Showing posts with label my place. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my place. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Studio Makeover Time

Now that I have lovely new lungs and don't need to use the nebuliser three times a day, I thought it was high time that I finally moved the computer (and everything else that goes with it) into the studio space.

I've had a real lack of motivation lately when it comes to design, and I'm sure it was just because I didn't want to go and sit in the spare room where the computer lived.

I made a start lastnight... I made sure to take photos of all of the connections before I unplugged anything, just in case I couldn't work out how to put it all back together!

I continued on today, moving all of the storage out of the studio and into the spare room (that was previously the study).

I put my old computer desk on the naturestrip with a sign. I hope it finds a lovely new home.

After more than three hours and a full wheelie bin of junk, this is what I ended up with. It all looks a bit white and bare, but for me, this is the kind of space that I need to be able to work.

I just need to find a space in the garage to store all of those empty boxes that are sitting on top of the cupboards and then I'll be happy.

Hey, now that the computer is in the studio, I might even start blogging more often again!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Colour makes the world go round...

This was the little sneaky instagram peek of my new curtains that I blogged on Sunday...

A long long time ago now, I blogged about this beautiful Tahiti Fabric (the selvedge says 100% cotton - Tahiti Print) and it's been sitting in the stash ever since.

Sorry for the photo quality (was trying to keep house dark and cool)

There was metres and metres of it.... enough to make brand new curtains for my very tall living room windows.

I'm absolutely amazed at how taking down the boring brown curtains and replacing them with these has made such a difference.

I'm not amazed, that once again, I've taken multiple pairs of shoes off as I've sat on the couch and left them to pile up, and therefore end up in my photos.... some things never change.

Now if I could just work out a way to magically extend the side walls so that I centre the television....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Snippets... plus a bit of Saturday too

A sneaky peek of something I'll reveal later this week....

More brooch kits in a grey/black colour scheme

The bunks are gone and new beds have been delivered for the spare room...

I took a little Sunday drive and sat in the sunshine...

...and I've been admiring my zero maintenance Yukka's. These pots were plunked in the garden when I moved house and have seriously never been touched since. Now that's my kind of gardening!

More Sunday Snippets...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Starting Afresh

Gosh the last month has just flown by....

It's been so busy between working, appointments, keeping up with the day to day, making sure Mr Limpy Houdini dog is fed, the hotties, and the testing.

Don't get me wrong. I love being busy. I thrive on being busy. But, sometimes it's nice to stop and smell the roses. Even if it's only for a day.

So today is the day. I'm getting a haircut (haven't had one for months), and then I might even come home and sew.  I haven't switched my sewing machine on since the 30th of June. That's eleven whole days. Holy Guacamole UNBELIEVABLE around these parts..... oh and of course, there's that article that's due on Friday which I haven't even begun to write............ but first, I sew.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tiny Treasures

 After playing with vintage cotton reels last weekend, I've finally managed to put some tiny treasures back on the wall.

My printers tray has been hanging around completely empty for sooooo long. It looks so much prettier with a bit of colour and a bit of bling!

But still plenty of room left for more....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Craft Space

The Room Divider Curtain aka Kids Art Gallery

I'd promised photos of the craft space yesterday, but the day ended up going completely haywire after a 6AM start in order to get to a couple of hospital appointments in the city.

There was very nearly hair tearing out and tears of frustration due to hospital holiday staffing schedules, admin and nursing staff who were unfamiliar with regular patients and routines, and arguments with doctors over PBS criteria that I don't seem to fit...... square peg, round hole - yep that's me.  Then I wonder why I'm going grey and my hair is falling out - sheesh!

Some days I get really sick of fighting for what I need. It's a constant never-ending battle, but I refuse to give up and I refuse to take NO for an answer.

Once the disaster was all over, the only reasonable cure was to head to my favourite cafe for a giant bucket of coffee, and a sugar hit (passionfruit tart), and a whinge and whine to my sister to make me feel better.

Then I came home and sat in my lovely craft space...... and realised that it was far too hot to sit next to the iron and sew, so I did a little fabric cutting instead. For some reason, I always find cutting up little bits and pieces for my projects quite soothing and meditative.

Even though it's still a little messy (and a little white and bland), everything I need is right where I need it.....
 ...... and I can hide all of the really messy stuff behind closed doors. Perfect!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, my little New Years Eve celebration ended up being even quieter than I'd originally planned.

There was no energy to bother with a party frock and a photo session, and it was a bit of a struggle to even find a pizza shop that was open - apparently all the pizza makers in my suburb are still on summer holidays.

I ended up having a lovely evening snuggled up on the couch with Elbow (it seems that Houdini dog gained a new name while he was being dogsat by my nephews this week). Oh, and I even received a phone call while I was in hospital from someone who found Houdini Dog after yet another great escape!

He spent the entire afternoon and evening sound asleep. He's not used to all of the action of living with all those little whippersnappers, plus an overly excited spoodle.

I managed to catch up on all of my favourite shows that were magically IQ'd while I was away - Bethenny's Getting Married, Flipping Out, Millionaire Matchmaker..... and the list goes on.

