This is the last of the backlog of mini albums I have to share with you. You can check out the others here and here and here and here . Ironically this is the first one I made and the last to share. I wasn't happy with it or the other circumstances around it (doesn't life get in the way sometimes? tch!) so it got put at the back of the cupboard and that is where it lived until my tidy up. I still don't love it but that's OK. For the carcass of the album I used a brochure from the hotel we had a posh afternoon tea at. I love the idea of using a brochure as a mini and want to try this again some time. The day was wet and dreary but we set off across the county to a lovely hotel for an afternoon tea. I added paint to some parts of the brochure but left other bits untouched. The hotel was amazing and wanted to add photos of all the details... We went to 'celebrate' the anniversary of me being ill for 12 years. Usually the...