Happy May!
I was talking to my Italian friend last Saturday, and she mentioned it was Italian Labor Day, which reminded me that it was also the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. We had a delicious homemade pasta dinner with homemade bread crafted by our college daughter, who is now home from Germany. She isn't exactly thrilled to be here instead of in California, where she has friends and could find a job where she could walk to work. So we are invoking St. Joseph to find her a good internship here, so she has a sense of purpose and belonging. Dear St. Joseph the Worker, please pray for all our job seekers and help them find meaningful labor.
I am sympathetic to her lot. We are reliant on the car here, which I greatly regret, also. I do wonder if she could get a job at the local country club that is within walking distance. I'm sure they need lifeguards, but that's not the kind of position she is hoping for.
Meanwhile, next weekend our third son will graduate from college, and he, too, has not discovered what he wants to do for a career. He is going to spend the summer at a farm run by Benedictine nuns in the Pacific Northwest - the same ones we honeymooned with twenty-five years ago. They have a farm internship program. He could stay the year, but he is hoping to still get selected for an English language teacher position in Spain. He is calling this his "Walden year" - sort of a graduate gap year. I am both thrilled and terrified with him - I would love to do the same thing, but I also fear he may be less hirable or less in touch with mentors - as I have found myself. I am still trying to decide what to do with myself, and I just reached out to another department chair with my resume - only to find that one of references is retiring in a month. I happy she will have more time to write and explore her interests, but I hope she'll still write me a reference....
We'll celebrate third son next weekend. This past weekend, in addition to celebrating having our oldest daughter home, we also celebrated our youngest daughter's First Communion. It was a beautiful ceremony - the church combines the public and private school kids, so it was a large group, but they were all looking lovely and anticipatory. I was so glad our daughter had a Dominican sister for her teacher this year - a young woman with a gentle but firm demeanor and a prayerful spirit. She has a sweet Canadian accent, too. So I felt the kids had excellent preparation. I was slow to plan a party in hopes that some family might make the trip, but we did gather some neighbors and friends, including some old Navy friends from Guam who now have five little ones.
The party continued for several hours (although no kids got in the pool because it was a sickly pale green - the effect of a pollen/oak flowers clogging the pump while it was off while we were in Indiana for Easter. After four or five filter washings, it finally is clear again, three weeks later. My husband was relentless.) until finally we had to announce an end because it was about time for us to all load up for prom photos.
Our senior's big dance was happening that evening, and his group of friends planned to gather at the base of a famous bridge over the Colorado River (the Texas one) before dinner at a friend's house, to which parents were also invited, and then carpool to the dance, before going to an after party at another friend's house, and then finally our son and some boys returned here to sleep, while the girls stayed at the girl house.
If there is one great thing about this move, it is the wonderful group of friends our son has made. I want to get to know the parents better because I like them and I crave some friendships. For several families, these are their youngest kids heading off to college after parenting several others, and they are planning an empty nest club to get together and visit. I'm not quite there yet, but I'd like to join them anyway for coffee or wine or seltzer or whatever. My Bible Study group is also older moms - several of whom started the study group when their kids were little - and all the talk is of kids graduating and going to college, or graduating college and getting jobs, or getting married. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was a part of the groups talking about potty training and sleeping through the night, but it still feels just as reassuring to have a group of friends to talk about these great milestones - and the small stumbling blocks and successes along the way.
So April has ended with two big celebrations, and May is underway, the days ticking by too quickly. We have the state track meet tomorrow, then Mother's Day and a soccer game, the last week of school for my community college class (just when I was questioning whether I would return to teaching ESL in the fall, my students gave me sweet Teacher Appreciation gifts and thoughtful notes.) and grading for my online class. I'm looking forward to a little done time come the middle of June.
For now, here are some pictures of the First Communicant and the Prom Goer.
Next I want to order some Mother's Day gifts for my own mom and mother-in-law, and hope they won't be too too late.
The celebrant and her cake.
It's been a while since I decorated a cake and we didn't have a great selection of colors any more. This was a joint effort cake

Is this cutie a senior? Pre-internet baby photos.
Dance moves at a wedding.
Senior Prom. Ready to make some dance moves
First Dance Freshman Year
She's wearing the same dress and shoes her sisters wore, and my wedding veil - which her sisters wore also. I'm wearing the same skirt and sweater set and pearls that I've worn for four or five First Communions.
Portrait with her patron, St. Catherine of Siena. I love these mosaics at our parish.
The moment. No chalice this time.
A robins' egg, by dad thought was candy and immediately tried to eat
Willie Nelson and George Strait in concert. My husband got free tix but I let my daughter go to cheer her up. I'm not sure she appreciated the historical momentousness. d
District track meet - qualified on relay teams, but choked in the open 400. Was in third/fourth, but stopped too soon at a line that was for the hundred hurdles, so she ended up 5th.
Meanwhile we got to go the Earth, Wind, and Fire concert for free for the grand opening of the new event space at UT, the Moody Center. Great show!
It's been awhile since we had a date night.
Husband at the opening ceremony with the real Matthew McConaughey
Guess who said yes to coaching?
Soccer player amongst the bluebonnets. The wildflowers here are beautiful.

First dance, freshman year
The pool is open and clear!