I'm taking instructions from my not so fabulously big list and just as Tinniegirl reminded me lastnight - I need to: Remember that ME time on the couch watching trashy tv is good for my soul

So inspired by that motto, today's plan is to chill on the couch in the peace and quiet - just me and Elbow. My own space, my own place, no distractions, no interruptions, no prodding, no poking, no-one annoying me, no-one talking loudly and incessantly, no-one telling me what to do, no complete strangers over-sharing their life stories with me and asking me personal questions that I'm not interested or comfortable in answering ..... it's just soooooooo good to be home.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Years Eve Celebration

Tonight I'm going to put on my best party frock and have a complete do-over for the New Year.

It's still December 31st 2010 at my place, and the last week was just some crazy dream.

It's time to buy some junky takeaway food, some ice cream, and some chocolate and see whether I can actually make it to midnight awake!

I might even go all out and watch a DVD....

It's a 24/7 party house here - don't let the craftin' fool you.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Creative Space - sort of...

It's taken a few weeks, but my new dining room is finally taking shape today.

The underlay has gone down....

....and the boards have been laid. Now there's just the trim, and I can move the furniture in!

Maybe I should organise a cuppa and a biccie for the guys after that, so they can then get busy with my craft space (which is far more exciting than the dining room).

The home of My Creative Space

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A pressie just for me...

A friend and his daughter came over to visit yesterday to help install my ceiling fans before summer really hits!

So while he was banging and crashing around up in the ceiling, we decided to have a little impromptu sewing session.

To begin with, we worked together to make a little pencilcase for her (which I didn't think to photograph).... and then I left her to it, and she went through my scraps container, and whipped up a little zippered purse just for me.

She made it all by herself. How cute!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Production Line

I'm trying to whip up a few more handbags this week (amongst other crafty things).

I've realised that when the builder returns next week to install the flooring in my new dining room, he's also going to be ripping up the carpet in my craft space, installing new wooden floors, and installing new wall mounted cabinets for me.

All this is good news..... except for the fact that I have to pack up and move everything out of my craft space, and then bring it all back and pack it all away again. I can't really envisage that there'll be any time at all for pre-market sewing next week, amongst every other activity that goes on in my life.

I'm just really looking forward to it all being finished!

Handbag on the left created using two lovely linen placemats that I received (quite a while ago) from Linda at Two Pink Possums.

Handbag on the right created using the same linen tablecloth from Monday..... and there's still more of it that I can use.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This was my little outdoor nook before work began on Thursday (and yes, I do have a lovely view of the neighbours laundry door and clothesline... thanks for asking).

In progress - tea break

All installed - I had the builders move my old curtain pole (which is far too short) and curtains (which are also too short) for the moment, until I organise another solution

I've ordered my new wooden floating floor, so as soon as it's installed, I'll be able to move the furniture in and decorate.

The glass sliding door on the right of this photo leads into my craft space. You can probably see the ironing board through the window.

I might need to start organising a dining room warming very soon!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Creative Space - Bringing the Outdoors In.... quite literally

I'm not creating anything crafty today. I'm sitting on the couch waiting for the builders to arrive.

I have this little outdoor nook just outside the kitchen door. It's under the roofline as it's in between a spare bedroom and the craft spacce.

This area is a complete waste of space to me - I just don't use it. I think I've sat out there twice in the entire time that I've lived here.

So today, the builders are installing a new glass wall / door contraption, which will make this part of the house. It's going to become my dining room, which will free up some space in the open plan living area, and hopefully make it feel more roomy.

So I guess I'm on coffee duty all day!

The home of My Creative Space

Friday, October 29, 2010

Animation Friday - The New Do

animated gif maker

It's been such a long time.... and there was sooooo much grey, but I finally had my hair cut this week.

I wanted to take a before photo on the morning of my haircut, but the hairdresser sent me a text message to come early because she'd  had a cancellation.

The before shot was taken three months ago, so my hair was quite a lot longer before the big chop.

I'm quite glad that I ended up getting a photo of it nicely styled and straightened, as shake and go is more my type of style!

The home of Animation Friday

Saturday, October 16, 2010

In my garage

This may not seem very exciting just yet, but it's all part of my grand plan....

It's taken a little while to sort out, but I'm finally beginning my mini renovation project. I think you have to actually live in a house for a while before you can decide on any major changes that need to be made.

In this big package are the new overhead cupboards for my craft space. They're just flatpack kitchen cupboards (much more cost effective than custom cabinetry). A friend is coming over this week to help me to put them together.

At last I can see a little progress.....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Creative Space

I think Kirsty's still on holidays this week, but I'm still playing my creative space anyway..... mainly because I wanted to show off the fact that I actually cleaned my workbench!

I spotted the plastic container idea over at Kimono Reincarnate last week. Melanie has all of hers nicely labelled, but I haven't managed to get that far just yet.

The great thing is that they're see through (so you can actually see whats in them), and they stack nicely, and I only paid around $15 for 50 containers and lids from Lombards.

Now, lets see if I can keep it this way..... wishful thinking?

Monday, July 5, 2010

While CurlyPops Was Away....

Those little mice did play!

My sister came over to make sure my house was nice and clean before I came home.... and bought those rascally little twin nephews of mine with her.

This is how they helped to clean up.

By having wheelie stool races, and jumping and dancing on my freshly made bed trampoline.

It sure is nice to be home....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Why does my cat get to have all the fun?

PS - Have you heard about the Stitched Postcard Swap? Sign ups close tomorrow, so get your skates on and sign up!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Curse of the Black Thumb

I've lamented before about my curse...

Some days I'd be quite happy to just order a truck full of concrete...

But this week my little brother came to the rescue instead....

.. and peace and tranquility has been restored to the neighbourhood.