Showing posts with label Mustatatuck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mustatatuck. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Best of 2012

The year is quickly coming to a close. With a mere several weeks remaining in 2012 and, what with two major holidays at our back doors, I thought it fitting to take a quick look back at 2012 in photos. So many gorgeous flower images came to the forefront as I attempted to create a collage that I felt compelled to feature just flowers in the first Best Of collage and leave the nature and landscapes for another collage later. Featuring images taken from The Great Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee to Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky, to Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest in Clermont, Kentucky, to Mustatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in Seymour, Indiana, I give you The Best of 2012. ENJOY!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ode to March!

Things my Mother used to say, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." And "April showers bring May flowers." Every year she would say these things. They stuck in my mind. I doubt I shall ever forget them. A part of her, a part of me. The weekend is upon us. Have a wonderful one. ENJOY!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks . . .

As if you haven't noticed by now, I get bored with header images often. I have no image to post today just a thought about my new header image I felt compelled to share. I felt a collage of images was in order. So I sat down at my computer and I thumbed through the "thumbnails" and I picked the images I wanted to show in the collage. I wanted some red, some yellow, obviously blues and greens, and I wanted to show summer and fall and winter and spring.

When I was finished choosing images, I pressed the button and wa la, a new header image, accompanied by this ornate font I've been into lately. And then it happened, I got to looking at the images and noticed that all but one image was taken from my 35mm camera and not my digital. I surmise my eye can still see the beauty and quality of the 35mm film that I used to call every photograph I took. And then something else happened. I got to looking more closely at all of the images, and wa la, there are seven different states represented in my collage.

Manchester Farms in Lexington, Kentucky right, next door to Keeneland Race Course
The Barn at Myer's Cabin, Mustatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, Seymour, Indiana
Miner's Castle, along Lake Superior's National Seashore, Upper Peninsula, Michigan
Sunset, Morton's Overlook, and a beautiful Fall tree along the forest drive, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
Looking out toward Eggmoggin Reach and a look back at the village of Stonington, Deer Isle, Maine
The Beach, Chatham, Massachusetts
A very frozen Cedar Falls, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

And then I got to thinking, hmmm!!! I've been busy traveling the Midwest, the Mid Atlantic and the Northeast these past ten years. How lucky am I? So I give Thanks to God for all of these fabulous opportunities. ENJOY!