Day 3 and I decided it was high time to switch gears. I know modern day horse barns will not satisfy the vintage barn lovers that follow here. Believe it or not, we are still in the Bluegrass Region in central Kentucky with this post where thoroughbreds and horse farms reign supreme.
Kentucky's heritage is famed for many things. The most famous of those are horses, bourbon and tobacco. Half way between Midway and Lexington sits this barn close enough to the road to get a fairly decent photograph. It's Fall and lucky me the tobacco and been put up and the windows were open to allow the air to help cure it. Every trip I made to this region, I would drive down this particular road where this barn sits, specifically to check in to see if anything was going on with it. Some barns just do that to you. They draw you in. This one did that to me.
On this visit I was happy to find the tobacco hanging in the barn and stopped to take several photos. It's nice to know this old barn still had some use. Tobacco is less and less of a money crop on farms throughout Kentucky today as smoking becomes less and less popular. But there's something about seeing tobacco hanging in an old barn that makes me happy. It takes me back to my youth when smoking was the trend.
All around this beautiful old barn stands horse barns and fields where thoroughbreds graze. I'm never quite sure why to this day tobacco is still put up here. I have photographed many, many barns over the years in my travels. Yet, I never really elaborated on the why and where of it with most of the images. I just felt compelled to do so now. Until tomorrow. ENJOY!