Last Fall in early October I spent some time at Bernheim photographing the most gorgeous Monarch Butterfly I'll probably ever get to take images of. He was deep deep orange with his black and white contrasts.
This gorgeous Monarch Butterfly flew from one bloom to the next sucking the nectar out of each bloom. He moved slowly and that gave me the perfect opportunity to snap some really beautiful images.
I'm headed outdoors for the evening to sit out on the patio, or something, because it's gorgeous, cool and no humidity. Have a great night all. ENJOY!
This gorgeous Monarch Butterfly flew from one bloom to the next sucking the nectar out of each bloom. He moved slowly and that gave me the perfect opportunity to snap some really beautiful images.
I'm headed outdoors for the evening to sit out on the patio, or something, because it's gorgeous, cool and no humidity. Have a great night all. ENJOY!