Showing posts with label Grass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grass. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring Perhaps

In May of 2011, I spent an afternoon at Bernheim taking in all that Spring had to offer.
This beautiful scene with the Canadian Goslings lazing about on the fresh green lawn next to Lake Nevin was just one of many beautiful scenes that I witnessed on that day. I long for those warm Spring days with bright green lawns and bushes and freshly grown leaves. If I could will it to be, I would have already done so. I know there are those who are still covered in Winter's snow, but here in the Bluegrass State I cannot wait for Spring to begin to burst forth. I have been absent this week only because I had to travel out of town for several days to a meeting. This was a rare time when I didn't even take my camera equipment. I felt lost without it, but didn't actually need it. I would be out of doors now, but the cloud cover is fairly solid with only an occasional stream of sunshine making it through. Tomorrow perhaps. Hope you are enjoying your weekend albeit warm and dry or cold and knee deep in Winter's cover. ENJOY!