Showing posts with label Farming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farming. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sunflowers, Batey Farms

After spending the afternoon leading a great group of folks on our first outing together at Murfree Spring Wetlands, I stopped to grab a bite to eat at Parthenon Grille in Murfreesboro. I chose to sit at a table next to the bar. I struck up a conversation with a young couple sitting at the bar about the outdoors. They mentioned their 14 foot Sunflowers they had planted this year. After showing me a photo of just what they were describing, I realized these had to be the tallest Sunflowers I had ever seen in my life. I asked them if they knew of any Sunflower fields close by.

These beautiful images are just a few close ups of the Sunflowers I captured upon following the couple's directions to what has to be the most gorgeous Sunflower field I have ever laid eyes on. Seriously, words could not describe it. Batey Farms decided to plant what has to be at least 50 acres of Sunflowers. It was surreal to pull up and see this enormous field of Sunflowers that seemingly went on forever right before me.

I wasn't sure who to thank more, the couple at the bar, or the Batey Family for planting such a gorgeous plot of Sunflowers. As a side note, I saw more tripods floating around in that field of Sunflowers than I think I will ever see again in my lifetime, and who could blame them. I want to go back to capture some images when the light isn't quite so harsh but it will have to be quick or the Sunflowers will be gone. Thankfully, the temperatures weren't in the mid 90's as they have been for weeks. So it made for a pretty good day to be outdoors in the sun. ENJOY!