to find my thongs (of the flip-flop variety)!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday & Mikes Felt-a-long

It's a two-in-one meme special today!

I've been playing around with lots of felty bits and pieces for Mikes Felt-a-long, and this is my latest creation - a felty beaded heart brooch with a bit of crazy stitching.

Today I'm wearing the brooch, along with the Elk necklace that I bought at the Design Market.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

I'm heading into the city for lunch with Tinniegirl, Handmaiden and Taccolina today so I thought I'd test out the gorgeous earrings that Sharon made for me.
It's really quite difficult to take a clear photo of one's ear!

I've teamed the earrings with my Tiffany pendant..... again blurry.... Whoops!

Head on over to Dear Fii to play along.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What I'm wearing Wednesday

I'm cheating a little today because this is actually what I was wearing yesterday..... and I was super excited because I worked out how to use the self timer on my camera. So no more waiting for someone to visit so I can talk them into snapping a few photos for me.

After my slightly disastrous skirt making efforts a few weeks ago, I found this one (which is very similar in style), at the Salvos. The thing that I love the most about it, is that it has very groovy pockets. I have a pocket obsession.... I won't wear things without pockets and I would never buy a pair of pants or shorts that didn't have pockets.

Head on over to visit Fii to see who else is playing along.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What I'm wearing Wednesday

Just another casual day today - singlet and long sleeved top because it's still weirdly chilly for summer, and a pair of old and slightly too big jeans, teamed with my lovely CurlyPops necklace....

Join in over at Fii's place.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What you wearing Wednesday

I'm having a sewing day today, so it's the comfy casual look - jeans from Vinnies, and my trusty pink and red Dunlop Volleys.

Head on over to visit Fii if you'd like to play along!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What I'm wearing....Wednesday

You know when you get the feeling that there's something that you've forgotten but you just can't quite remember what it was....... I've been feeling like that all day.

- Got up early - check
- Went to an appointment - check
- Dropped in to my old workplace for morning tea and a visit - check
- Went to the factory outlet to buy some Baby Volleys for my nephew - check

Still couldn't remember what it was......

Arrive home and checked a few blogs....and BINGO!
I read Kirsty's post and realised that it was 'What I'm wearing Wednesday' that I'd forgotten.

Never fear, I made it on time.

New dress from Kmart (where all the fashionistas shop), pinstripe pants from one of the oppys at Bacchus Marsh, nice flat comfy shoes from Diana Ferrari factory outlet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The luckiest girl in the world

I've been chuckling away all morning reading all the comments from my Getting Old post yesterday.....
It's so nice to know that I'm in good company (hehe).....

Anyway, I'm feeling like the luckiest girl in the world today, and here's why:

1. I slept in until 10.00 AM

2. My kitchen smells beautiful today because my sister bought me these beautiful flowers yesterday and a really sweet card as a thankyou for helping out with the new babies and the older boys.....

3. This beautiful pressie arrived in yesterday mail from Fi over at Dear Fii.....

It's a floral wrist's gorgeous and very comfy to wear. This will be fab when I'm flitting between the cutting bench, the ironing board, and the sewing machine (all I need now is something to stop me from stabbing myself all the time while I'm pinning things)!

4. I won a retrospective been away giveaway over on Jodie's Ric-Rac blog so one of these sweet little birdies is coming to live at my house! Even though I didn't officially enter, and there was no official giveaway going on, I still won! How lucky can I be?

Saturday, July 5, 2008


All of my swap parcels have now been received so I can post some photos......

Here are the pincushions that I made for Fi and Michelle.... they ended up being a little larger than I originally intended......

This is the apron that I made for Hollie as a thankyou for the gorgeous beret that she knitted for me and the Hokey Resin Hairclips.

I also made a little matching potholder.....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Channelling or Coincidence?

Do you ever have one of those days where a really strange coincidence happens and it's just unexplainable........???

I decided to go through the stash lastnight to pick out some fabric for The Great Pants Challenge. I emailed Sherrin to get a couple of tips on fabric selection because I truly had no idea what I was doing......(thanks for those great tips and photos Sherrin).

I decided on corduroy because I knew that I had some in the stash from a recent shopping expedition..... and because Sherrin showed me how to match up the grain!

I recently joined up for a little pincushion swap with Fi and Michelle.... and in todays mail is this beautiful little pincushion from Michelle. It has my favourite colours, favourite print (floral of course), and corduroy (one of my fave fabrics)! The photo doesn't show it but on the front, the grain of the corduroy is perfectly horizontal, but on the back it's perfectly vertical...fab detail!
Thanks so much Michelle...I love it!

....and now for the freaky bit....this is the corduroy fabric that I pulled out the stash lastnight and left on my kitchen bench for today......

......only to discover that it's only big enough to make half a pair of pants (drats)!