Showing posts with label Maple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maple. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Beautiful Cade's Cove

It has been many years since I had stopped at Cable Mill in the farthest corner of Cade's Cove, but I decided on this trip to pay a visit.

Along the road to Cable Mill, I happened upon several Deer grazing in the fields. Tourists were everywhere photographing them. Several of the Bucks attempted to play fight, but I didn't capture it.

I love to watch the Deer grazing. It's even more fun to try and get good images of them. It looks like these guys are keeping a close eye on all of us photographers too.

John Cable Gristmill was built back in the late 1800's and, along with five or six other structures, moved to the far end of Cade's Cove where the national park also built a Visitors Center in a log cabin style. The gristmill is barely visible in this image, but it's there.

It had been at least fifteen years since I had stopped at Cable Mill. There was one yellow Maple tree in its Fall regalia. I wished I could have brought it home with me. It was beautiful. Sorry for the construction work in this photo, but I still wanted to share it.

The sun was shining making the leaves on this Persimmon tree really pop. While I was capturing this image, people kept getting into my shots. I just kept shooting around them. I did something different this trip. I kept a mental note of all the license plates from different states that I saw during the time in the park. When I left I was up to 21 different states. All of the Southeast and mid Atlantic states were covered and a few Northeast and Midwest states were represented. The farthest state from the park I happened upon was from Oregon. Gads what a drive. ENJOY!

Linking to Foodie Friday & Everything Else

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Red Maple Watercolor

I captured this image of beautiful red Maple leaves several years ago in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. As I was strolling through my images from Fall's past, I noticed it and wondered just what it would look like with a little watercolor effect. I think it's even more beautiful. I can hardly wait for the reds and yellows and oranges of Fall here in the South. The weekend is approaching. We've had no rain for nearly two weeks. We will finally be getting some from a tropical depression which will be making landfall as Hurricane Nate this weekend. Everyone stay safe and dry. I also wanted to mention just how sad and disparaging all the news of the Las Vegas shooting has been this week. I can't even imagine the lives that have been torn apart by this senseless act of a mad man. Dear God can't they do something about gun control. GOD BLESS!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Red Maple, GSMNP

As I approached the Oconaluftee Visitor Center in Cherokee, North Carolina, on the eastern most side of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, this gorgeous red Maple Tree greeted me with stunning red leaves.

As I stopped at the visitor center, I noticed I wasn't the only one capturing images of this beautiful red Maple. Others were stopping to photograph it as well. So beautiful. ENJOY!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bernheim's Autumn

Images I have captured thus far of Fall's colorful display.

Beautiful Bernheim in the arboretum area.

Red maple leaves.

More beautiful red leaves. Anyone have an identification on this one, leave me a note.

Fall is the perfect time to take a drive along Bernheim's forest road. Around every bend in the road comes a new surprise. Yellow, orange, red. It's gorgeous. ENJOY!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fall's Last Color

Fall is past, but I can't seem to let it go. It's colors so beautiful. Reds, oranges, yellows.
I have many images I haven't posted of this beautiful Fall. You just might see a few more before I move into Holiday images. Many of you are getting your first snow of the season this weekend or this week. There is snow predicted for tomorrow evening. I'm OK with that, but before I find myself covered in a blanket of white, here's a little color for your Sunday evening. ENJOY!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Farmhouse, Blackacre Nature Preserve

As it turned out, I had an hour to kill one afternoon recently, and found myself in the vicinity of Blackacre Nature Preserve. I decided a visit was in order so I stopped in at Blackacre to take a brief walk to Jackson's Pond. Before my walk, I took a few images of the beautiful old farmhouse which stands as the centerpiece for the preserve and everything that surrounds it.
I've always loved this old farmhouse. Part of its charm, I believe, has everything to do with the reminder of days gone by.
The preserve is still called 'home' to cows, horses and a large family of goats. The old barn that sits behind the farmhouse is filled with old rusted farm implements. But the most endearing part of the preserve to me is the old farmhouse itself. And yesterday it was beautiful as it stood blanketed in yellow and red, as Fall paid its annual visit.
Normally, I spend this weekend each year on my Fall pilgrimage to the Smokies. This year I decided to stay home and photograph Fall in and around Kentucky and Indiana. And Blackacre being so conveniently located to my home is a perfect place to visit. It's utterly peaceful and so tranquil that you find yourself asking why you don't visit more often. ENJOY!