Showing posts with label shrubs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shrubs. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2019

A Walk through Cheekwood - Happy Easter!

Come take a walk with me as I take in the flowers blooming in the Robert Ellis Color Garden at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. This gorgeous garden was adorned with red and yellow Tulips in every size and variety that the landscapers could possibly imagine.

Visitors may have surrounded me as I meandered along the garden path, but it was as though I were totally alone in the universe, as I took in every vibrant red and stunning yellow Tulip popped open with sunshine diving deep into its inner beauty.

The deep reds and yellows were laden with black centers and large stamens. The varieties of Tulips was astounding with single and double and even peony shaped Tulips all around.

Oh, Cheekwood how you out did yourself on this glorious Bloom Fest celebration.

Every Spring I attempt to capture the beauty of the Crepe Myrtles as they stand sentinel keeping a watchful eye over the stunning blooms around them.

Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Jonquils, Petunias. Thank you Cheekwood for a glorious Bloom Fest. I take my hat off to you!!

I wish each and every one of you a very peaceful and Happy Easter. May your day be filled with sunshine and bright blue skies. And may all the wonders of Easter surround you. Whether it be chocolate bunnies and dyed eggs or a sit down feast of scrumptious baked ham with all the trimmings, I wish everyone peace and joy on this glorious day of Resurrection. ENJOY!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Thatched Cabin, Howe Garden

It is late Summer at Cheekwood and there is ample evidence that Fall is slowing creeping in. Inside the botanical gardens there are a variety of different types of gardens. After several visits one quickly becomes fond of particular gardens. I am not surprised that I am becoming quite fond of the Herb Garden and the Wildflower Garden. Both are filled with plants and flowers and fluttering butterflies and busy bees all around.

At the entrance to the Wildflower Garden, officially the Howe Garden which was just renovated in 2012, sits a quaint thatched cabin. On the opposite side of the cabin there is a small woodland like setting with wildflowers growing around the trees. Meander along the garden path and you come to a beautiful arbor. Walking through the arbor, you nudge yourself to turn and look back at the setting. This is the scene that awaits you with the thatched cabin quaintly setting in the background and the plants surrounding the cabin. I hope this sets the stage for a relaxing Labor Day everyone. ENJOY!