Several times a year I visit the beautiful little town of La Grange, Kentucky to spend a few hours shopping in the little shops along Main Street. Before I drive into town after pulling off the highway, however, I drive the opposite direction from town for about half a mile to Cherry House. Cherry House is a furniture store that at one point moved to Louisville, stayed a few years, then moved their store back to their original location, where it is now. And I'm very glad they did. Cherry House always puts on a spectacular show of Christmas decor every season at their store. People come from miles around to visit the store just to see the decor. I stop there first, as is my personal tradition at Christmastime, and then drive over to La Grange.
La Grange's Main Street is a two lane road and on each side sit shops where you can park by pulling in on one side or parallel parking on the other side. And right smack dab in the middle of the street sits the railroad track. During my visit yesterday, the train came through. It's an experience you must feel personally to understand. The train is about 25 yards from you as you stand inside the stores. It roars through and just as I turned to see it, there was the large engine light starring back at me. It's pretty cool. Oh, and least I forget, as part of my tradition, I always stop at the Red Pepper Deli every visit I make to La Grange. The Red Pepper's homemade sandwiches are over the top delicious.
Do you have personal traditions you keep every year, be it the holiday, or another time of year. You should. I've found these traditions of mine are comforting over the years. Like visiting an old friend. Oh, and one more thing, Santa sits his sleigh out front at the Cherry House every year to fill it up with gifts. I thought you might like to see it. ENJOY!