After 2 weeks away, my husband comes home. He should walk in around 8pm, so I've been mopping and making cookies and playing domestic, after slacking for 2 weeks. But the bleach was hurting my nostrils, so I took a break to look up Sara Teasdale, who is beloved by the Paul, the narrator of The Anthologist. And look, a perfect poem for today!
"Eight O'Clock"
Supper comes at five o'clock,
At six, the evening star,
My lover comes at eight o'clock—
But eight o'clock is far.
How could I bear my pain all day
Unless I watched to see
The clock-hands laboring to bring
Eight o'clock to me.
Sara Teasdale, “Eight O'Clock” from Flame and Shadow (New York: Macmillan, 1924). Copyright 1924 by Sara Teasdale. Reprinted with the permission of the Office for Resources, Wellesley College.
See the Poetry Friday list Susan Brown's page for more poems.
Watching the clock...
Some Real Foreign Policy Realism
3 days ago