I recently noticed I had hit 1000 subscribers on YouTube. I ignored it for a few days thinking the count would go down again! It didn't so I decided to celebrate. I have pulled together some of my favourite scrappy videomakers and have a small video hop for you to watch. Times are hard right now and I think anything I can do to create a little bit of happiness is well worth doing. That said I have 6 prizes from my favourite places to shop. To be in with a chance of winning one of the prizes pop over to watch the videos and leave some comments. Here's the layout I created. I used something from each of the companies you can win prizes from... Stamps from Skull and Cross Buns , sequins from SpiegelMom Scraps , leaf die cuts from Lollipop Box Club , Pinkfresh Studio alphas from Lottie Loves Paper , patterned papers from StickerKitten and part of the Bed of Roses cut file from Pretty My Page . The StickerKitten papers are all from different collec...