Showing posts with label Pelicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelicans. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

The American White Pelicans are such gorgeous, graceful looking birds. They are spending the Winter months on Old Hickory Lake again this year.

I thought I would begin the New Year with some images of these beautiful birds. There are about 100 or more Pelicans living right off one of the rookeries that sits in the middle of the lake. At any time of the day you will find groups of Pelicans swimming and feeding around the tiny inlets and coves that make up Old Hickory Lake.

It's interesting to watch them as they feed because they synchronize their diving maneuvers. And as one goes down for a catch, the others follow suit.

This particular image is my favorite shot. I would have loved it if the water wasn't rippled, but it's a huge lake right off the Cumberland River and the chances of that ever happening are slim to none.

I have been battling bronchitis for nearly a week, but am starting to get well. I sleep at odd hours as the coughing keeps me up most of the night. I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year's Eve. I watched the ball drop in New York's Times Square from my living room and then watched the Music Note in Nashville drop from my bedroom. I wish all of you the best wishes for the upcoming year and hope this one proves to be your best. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Pelican Brief

I know what you're thinking. I used a play on words. Well, you would be right. You see I spent a brief time today photographing the beautiful American White Pelicans that finally made their way back to Old Hickory Lake along the peninsula where I live. There are two peninsulas in Hendersonville where the lake runs up both sides of those peninsulas for several miles.

In this first image, the late day sun was shining right on the Pelicans as they floated along the lake. This is one of the best images I have ever gotten of the American White Pelicans. I wished there had been a little more light but I like the way the sun is shining on the birds.

It's not easy photographing these birds on Old Hickory Lake as most of the background is going to be the back yards and docks from the houses directly across the lake. This image seemed somewhat noise free for the most part. Basically, there were Pelicans up and down the entire lake along this peninsula everywhere. I suppose you could say they have made themselves at home here on the lake.

Leaving the Pelicans, I ran errands, and afterwards before going home, I stopped for a few more minutes to snap photos of the birds. The sun was shining a tad more too. The wind had picked up making the water choppy, but I captured a couple more photos in spite of it.

We started out in Tennessee this week with sub zero temperatures. It was minus 1 degree last Sunday night. Monday brought an ice storm and later in the day snow. We averaged around 2-3 inches total with about an eighth of an inch of ice under it. It made for hazardous driving and tons of school closings. Fast forward one week to today. It is 65 degrees and balmy. The flu is ravaging every state across the U.S. and Canada too. This H1N2 strain is the worst one and apparently that's what most people are getting. I hope wherever you are you are warm and healthy and the sun is shining brightly. I'll be back with a few Duck images in a few days. Have a great week. ENJOY!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

American White Pelicans, Old Hickory Lake

Imagine my surprise today to find American White Pelicans roosting on an old dead tree on Old Hickory Lake. I was about to turn into my complex when I looked off to the left and saw a whole lot of white in the middle of the lake. I knew it wasn't Great White Egrets as it was just too much white. I pulled into the tiny parking lot on the left next to the lake and got out to investigate.

I had read on the Birding News website which you can find at this link, Birding ABA, that the Pelicans were migrating South and had been seen at various wildlife refuges East and West of Nashville, albeit several hundred miles away. Apparently, these guys decided to make a stop over on the lake and roost for the evening. One by one they eventually congregated together, as a few of them were still swimming towards the group as I spotted them. My guess is they had just landed within the last half hour. What a treat. ENJOY!