Showing posts with label Terrace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrace. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Burr Terrace Garden, Cheekwood

On a warm Summer's day last year, I sat about capturing various images of Cheekwood Botanical Garden's beautiful Burr Terrace Garden.

Let's take a stroll through this gorgeous garden and take in its stone and brick highlights. Did you know this garden was built to be reminiscent of one of the oldest surviving botanical gardens in the world which stood in Padua, Italy.

One of my favorite gardens in Cheekwood, this space houses an enclosed cottage garden on three levels. I love the softness of the perennial plants, bushes and shrubs found throughout. The old limestone surely adds an old world feel.

Every visit to Cheekwood I find myself drawn to the beautiful landscaped gardens. One of the features I photographed while on this visit was the arbor with its vines hanging down over the sides and the beautiful stone columns. What is it about stone that makes everything seem more rustic and inviting.

In this last image, I captured a tad bit of color in the Burr Terrace Garden. The entire garden is vast with walkways throughout and an occasional bench to sit a spell. A visit to Cheekwood this Summer is surely on my list of things to do. So peaceful.

I hope you enjoyed our brief visit to Burr Terrace Garden to view its greenery in the warmer months. My favorite time to visit Cheekwood is early to mid Spring, but I love stopping in throughout the year just to see what is blooming. There's always color of some sort. In Spring, the manicured landscapes burst with Tulips and Daffodils, yet Summertime brings the vast greenery. It's so soothing. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. ENJOY!