At this time last year, there were several inches of fresh snow covering the ground at Bernheim. One of the many places I visited during that Winter was the Arboretum. I have spent many seasons at Bernheim. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. I have walked the snow covered paths, felt the bitter cold seeping through my jacket and knew my toes would be frost bit soon if I did not soon retreat to the warmth of my car.
I have spent a considerable amount of time photographing here capturing countless images of the birds, the animals, the insects, the plants, the lakes, the flowers, the trees, the blooms. There is nothing so beautiful in Spring as the Arboretum. First comes the crocuses, and then the Daffodils break free from their Winter's ground. Later the Japanese Magnolias burst forth in bloom with varying colors of blush pink to bright yellow. Shortly thereafter, the Crab Apples sprout their tiny blossoms. Colors of bright pink and soft white cover the tree branches and hang low to the ground draped like a carpet surrounding the base of each tree.

As the days grow warmer and the sun shines longer in the sky, the Goslings begin to crack free of their shells. Slowly, they wobble their way among the reeds and grasses along Lake Nevin waddling in single file behind Mom and Dad, pecking about the ground for food. The Robins sing a new song heralding in Spring while the Butterflies begin to emerge from their cocoons and flitter away in the breeze.
Yet before these wondrous, beautiful scenes take place, there lies a carpet of white blanketing the landscape covering the bushes, the trees, the prairie. Tree branches lay bare whilst waiting for their buds to burst forth harkening Spring. Layer upon layer of buds cling to their twigs and branches as Winter's harsh winds blow through.
Winter, in all its wonder, is still and quiet now, while Spring patiently waits its turn. ENJOY!
NOTE: It has been a busy yet stressful week as I attempt to pick up my roots and slowly prepare to relocate my life. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts from my last post and for allowing me to share. Your words and comments give me strength.
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Weekend Reflections