Showing posts with label Monarch Butterfly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monarch Butterfly. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Majestic Monarch Butterfly

Last Fall in early October I spent some time at Bernheim photographing the most gorgeous Monarch Butterfly I'll probably ever get to take images of. He was deep deep orange with his black and white contrasts.

This gorgeous Monarch Butterfly flew from one bloom to the next sucking the nectar out of each bloom. He moved slowly and that gave me the perfect opportunity to snap some really beautiful images.

I'm headed outdoors for the evening to sit out on the patio, or something, because it's gorgeous, cool and no humidity. Have a great night all. ENJOY!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monarch Monday

Beauty is in the details. In this case, the Monarch's details.
As seen from one angle . . .
To another angle . . .
To yet another angle . . .
The details of the Monarch butterfly is ever present. I believe the Monarch is one of the most beautiful, and if you will indulge me, 'regal looking' butterflies. Its very pattern mimmicks a sophistication. Those white spots, those shades of orange and those lines of black. Gorgeous. I captured these very very late yesterday afternoon on a very brief trek to Bernheim. Hope you are having a fantastic Monday. It was a beautiful Fall day here today. ENJOY!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monarch Migration!

Every year in late August, the Monarch Butterfly begins its migration south to overwinter. They migrate in the western United States from Canada and the northern Rockies to Monterey where they overwinter. In the Eastern United States, they migrate from Canada and the northern United States flying south down into Texas and then on into Mexico to overwinter there. Their Mexican winter home was a secret known only to locals until 1975 when a scientist discovered them.

In late September of 2003, on my way home from a trip to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan, I drove home via Wisconsin and Illinois. Stopping southwest of Chicago at Goose Lake Prairie to visit the tallgrass prairie there, I just happened upon migrating Monarchs. Wow was that a sight to behold! There were hundreds and hundreds of them everywhere. Not only was it my first visit to a tallgrass prairie, but I had never seen a migration of anything other than perhaps Canadian Geese before in my life. I doubt I'll ever experience anything like it again.

I had not seen a Monarch Butterfly all spring or summer this year until Saturday at Bernheim when I stopped to take in some beautiful purple wildflowers blooming next to the wildflower meadow. There were two Monarch Butterflies there amongst the wildflowers. One flew away toward the south and the other stuck around for me to get a few images. I had been wanting to photograph a Monarch all summer yet hadn't seen not a single one. I was happy this one decided to grace me with his appearance long enough to take a few photographs. ENJOY!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Prelude!

One of my favorite places to visit this season at Bernheim has been the wildflower meadow situated just inside the main gate. This afternoon, after a long hike, I stopped at the meadow to take a few photos of the goldenrod before heading back home. But what stole the show today was the old wooden bird box sitting in the meadow that I had photographed back in the summer. Only today it was awash in yellows and purples and whites from all of the beautiful flowers growing around it.

Oh, how I love Fall and can't hardly wait for the leaves to start to turn their reds and oranges and yellows. And least I forget tomorrow will be three months til Christmas. Oh my gosh. ENJOY!