The drive was worth it - the oceanfront was cooler, and the water was refreshing, although choppy and brown and some tar was on the beach (remnants of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that was happening when we lived in Mississippi, or from some other oil rig?). We went into the town for ice cream and tourist shopping (tshirts and hermit crabs, anyone?), went back to the beach for more waterplay, and then got more food for dinner before heading back. The youngest and I went to a birding area while the older girls shopped. It was a restorative day.
But now I have news of a tragedy. My good friend from college has lost her fourteen year old son in a random, freak accident, a mother's worst fear. A Jeep exiting a car wash went out of control and hit him as he was walking on the other side of the street. Tragically, she was driving to meet him and saw the accident. We were all praying for several days while he was on life support that he would survive, but he never recovered brain activity. Their family is shattered. I can't even comprehend the depths of their grief, and yet I sit here imagining it. I have lay awake nights fearing these kinds of accidents, plotting ways to keep my kids safe. And yet there is no way to prevent every accident. No way to predict all the ways life can end. A reminder that all our plans for the future may come to nothing and all that worrying is for naught.
While we were praying for the miracle that my friend's son would live, now we pray for the miracle of healing for their hearts.